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Conrad's POV

"You're not gonna make it," Jeremiah says as Dylan tries to throw the ping-pong ball into the cup "Oh," Jeremiah says while laughing after Dylan missed and now it was my turn to try, he also missed "Really not even close," Dylan says under his breath while laughing

"Wait, Cam, have you started the waltz lessons yet? Ms. Covington's a real sadist," I ask "Uh, not yet, couple more days," He says while going to throw the ball into the cup "Has Tate asked you yet?" I ask while turning to Dylan

"Asked me what?" He says confused "To be her escort for the ball," I say "The deb ball? She's a deb?" Dylan asked still confused

"Yeah, my mom asked her earlier if it was okay that she signed her up," I say trying to hide a smirk knowing Tate hasn't asked him yet "Oh," Is all he says "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll ask you," Jeremiah says

I see Tate and Belly walk out of the front door and we make brief eye contact before she looks down at her converse. I really wished she hadn't worn that dress, she looks so good in it, and from what I've heard Dylan hasn't even complimented her once. what a jackass

"Hey," Belly says while standing next to Cam "Hi." He replies as Jeremiah gasps "Belly" and goes to hug her "Where have you been?" He asks but she ignores the question and I can tell something happened because Tate does that thing with her finger any time she was feeling upset about something, she pulls at the skin on her knuckle

"Yeah, um, I-I thought you didn't drink?" Belly asks Cam while looking at his cup "Oh, it's water, It's water. Jeremiah's been drinking for me," Cam says "Mm-Hmm. I love this kid so much," Jere says while putting his arm around Cam

"Um, hey, can we leave? Like now?" Belly asks "Yeah, um, yeah. sure, that's cool." Cam says while setting down his water "See you later," Cam says to us before he and Belly walk off the porch

"Oh, oh, Tate you have to be my partner now," Jeremiah says while pulling Tate closer to him "Fine, but I'm not good at this," She says while laughing and taking the cup out of Jeremiah's hand and finishing what was left in the cup

We played a couple more rounds with Jeremiah and Tate destroying Dylan and me. Tate drank every single one of the cups considering Jeremiah was already wasted and Tate was getting there, more people started to leave the party, either drunk out of their minds or high. "I'll be back," Tate says before walking into the house

"Yo, Jere, can you bring Tate home? I was supposed to do it but I have to go somewhere after this party," Dylan says while Jeremiah looked like he was gonna pass out "oh, man I can't I'm going home with a very lovely guy," Jeremiah says while laughing and Dylan mutters a quiet shit under his breath

"I will, I assume I had to take Taylor home so I'll just take them both," I say while drinking from the water cup next to me, not soon after Tate came back out with a very upset and drunk-looking Taylor "Uh, Conrad is gonna give you guys a ride home," Dylan said, "Okay, well can we leave now?" She looks at me and asks

"Um, yeah, let's go." I say setting down my cup and walking closer to them "Can you help me?" She asks while Taylor leans into her side and her eyes half-closed. I grab Taylor's arm and we walk her to the car Tate doesn't say goodbye to anyone

We get to my car and I open up the back door as Tate pushes Taylor into the backseat and then she gets in the passenger side "Is she okay?' I ask getting into the driver's side "Yeah, she and Belly got into a fight," She says while looking out the window

"Are you okay?" I ask already knowing she's not "Yeah, perfect." She says "What happened?" I ask "Nothing you'll care about," She says rudely

"I care about everything you have to say," I say "Well, when I was inside with Belly earlier we heard a girl talking about how she and Dylan hooked up last night, and I know we aren't dating or anything but he implied that he wanted to date but then goes and hooks up with this girl," she says frustrated "And then," She starts to say but cuts herself off

"If I tell you this, you cannot tell anyone I told you," She says and I just nodded "Taylor and Steven were hooking up and Belly caught them," She says in a low voice so the passed out Taylor in the back didn't hear "Actually?" I say shocked and confused because I thought he was with Shayla

"Well first, Dylan is an ass and I don't like him, and second, I thought Steven was with Shayla?" I say looking at her but still paying attention to the road "That's what I thought, Steven just ran out of the room like a little bitch," She says clearly annoyed

"Why are you pissed off about that?" I ask "Taylor went off on Belly and said a whole bunch of rude shit and it just kind of pissed me off," She says

We didn't talk for the rest of the car ride because I could tell she didn't want to talk anymore instead I just drove in comfortable silence.

Weasleyspie speaks!


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