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Jere and I were up against the Pink Ladies first. In the beginning, we weren't doing as well but we came back from a score of 15-6 and kicked their asses, and then we played against Shayla and Steven after they beat Turducken.

I started off serving which Shayla nor Steven hit, I served about 4 times before Jere and I didn't make it over on the third hit. When Shayla served Jeremiah went to go dive for the ball and twisted his ankle

"You good?" I say worried as I walk over toward him "I can't feel my ankle, I'm sorry Tate, I don't think I can continue," He said which completely broke my heart. I look up to see Conrad standing by himself worried also "Con, can you sub in for him?" I say hopefully "Yes," he says before making his way over toward us

We help Jeremiah up and they switch shirts "Where do you want me?" He says after he slipped the shirt over his head "Start up," I say smiling "Got it," He says giving me a high five

Shayla served the ball and it went out so that meant it was Conrad's turn to serve, luckily he managed to hit back corner and he did that another 4 times. Steven served and hit the same spot Conrad did but on our side of the court so I moved back to be able to get the ball but it was no luck because he served shorter and I didn't get there in time.

We played a hard game and the score was 23-24, Conrad and I just needed one more point before we won, It was my serve so it was make it or break it. I threw the ball up and jumped and hit it with the palm of my hand and it landed right in the corner winning us the game, I jumped up and down and then ran into Conrad's arms which were already open waiting for me

"We kicked their asses," I say still hugging him "We sure did," He said letting go but his hands were on my shoulders. we made our way off the court because it was Belly's turn to play against the Beach Bums which I already knew she was gonna win

"How's your ankle?" I ask as we make our way over toward Jeremiah "Not any better, mom was gonna go get me ice but I think she forgot," He says laughing

"Hey," I hear a voice behind me say and I turned to be met with Dylan "Uh, I have to go because, umm something came up but I'll see you tonight," He says and then walks away before I can even respond "Oh," I say under my breathe

"You okay?" Conrad asks knowing the look I was giving all too well "Yup," I say putting a smile on my face and turning back around to look at Jeremiah

"I'll go get you ice," I say while smiling and then walking away "I'm coming with you," I hear Conrad say from behind me

"Are you really okay?" He asks now that we are alone "Yup," I say not wanting to talk about it

"Tate, I know you aren't," He said in a 'duh' tone "It's just that he seemed off, he was acting how he acted when he would go hook up with other girls," I say before actually letting it sink in that he probably is seeing other girls

"I thought you guys were only seeing each other?" He says confused "We are," I say while looking down as I pour some ice into a bag "Oh," He says realizing why I was upset

"I'm sorry," He says before pulling me into a hug that was much needed. I rested against his body after I wrapped my arms around his shoulders "He's dumbass," he says trying to make me feel better

"What if I'm just overreacting, and he actually had something to do," I say still not letting go of Conrad "I don't want to put anything in your brain or say the wrong thing but doesn't he usually like either give you a kiss goodbye or a hug?" He says

I don't think I've ever kissed or hugged Dylan around Conrad besides when he was watching earlier but I didn't give it a second thought before I let go of Conrad "yes he does," I say backing up and putting a hand over my stomach

"Tate, listen he doesn't deserve you," He says while grabbing the bag of ice off the cooler "But we really should get back out there," He says before walking away

We make it back over to Jeremiah and Conrad hands him the bag of ice, Belly's game had just ended before we got over here and she won of course so that means it was now Conrad and I's turn to play against Team Swiftie might I say it a great name

It was a quick game for us we beat them 25-13. Conrad and I did become more comfortable with each other so we eventually started hugging after every point we got but it was now time to play against Belly's team because we were the last two finalists.

Belly got first serve and she hit it out of bounds, I served and hit in the 6 spot, Belly spiked the ball over which I bumped and Conrad set me up and I spiked it over and It hit Taylor in the head which made me laugh slightly. It went back in forth for quite some time between who was in the lead and we were getting closer to game point. The score was 23-24 and Conrad was serving so it was his turn to make it or break it.

I gave him a good luck and a smile right before he threw the ball up and he hit, it landed in the same corner he had been making all his serves which won us the game. I run toward him and he picks me up in a hug "We did so good omg," I say while leaning my head on his shoulder "we did, you did amazing, I love-" He stopped himself from finishing that sentence

He let me down and I just started at him before Susannah came over "I'm so proud of you guys," She says while hugging me "You guys did wonderfully," Laurel says while also giving me a hug

"I want a picture of you two," Susannah says while handing me the trophy and pushing Conrad and me together. He puts his arm around my waist as I turn into him and we both hold the trophy with one hand

"You did good," Belly says while coming over to us "So did you guys, omg, I thought we were gonna lose," I say laughing "So did I," Taylor says a bit annoyed as we walk away from the rest of the people

"Hey belly," I hear Nicole say from behind us and we all turn around at the same time "Hey, Nicole. You remember my friend Taylor," Belly says while smiling "Yeah, hi" Nicole says with a smile

"Um, so my dad's boat just came up from Anguilla so what do you think about a pizza and rose in a few hours?" She says as we all stare at her "Just something fun to end the day with. You both are more than welcome to come," She says while looking at Taylor and I

"Will Kayla be there?" Taylor asks "You mean Shayla, and no she has plans." Nicole says "We'll be there," Taylor says before we all walk away

weasleyspie speaks!!

I loved writing the Volleyball scene because I've been playing for almost 5 years now! Also, next chapter is gonna be great.

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