8.) Death

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It has been over a decade since Geno disapered his universe is gone . Reaper back then didnt relise how he craved to be able to touch someone . Untill he met Geno the single being who was imortal and unable to die to his touch . Later he relised his true feelings for the smaller gliched skeleton , which he though he felt for his toriel .

It was an understatement they become friends right away , he came there everyday . He got others to meet him , he was nice to everyone . He explained his world and how it was basicly made by him acting out of what the story normally went . His choice made a single universe Aftertale .

The small gliches on his eyes where prove he broke the system . Reaper though him disapering was his actions catching up to him . That was untill he heared from Dream and Ink that there was a Destroyer of Universes running arround . Could it be he was the one who killed Geno ?

Reaper was in a Genoside timeline at the moment collecting the souls of the genoside child . Then he felt mass killing somewhere in the universe . Much faster then anything he felt before . He ran to get there fast it was a underswap universe . He knew Blue was in this one . But he came here late only thing he now was able to see was a crying Papyrus that was left there by in the universe all alone .

,,Hey ya " said Reaper , be looked sadly at the crying skeleton .

,,!" The taller skeleton stood up ready to attack ..

,,Hey hey hey , i mean no harm and trust me i don't say that to everyone" said Reaper as he hold his hands up a little .

,,Who are you .. " Said Papyrus angrily at the short skeleton wrapped in black cloth .

,,just call me Reaper .. i felt a strong death from here and came to check .. all the souls i am supost to reap are gone .. only people who aren't yet gone are you and your brother .. where is he ?" Asked Reaper , Papyrus looked to the side .

,,A black skeleton Took him .." he said

,,Nightmare ?"

,,It felt like one .. i didn't got his name but he was gliching out with bunch of error signs floating arround him" said Papyrus and growled ,, When i find him i gonna kill him and if he hurt my brother .. i -"

,,Wow wow wow , alright thats enough i will call Ink who was your brothers good friend and he will help you settled in the home of the club house considering your world is gone .." Reaper explained to Papyrus ..

,,Who is ink and why are you talking about the club house Sans went to see his friends so much ?" He asked

,,What he didn't tell you thats its a interdimantional club house in the doddle sphere where from where he is protecting the multiverse " Reaper said with a smirk ..

,, .. "

,, Didn't thought your brother would be awesome like that huh ?" He rised a brow ,, Anyways , i will call your brothers friends they should be able to help you to atleast be safe and they will help you find your brother . I am sure " Said Reaper ..

,,Thanks .." Said Papyrus glad he atleast had a chance to find his brother .


,,Do you have any hobbie?" asked Blue trying to strike a conversation with the Destroyer .

,,Knitting ..." Error looked to the side ,, And i make .. puppets .."

,,Puppets ? I didn't know the Destroyer liked something like that .." Blue smiled

,,Its nothing like that .. i just made them .. as a memorial for all my copys i killed .. its an act of respect" Error said

'Sure ! Admit it your a softy !'

'yeah , its not like you didn't made a puppet for yourself '

,,and you all shut up !" pointed in the air as he glared around himself  "at" the voices , Blue at this point wasn't suprised at this outburst he seemed to understand what ever voice he hears are mocking him .

,,Thats nice of you Error .. but .. if you respect them why you killed them ?" Asked Blue ..

,, Because they where glitches that sadly only way to fix was to destroy them .."

,,But they where fine "

,,They where not , now listen Blue when ever you enter a nother Universe the universe will remanber it and create a copy but a copy where you never entered the universe . And if your not between the few sanses who can travel between universes on their own thouse who are requiered to go though Different universes to do their job won't do such thing . Like Nightmare , Dream or me . But if you , Ink or the gang Nightmare does go in that will create a alternitive timeline . Which will over flow the memory of the said universes timeline memory and the universe will collaps" Said Error and noticed Blue being confuised and lost , Error sighted and decided to put it short ,,When your going into nother worlds your slowly killing that universe"

,,WHAT ?!" Blue looked like he is going to cry ,, I was destroying universes with out knowing ?!"

,,its fine .. Ink did this more "

,,Ink but , he created them he should be fine "

,,i just said Sanses who are requiered to enter other worlds to do their job are fine , thouse who don't they are not fine . And ink is one of them .." Error said and felt his gliching getting worse again ..

,,oh .." he looked to the side and was thinking ...

Error stood up from the bean bag
,,Lets look at your brother .. i think he must be worried .. sorry for kidnapping you .. btw"

,,Its ok Error , it was nice getting to know you and .. i will never enter alternative timelines from now on .."

,,I hope so , don't want more job on my hand "  Error joked ,, your brother isn't in your AU anymore i will go there to finish the job . Where should i drop you off ?"

,,Oh , uh are you able to make a portal into doddle sphere ?"

,,I believe i can but keep that a secret " He opend the portal for Blue , Blue waved and left thought the portal . Error sighted and opened a new portal where someone was waiting for him .

,,hey ya "

To be continued ...

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