11.) Mafia

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The bad sanses wanned to meet the Destroyer to let him join them ..
Which they began their plan to follow with their idea , they curropted the AU timeline of an Underlust and now waited for the Destroyer . What they didn't know Error was watching then from behind his one sided portal . While the two creators who stayed to look after Error explained who they where .

'The one with the Hoodie is the mysteriouse Dust , he was created by one of the creators experimenting with the genoside rought . And they broke Him , he killed everyone who he loved get a lot of levels . He is verry hard to kill ! I think he is pretty good looking '

,, Can you go back to the problem at hand ?" Asked Error with a bored expresion in this bean bag .

'i will take it from here , the one next to him is Horror , he is from a Neutral rough when frisk leaves the underground . The one with blank eyes is Killer , he is from a timeline when one of the creators wondered what would happen if they posses a sans and made him .. kill everyone ..'

,,you all are fucking savages you know that ?" Error said with a judging expresion ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

'Listen , not all of us like that , some of us are curiouse , some of us just want fun and yes there are few who are .. savages but not everyone ! I mean look at us two , we been with you since your creations while the others left to do their job !'

,,Oh lucky me ..." said Error


'Alright , calm down . We haven't finished yet '

'Fine ..'

'Thank you , so the black goo skeleton is Nightmare , Dreams brother . The one who is black and white is Cross he is from X-tale his gaster is the strongest in their au while the creators in this AU of his give Frisk and Chara their own personality and role so unplayable characters '

'hehe , zebra sans'

'he is Perhabs the weirdest one in the group cause he actually works for ink or dream .. one of the two but he is just gathering information'

,,Heh , he isn't really bein' sneeky i can see that too as well " Error commented . ,,but you know i can maybe join them . Try to get to know them maybe i can shook some reason in them . To atleast not currupt AUs unless its really really needed "

'I think you can make it work , they aren't stupid and they don't want death upon all AUs , Nightmare is also against killing unless its needed to make more negativity '

,,cool , does he do it for fun or .."

'Well , he really doesn't do much while he is currupting AUs he just sits back and absorbs nagativity . Its like eating for him .'

,,Huh , alright then lets meet them yeah ?"

'Yes ! Let's do this !'

' Good luck '


Nightmare looked at Killer ..
,,I don't feel any negativity beside us and the people of this timeline . Not even the star Sanses came which is odd ."

They didn't know star sanses where bussy with something else at the moment .

,,It is ødd isn't it ?" Error said , standing next to Nightmare , he was had his left eyes closed and his right eye was half closed looking back at him . The murder time trio jumped back as they saw a second black skeleton . Nightmare glared at him .

,,It seems like you don't amit negative energie , must be a positive soul aren't you ?" Nighmare asked , he didn't feel weaker next to him so this didn't make sence to him but it was safe to ask .

,,No , i think i am a healthy middle " said Error and had his eyes both closed and shrugged . He kept his left eye closed and opened his right eye again .
,,But i am pretty disapointed your currupting so many AUs , say do you have a reason for that ?"

,,Why should i answer ?" Asked Nightmare with a smirk

,,i won't kill you cause the multiverse needs you but .. i can errase one or your friends " he smirked looking over at the group who stepped back .

,,They aren't my friends but i can't allow you to do that" Nightmare glared.

,,Listen , if you answer truthfully i know i can trust you and i might join your little mafia but if don't like the answer i will start deleting them . So , what will it be ?" Error smirked

Nightmare glared ,, Fine .."


'It was indeed impressive , you made a deal which he can't say no to .'

'Its like giving you the choices but every other choice your don't like will do a lot of damage to him ! Its a bit manipulative !'

'honestly how else he can make sure Nightmare will never boss him arround ? He needs to show straight away his power and this was the fastest way ..'

' awe but still !'

,,The reason i currupting AUs because since i was born i need to absorb negativity , it gives me power to survive a nother day .. their negative energie from my workers helps me survive from day to day but its not enough to help me sometimes i need a meal .. there is that what you wanned ?!" Nightmare glared st Error , Nightmares pride was hurt today and he was blushing cause of emberasement . Error looked at his Gang who seemed touched by the fact Nightmare their boss not just saw them as things but they where actually important to his survival . He secreficed his pride to protect them , even Cross seemed baffled Nightmare would do that . He didn't trow him to the Destroyers arms as a last ditch effort to run .

,,I like your answer and its the truth , i shall join your little gang under one condision " Error said and Nightmare listened and nodded .

,,your not my boss and i won't help currupt AUs but if you will need me to save your asses " Error handed him strings ,, Just pull these and snap them , you will call me over in no time . Don't abuse that thou , i don't like to be used when its not needed "

Nightmare took the strings and put them in his poket for now .
,,So , whats your name Destroyer since now we are coworkers we might as well know your name "

,,my name is Error "

To be continued ...

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