2.) Learning to fight

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Error was back in the place he saw before ..

,,Sø wh¥ wE h€re ? I r€ALly dØn't wANt tø be HEre .." said Error after leaving the pretty snowy place , he didn't want to come here ..

'Your here cause this is called and anti void which you can tell cause its white , and its less harmfull then void which is complitely dark and it will try to pull you apart no matter what you are '

'this is also a place only you can enter , because its protected by us ! Like all the other antivoids'

'And your here to learn how to use your Sans abilitys and other characters ability and then your special ability only you posses !'

Error thinks and nodded ready to learn .

'All Sanses can summon bones , sharp or not , yours are combination of different sanses so sharp bones is a opsion for you . Hehe thats was my idea !'

' Shut up Show off ! Oh and you can also summon gaster blasters !'

'just a remainder your attacks are curropted code , so they can't be copied or destroyed only by you . Which also comes to this your code is also corropted . Which in turn you can't get hurt easily and even if you do your code will see it as a "missed" attack or "not effective" sign will upear infront of you'

,,ØĶ ! sHŲt ųp ! YøųR t€llįng Me TOO mUCh sŢųff at the sAMe tIMe ! You cAn tELl m€ wHat oTHer abILitys i haVe laTEr ! NØw i nEed to fINd out hOw to Mmon bØnes .." said Error and yelled a little at the voices , they where annoying him . He wanned to concertait and they where not helping ..

'Hehe , get yelled at '

' hmmmmm , shush '

~a internity later~

Error mastered all his sans Attaks even let the Voices to give him few glitched dummys to blast . He was proud of himself .

' Ok ready for other characters ?'

,,¥€$ !"

'alright ! i will say thou , your voice will change .. and even thou you can turn to Frisk you can't use its our puppet so you can't actually use her but when ever you want a break we can do the job for you . Atleast one of us can .'

,,øh , tHAts a¢ųalL¥ soųñds ni¢e , finnaŁly ¥ou said søm€Thiñg usefu£l ! " Error smirked

'Pfff ! Hah ! Thats what you get for making fun of me last time '

' >:T '

' Finnally someone talked sence to that guys , stay quiet for once '

,, $å¥ i$ ţHr€ a ¥ før m€ aŅd mø$Tl¥ m¥ vøI¢€ nøt GlIT¢h tHi$ mu¢h ? ¢ause i think aft€r usęing m¥ pøW€r $ø¢h i bE¢om gLIt¢hi€r "

'Chocolate or anything made out of Coco beans i believe should help , eat it when ever you feel like the gliching becomes annoying '

'Underfell timelines or Chocolatetale are the best opsions for chocolate . Their the best'

Error opened a portal to chocolatetale and took a hand full of the chocolate the voices recomanded . He smiled when he took a hand full and placed it on the floor after he learned from the voices that the Anti voids floors is the more clean then some plates even if someone walked on it before it would clean right after . So he put it on the floor and ate a hand full after he learned about the opening mouth thing and ate untill glitches where bearly noticeable . He looked at himself as Errors still upeared arround him but the glitching was close to nothing and he smiled.

,, The chocolate actually helped ! I am not in that much pain either !" He gasped as his voice it was clean and no glitching ,,YES !"

'Thats so nice ! Its better to understand you now !'

'He just sounds like every other sans now .. lame , i liked the glitchy voice more'

'shush ! He likes it and thats more important then what YOU find cool'

'ok then , mood killer'

'Can you both shut up?'

Error roled his eyes as the disagreement of his voices , he honestly didn't understood why they cared about if he was cool or not . He will be killing millions from now on , he didn't want to be that treatening to others when he goes out to destroy universes ..

He then continued to learn the other characters moves , attacks but he was mostly confortable in Sans character .
He took one visit to chocolatetale once again to take more chocolate .
He took one last nap in the anti void getting ready to go and claim his first AU ..

To be Continued ...

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