16.) Meeting with the Reaper

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Reaper was in a place called the save screen , he was thinking about the white skeleton he came to see here everyday .

,,oh Geno .. what Happend to you ..
able to become a god .. you where noticed by higher beings .  No suprise there you where indeed a Different Skeleton then most ." Reaper looked at the red scarf  ,,You broke so many rules and here you are , become a god for bein' able to break away from the prison you got in .."

He took out the blue stings ..

,,Error , thats your new name .. your God name .. calling yourself a failer even when you come a god .. your still depresed or Perhabs a little bit of your formalself .." He looked arround ,, 5000 years .. how am i unable to forget you ? I need to talk with you .. i need to get to know your new you .. Error"

He pulled the strings and then they snapped , the snap sounded like a echo that went thought the multiverse . Reaper was schocked and then saw a portal open , Error stepped next to him and smiled the looked arround. 

' This is the save screen .. this is where you where when you where Geno '

'Its your past universe'

,,Why invite me here hm ?" Asked Error and looked at Reaper , Reaper looked away ..

,,Sorry , i just came here and i remanbered a lot of stuff and i just needed a talk . Can i tell you about Geno .. i know its weird but .. no one else knew him or wanned to know him .. and a lot of people where not arround before .. and-"

,,Hey hey its ok , i don't mind hearing about my past life .. i don't remanber it but i can see you need this ." Error smirked , Reaper smiled .

Error made himself a string bed and layed down on it while Reaper floated and leaned against the  strings . After some time in silence Reaper spoke ..

,,Geno was nice , understanding and he was so smart . He didn't like ink and he didn't say why , he said if i know why i would too and even thou he didn't believe be deserved the praise he also didn't believe Ink deserved to be hated .. he was way too nice for this world " said Reaper and smiled sadly and pulled out a glowing crystal flower . ,,He  also was verry good listener .. i am glad you got somethin' after your past self , it was my favorite thing about him . He knew how to understand other people , people who where Different from them and their motives .. he ... You where the first from all the AUs who didn't see me as the bad guy "

,,I mean , your death right ? Your natural order of things , why should you be seen as the bad guy ?" Error asked and looked at Reaper , Reaper smiled ..

,,You haven't changed much .. but i can tell your not depresed like you used to .." Reaper said , Error rised a brow..

,,Why was my past self depresed ?" Asked Error

,,Well , your past self was once a original sans .. he was also the only Sans from all who didn't kill everyone in his world . He instead used a lot of Determination on himself to defeat the human . He failed but the Determination got him into the save screen after his AU was errased by the human ." Reaper looked at Error ,, He was mad at himself for not bein' able to win ..."

,,Oh , that does sound depresive " said Error

'Geno was verry admireable thou , he was the only one from all the sanses to be able to preserve his own world with in himself .. no Sans thought about usesing Determination before '

,,Thats why my bones are red like ?"

'no its beacause of our Determination ..'

,,I can feel the Determination with in you , now your able to do what that human did to your world years ago .." said Reaper with a sad look to the ground and looked at Error ..

,,Hm .. thanks for telling me this .. its good to know some background to me .. thou i do not remanber it still .. doesn't even ring a bell it still good to know even back then i tried my best ." Error said , he was honest and he didn't want reaper to feel depressed and see that he is fine . And that this information doesn't bother him ...... Maybe a little bit . The fact that be was this deffenceless and that all sanses are this deffenceless against a human who can turn back time ..

It irritated him more to know that these voices are basicly these murdering children with god complex and even as a god himself he is deffenceless against them .
What is done is done thou .. he serves them now ..

,,Error can i ask you something ?" Asked Reaper ..

,,Sure thing " said Error after he noticed he said something ..

,, .. Can we meet in my AU sometimes ?" He asked ,, Or if your .. confortable we c-can go to you ?"

,,To me not yet .. but we can go to your AU " He smiled at the god of death who was more then happy to hear that ..

,,.. Error , Ink is trying to write some papers with you .. like a agreement .. or something like that." He said and looked to the side ..

,,Yeah i herd from voices .." he looked to at the sky ,, And you know why i can't sign it right ?"

,, Ofcourse .. i tried to explain to Ink but he didn't let me to get my word in so i played along " said Reaper mad he couldn't help his friend ..

,,Also because i am already with the Bad Sans group as you guys call them " Said Error

,,What ? .. G- .. Error thats dangerouse ! "

,,I was ready to fight them if i had to , and after learning why do what they do , i understand " He said ,, So i let them curropt AUs for now , even if kind of gives me more work ."

,,Why are you letting then do that ?!" Reaper asked clearly shocked

,,Well i would tell but its a personal secret of Nightmare , i can't go arround telling it . I think it should be him who says it ." Said Error and pets Reaper on the head ,, Thanks for the consern but i can't die remanber ?"

To be continued ...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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