4.) Who is the destroyer

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Dream woke up from his bed , not cause of a bad dream but because he felt his power getting stronger once again . Whatever happend brought his powers back , he smiled he was glad he had once again chance against his brother .

He walked out of his room to make his way into the kitchen where Blue was cooking .

,,Good Morning Dream !" Said Blue happily , Dream smiled actually feeling better then yesterday .

,,GUYS !" ran in Ink as he looked paniced ,,The universes that where corrupted by Nightmare are gone ! They where stable universes yet now their gone !" 

,, huh , thats indeed strange .." Dream said sad people in there died most likely ..

,,Oh no ! What now ?" Blue asked

,, We must find out how that happend which means next time Nightmare corrupts a universe we stay there and wait " ink said Already comming up with his plans , how smart he thought he was . Dream on the other hand was a bit bitter with Ink , after he didn't want to help the people his brother hurt he was not happy with ink . He was a creator right ? Why couldn't he help these poor people ?

,,So we will just wait there ? Not even try helping people there ?" Dream said with a stern unhappy look .

,,I mean to not be bored we can do that . Why not?" Smiled Ink and then his eyes winded ,, Oh ! Nightmare is attacking a new AU ! Lets go !" He grabbed them

,,B-But ! My breakfast!" Blue protested ..

,, Can wait !" Ink dragged both trought the portal , and they landed in a timeline of a positive universe .

Nightmare looked at them and smirked ,, And i thought you guys had some sensitivety .. destroy a universe just because you can't fix the corruption ? How low" he said and glared at the two, even thou he was the negative Guardian and wanned to spread negativity he never killed and even to his own people he didn't allow to kill unless it will bring more negativity then the person would of given them . He was verry picky when it come to killing . He wanned negativity not a dead universe and more people feel sad the better for him ..

,,That wasn't us , i was wondering if you didn't do that " Said Ink glaring ..

,,Why would i destroy universes that give me sweet sweet negativity ? No , but for you guys it makes sence after all , positivity is strong again .. right ?" He glared at the three as if they where idiots , he pointed at them .
,,You better leave my universes alone !"

Soon they where attacked by the murder time trio , since Nightmare felt better after raveging this universe he took his lackys home .

Ink sighted and looked at the two ..
,,So it seems like it wasn't Nightmare,  but  we still have to wait .. let's help the people for now ."

Dream nodded with Blue and they began helping out , fixing houses and such .

They where bein' watched by Error from one of the trees .

,,So this is "star senses ?" He asked

'Yes ! Blue is the blue skeleton , the yellow one is Dream and the 3rd one is Ink . He is a real pain , he made the everyone believe he is a creator !'

'he is imortal but far from a deity , yet he present himself as such ..'

,,Sounds like a annoying guy to deal with , should i go meet them . Perhabs explain to them i have to destroy this universe cause they tempered with this timeline a lot ?" He asked

'They most likely won't listen but sure go ahead , we will sit back and wait'

'Good luck Error !'

Error jumped down on the ground far from the tree and made his way to the three who where fixing stuff in the waterfall ..

,,Aaand done with waterfall !" Smiled Ink at the three .

,,Try adding more stones next time so it looks like the old one .." said Error standing between Dream and Blue . Lets just say the three jumped back and the dark skeleton next to them , and ink stared a little .

 Lets just say the three jumped back and the dark skeleton next to them , and ink stared a little

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(art by me and this is how he looks like , the star design was the voices idea btw)

,,Who are you ?" Asked Ink ,, Are you with Nightmare ?!" Ink asumed he was considering he didn't look friendly at all .

,,Not sure who that is , never met them " Error said ,, But i do know that you 3 are tempering with this timeline a lot already ."

Dream stared at the dark skeleton , in a way he reminded him of Nightmare , just taller and much less violent .

,,Aha , and what about you . You shouldn't be here either ." smiled Ink ,,we are helping people here !"

,,no your not , this timeline is already curropted and if continues it will create an alternitive universe . Can't let that happen now , can i ? Because that will make negativity far more spread and the ballance will be tipped more ." He explained to the air head ..

Ink glared ,, So what , you going to kill them ?"

,,No , errase them . Its painless and they have a chance for a better life in the future when they are reborn in a new universe ." Error said glaring back at Ink

,,if you kill then they will be dead ! How can you say killing them is Mercy ?!" Ink went a head and attacked Error , Error doged and glared .

Dream on the other hand understood what the skeleton said , even thou he didn't like hurting people he understood what the skeleton was doing . Perhabs even better job then he did at keeping the ballence , he felt no negativity or positivity either from the skeleton they met . He could feel it from even from Ink even thou that was artificial . But ink explain that he feels like that because Ink is a god , which was a lie .

,,I will not let you kill anyone !" Ink glared ..

,,Yeah ! We will defeat you !" Blue ran with ink at Error who opened a portal infront of himself and the two where gone .

Dream watched he didn't attacked as Error aproached him he just stared .

,,You didn't att@ckEd , hOw coMe" asked the skeleton , he began glitching as his voice did as well . Error signs flew arround the dark skeleton .

,,Um .. you promise its painless for them" Dream asked ..

,,yes , i do it fast so they feel even less pain .. its like getting a small paper cut " said Error ..

,,who are you?" Dream asked

,, Destroyer of universes .." he explained ,, Now go , i have lot of work to do "

Dream nodded and teleported to Blue , he landed next to Blue who was talking to Ink who was in deep though ..

To be continued ...

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