21.ch Memories of the past

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••• 6 000 years ago•••

I landed in a unknowed universe at the unknowed place in a snowedin forest ..

I hugged myself in the shadows of the trees as i sighted .

'everyone thinks i am a God but i am not if i was i would be able to help them .. i want to help them but i don't know how ! A god would know ! But i can't ! Why is this so hard !' i was frustrated with myself ,i couldn't tell them that what they think of me is fauls ..

,,What do i do ?" I asked softly ..

,,First i think you should get up from that cold snow or you will really chill to the bone .."

I looked up and looked like a classic sans , he had a smirk on and when he said the pun i snorted .

,,Ey ! Much better , now tell me what bothers a little baby bones so much they break down in the forest ?" Asked Sans and tittled his head ..

,, ... " I looked away as i felt my eye shapes change , he sit down next to me .

,, Ya know , its better you talk about them little guy " he was a little taller then me , i looked up at him .

,,W-well .. um so .. how do i say this .. i am not sure " i was first time verry nervouse he doesn't seem to know who i am .. so .. it shouldn't hurt open up right ?

,,have you met anyone who is souless ?" I asked , he was thinking a little and snapped his fingers and said ,,no , but are you one ? Cause then i did "

He was smart , he was layed back with relaxed smile and eyes .. he haven't been thought resets yet it seems ..

,,Well .. yeah .. but everyone where i am from see me as a god but i am not .. how want to tell them but i give them so much hope i don't want to crush it !" I said finally getting it out , how come i feel so much better ?

,,Ah yes , keeping up a lie for the better of others .. to keep them happy . Hm hm , seems like we aren't so Different . I have been hidin' from Papy i work in Different kind of jobs to get him in the Roayl guards , many times skipping sleep to do so .. " he looked at him ,, As long as you do everything right as a god i think it should be fine .. but don't let it get into your head it will mess ya up " he said and warned me , i nodded and to this verry day stayed with me  ...

••• 500 years ago •••

My first memory was me sranding infront of a cut tree and hundred of bodies laying arround me .. a soft voice spoke behind me .

,,Nightmare ?" Asked the voice as i looked over , i tittled my head ..

,, ... " I just stared and looked horrorfied , this made my heart sting ..

,,Nighmare .. d-do you know who i am i am Dream ! Your brother !" He said tearing up , i stepped closer but as i did Dream began to turn into stone i ran towords him but it was late .. it was only him , the statue and the dead bodies ..

I had no idea who i was , who this Dream guy was and i wasn't even sure who all these dead bodies belonged to .. but i needed .. something .. i needed to leave .

I looked at the stone guy and then just dipped , i needed places to stay where i can feed ..

Data Restoring ...




Data restart completed ..

•••5 000 years ago•••


I walked into the hidden lab and took the surringe and walked all the way to the jUdgMent Hall ..

I looked at the end of it and once i herd footsteps i flicked the surringe into my bone and half of it into my soul ..

I took a deep breath and held onto the Scarf ..


I coughted as i had lost .. i had lost and i don't know what to do .. i decided to teleport and when i did i upeared in a unknowed place and .. i wasn't dying anymore ?

I looked up and noticed it said Main Manu ..

"What .. ?" I asked myself and looked arround , thats when i saw the human but they looked shocked and scared .. almost ..

But there was a underlying fascination in their eyes before they disapered ..

Yet i felt like i was bein' watched .. intencely i then herd a noise behind me and i glare there only to be met with .. me ?

,,Well , it seems like we had ran into a problem .. just what Au are you ? You look in awefull shape yet look at you . Your still standing and even have enough power to use your magic as well .." he tittled his head and walked over to touch my forhead .

,,What the - what do you want ?" I asked and slapped his hand away and he looked suprised and looked at his own hand .

,,Huh , no one was ever able to touch me before .." he said ,, Heh , names Death , nice to meet you . And you ?"

,, .. i am .. " he looked down and then looked at myself ,, gEno .. call me ğ"

To be continued ...

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