12.) Home of misfits

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Error decided to go with the nightmare gang into their hide out atleast he will know the exact code to go to if desides to bitch at them for making his job harder ..

He arrived in there and right away he heared more voices in his head then he expected .


'Oh my stars .. not you two !'

,Well hello to you too'

' why are you guys here ?!'

'Error made friends with the nightmare gang !'

' Just because the sans your watching is hanging out with my sanses doesn't mean he is cool . Ok !'

'ofcourse .. oh boy it be a crime if he was '

,,thanks a lot" muttered Error staying quieter considering they where showing him the whole castle so be won't get lost .

At the end they entered the main area and they all sat down on the couch .

,,I like the couch its comfortable " he smirked then noticed how unconfortable the other gang manbers where with him here . They sat way more away from him .

'They don't seem to like Error , but why he is nice !'

'have you forgoten he treaten their life before ?'


'Oh yeah ..'

,,So Error , you say you will be like our escape From the star sanses ." Nightmare began

,,yes , and in return you guys will be great help to me " He smirked

,, .. whats the  plan , then we talk if we agree " Nightmare glared

,,Its not Different then what you Already do , spreading negativity . I am the God of Order , when there will be too many positive AUs i will have you come and currupt as many as we need to have the balance back . " Error smiled ,, its much easier to make a whole timeline negative then to destroy it and in return i will help out ."

,, Hmm .."

,,you can absorb that negativity ofcourse . What kind of host would i be if i didn't " Error said and looked bored .

,, Fine " Nightmare agreed


' Smart move '


'I don't like this glich'

,,no one fucking asked you " Said Error as he looked to the side

,,pardon ?" Asked Nightmare

,, ignore me .. and my mumbling .." Error waved ..

,,You talking to yourself ?" Asked Horror ..

,,ugh .. no ! I am talking to the voices " said Error and grumbled ..

,,Is it a family manber ?" Dust asked ..

,,no "

,,are they human ?" Asked Cross and Killer ..

,,No , they are the creators the once who created you all " said Error

,,You can hear creators ? Ink is a creator thou ..there are more of him ?!" Asked Killer

,,NØ ! Ink is nøting else thēn a fraud , h€ is no gød or Guardian !" Error glared as his voice again gliched more from the rise of anger

They froze a little as they heared that ..

,,H€ is ju$T a imørtal bast@rd !" Error said his voice gliched more he was growing sick of how many people where idolizing a fauls god .

' .. i am starting to like him '

' told you he is smart '

' Error fan club wooooo !'

,,i see .." said Nightmare and smirk

,, don't tell anyone thou .. i want him to say it himself" Error pointed at Nightmare ..

,,We promise , its not like anyone would believe us " Said Dust as he began smoking , Killer looked to the side .

,,We are outcast of the multiverse , no one wanned to help us .. just Because of our crimes .. we only did to save ourselfs and people we loved thinking we could achive that.." said Killer

'Awe , my poor baby !'

'There are anyone but your babys you chaotic little shit !'

'... Why me and Error are the only normal one here ?'



,,I will go make some drinks , do you like alcohol or coffee ?" Nightmare said he decided to not stick arround the talk of their past , he knows he doesn't remanber his own past . He didn't even know who Dream was untill he told him who he was himself .

,,HøT ChØcolat€ " Error said , his voice was beganing to glich more as he talked . Nightmare left and the 4 looked at him ..

,,Are you Crosses brother or something ?" asked Killer

,,No he is not !" crossed glared at Killer , Killer smirked .

,,And how about you , Destroyer . Do you have a back story " asked Dust curiousely but also tried to sound like he wasn't interested .

,,Frøm what i KnØW frOM t-t-the vøic€$ i u$€d to have a Different life" Error said ,, BųŢ i HAV€ nø m€mØr¥ of iT "

,,Lucky .. " Said Dust as looked away .

,,NØt reALly , Sp€ciall¥ nØt wh€n d€@th įt s€ļf $a¥s h€ wa$ ¥ouŗ fri€nd iñ yøur pãst lįf€ " said Error , the others looked at him .

,,Reaper ?" Asked Cross

,,¥€$" Said Error

,,Do you know what was your name back then ?" asked Horror , they where now surounding Error interested in him and his story . I mean when you get the chance to talk with the Destroyer of AUs ?

,,G€nØ " Said Error

,,Geno ? Never heared of them .." said Killer ..

,,Neither did i " said Dust

'Geno was the first Classic sans timeline if i remanber right '

'your right , he was . He was here before everyone pretty much'

' I am pretty sure that was the first and last au ever created by a sans and not by one of the creators too !'

,,TH€ Voi¢€$ ar€ $a¥inG tHat G€nØ was tHe first Clas$i¢ $@nS AŲ , anD iT wA$ Th€ fir$t and la$t tiM€ a s@n$ created a n€w tim€Line ØŲtsid€ of creatØŖs wiŁl " Error explain ..

,,So your build Different .  We get it " said Sarcasticly Dust , Killer give him a glare .

,,So .. your like us " said Horror , thats when the other two relised he was right . He was also a classic sans once , he just went thought more changes then them .

,,I gu€a$$ i aM " Error said looking at them and smiled . Cross felt left out he wasn't a classic sans he was just a copy ..

,,Alright all of you settle down " said Nightmare comming in with the drinks as he placed them Down for everyone . Error right away took his hot chocolate .

To be continued ...

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