1.) Anti - void

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A Sans woke up in a white place , he had no memories of who he is , how he got here or why was he here .. nor he had memories what so ever , but one thing he did feel was at the moment was .. loneliness ..

He began walking around looking for anyone or anything in this place yet nothing .. He wasn't sure what or who he was looking for but anyone could do really .

~ 1 day later ~

He started hearing voices , they where atleast some company , he talked with them for days . They where sometimes rude , sometimes nice , sometimes smart or sometimes stupid when they where pranking him and he was stupid enough to fall . Why ? Because they kept doing the one thing he was hoping for ..

'Oh ? Whos that ?'

And as he turns arround the voices laugh , making fun of his helpless situacion ..

Days go by and his gliching got worse and worse and his anger problem become worse and worse . Specially when voicess annoyed him ..

He try to sweep away some glich when suddently a glich window opened. He looked at the other side and hold and behold there was a lot of stuff he never seen before ..

'Are you gonna stare or you wanna check it out ?' one voice questioned the stunned skeleton , who reached out and he got trought this window . Suddently he felt himself shiver in the coldness of his place , the stuff he was standing on was white like where he came from but was cold and a soft .

He looked arround and found this place beautiful , it had still a lot of white but now he saw new 2 colors , not like the once on his body .

'Someone one is daydreaming'

'give him a break he never seen such stuff before'

The voices bickered ..
,,wHat i$ This pla©3 ?" His voice gliched , he noticed ever since the voices came to be his voice was starting to glich and day by day the longer he had the voices it got worse . He walked closer to the struckture infront of him ..

'This is an universe called ghosttale'

,,wHats aN uNIveRse ?" He asked the voice that told him the first information outside of himself ..

'Universes are worlds and this is one of the timelines , these is a LOT of timelines from each universe . How ever there is a main and first universe thats the most important one'

'yeah if that one is destroyed the whole multiverse which is where all the universes are located in will colaps'

,,Oh , tHen its gOod it caN't be destROyed eASIly i aSUme .. it can be hARd . DestROy a whOle WOrld .." the glitched skeleton said as he was looking at the tree right now studying it .

'Actually you have the power to do that , you can delete timelines or even universes that the timelines are conneted to ..'

'Its good you have the power , a lot of universes get created now a days and the multiverse is getting crowded .. you can clean up the mess . Perhabs worlds that their creators abonded and they are stuck . You can save the poor souls !'

'we are creators too , we created a few universes ourself but they didn't make us happy how they turned our and we couldn't get rid of them so we decided you can be doing that for us !'

,,... WoUldn't thAt mEAn i haVe to kill eveYone in tHEse worlds ?" The skeleton was not happy with this ..

'Well the universe is getting crowded you either kill a few worlds or timelines of these worlds or it can kill everyone because the multiverse will colaps'

,, .. so .. i Will bE saVIng more pEOple bY kilLIng a Few ?"

'well yes , plus they will be reborn the next time a new universe is created so they will be fine'

,,alRIght !"

' But be carefull the balance between negative and positive universe needs to be in ballance too , or else the univer-'

,, WILl coLAps ..? "

' Yes '

,, ... You KNow .. thIS mulTIVerse is reaLLy sensITive " the skeleton said and thinks ..

'since you will be traveling a lot now , you will need a name .. if you will make friends'

'and who will be friend with someone who could destroy their world the next time somewhere a negative or a positive world have to be destroyed ?'

' You never know ! Maybe sanses with out worlds ?'

'That could be !'

,,WHo iS this SAnS FeLla YoU talkINg aBøIt ?" The glitchy skeleton asked

'Well the form you have on is called Sans , he has the most copys of himself and there are few with out worlds that are Sanses mostly with destroyed worlds . But unlike most sans you can be Frisk , Chara, Asriel and so on .. because your a glitch created by us we thought why not let you have this power too . Atleast you can sneak arround better and you won't get recognized so easily'

'It was a good idea one us came up with but also the one that cost us a lot of time to create you . First you have to see the rest of the characters for you to be able to copy their look and attacks .'

,,SooOo , wHat nAMe shOUld i haVE ?" The glitchy skeleton again asked ..

' Oh right , anyone has an idea ?'


'Glitchy ?'

'ew , thats mean'

'have a better idea ?'

'Error ?'

'You want to call the poor guy mistake ? Low from you'

'Oi !You know damn well thats not what i ment !'

'How about Destroyer ?'

'you know damn well that not the only thing he will be doing !'

'How about Mr.clean then ? Pff'

' pff , nah he would be made fun off .'

'The come up with something then !'

,i WiLl by €rrøR just stop bI¢kering ! I N't MInd the NAme an¥Way !" Now Error said and the voices colectively said that it was his choice if he likes it . Since he will be useing it he nodded to that ..

And this was the birth of the destroyer and protector of the multiverse with god like abilitys Error .

To be Continued ..

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