22.) Voice of Reason

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Error was looking at his ceiling which was decorated by  strings , he needed to decorated it but with what ?

'What you thinking Error ?'

,,Just wondering what to decorated this place with , not to make a mess cause i like the clean part of this world but .. it feels emty ? I want to make it into home ya know it is my birthplace after all ." He admited ..

'understable '

,,Hey , where are the others ?"

' looking after the others sanses aka your friends '

,,My friends ? I have friends ?"

'yes , the nightmare gang is looked after by their fan and Outer , Dream , Death and Blue are bein' looked after by the annoying one'

,, Annoying one ? Fan ?"

' i will not say more there are stuff even you can't know '

,, Thats stupid ya know , why can't i know stuff . If i remanber right i am the ONLY one who hears you and i am the only one from all of you to physically interact with the AUs while you guys can only create them and start then and make them follow the specific story you prewritten . So the least i expect from you is be honest with your bussiness partner in the grand sceme of things " Error glared

' .. hm , want to know why we chose you to do your job ? '

,,Not really cause you never told me .. atleast not the truth .."

' you where the only sans to both Break your story , scare us and get us to respect you for your troubles '

,, ... Continue "

' the reason we fear anomilies that they will break more AUs with their presence and create more anomilies which is what Ink is .. you where a new one .. it was the only AU where you did not only broke your story but you did it with out any outside of help from Ink or other anomallis .'

,, so what , i am i anomily as well ?" Error growled

' no , anomilies where able to leave their AUs you where not .. you where able to break law of death and make the timeline stop but thats it .. thats why Gaster the polar opposite to us wanned to get you before we interfeared he was also someone who broke away but his physical form was so damged he is part of every AU in some way shape or form .. and he is the only one beside us to be able to create AUs '

,,He can ?"

' Deltarune is one  , its what he wanned for mosnter kind . Never was a war between human and Monsters and so any controle we could have over the timelines is blown away . Nothing we do there changes it .. cause Frisk or the human we controle is not the protagonist . Thats why we create AUs with Frisk or Chara as a protagonist .'

,,Huh , he was smart then .. wasn't he ? Create a perfect world where even the creators can't do much .."

' in a sence .. he believes we are wicked creatures living off of the suffering of others ..'

,, I mean ..... Is he wrong thou ? You guys create aus where the monsters are already underground , some of these peoples familys are dead , they all only hope there will be freed by someone and then one of you come there as a human either killing them all or actually freeing them . You guys just want controle over the life of others and you suprised someone grew sick of it and created a perfect timeline where non of you can mess up what they created ? I donno how unaware you guys are of your own actions but this is just twisted !" Error said glaring at the sky ..

' .. it never acured to me .. to us you guys really just playthings .. i am .. sorry i haven't noticed my- our actions came off as such ..'

,, Well atleast you relise .. tell the others as well .. i don't ..hate you for this .. considering yall sound like children .. atleast most of you . But how do i explain morality to imortals such as yourself ?"

' we aren't imortal , we will die at somepoint but you won't notice the Difference . This .. talk really opened my eye .. you are a impresive crea- .. person . I will talk with the others about an idea .. just be warned we aren't sure what we will look like to you ..'

,,What ?"

' i am planning to give you the ability to see us .. thou i am not sure how we will look to you . '

,,So now i won't have voices in my head i will see ghosts ? Just perfect !" Error said sarcasticly ..

' you can't be happy with anything would you ?'

,, I donno , we did had a pretty seriouse conversation just now and as a reward to opening your eyes to their situacions you gonna just give me sight of the devine ? Did you take anything i said seriousely ?!"

' Yes i did .. i just .. wanned to thank you this way '

Error was silent and looked down a small smile made his way on his face and his eyes softened..

,, Thats good and thank you i guess .." Error said quietly ..

' your quiet welcome Error '

,,sooo since i am done for today job what you wanna do ? Watch an AU ? I am curiouse about the Deltarune you mansioned !"

' the story is interesting i think you might like it . I enjoy it personaly '

,, Really ? What is it about ? " Error asked like a wxcited kid and put on a pair of glasses since he didn't plan to go anywhere ..

The single voice then explained Deltarunes story , premise , advantures and relationships between each other . The two had a blast talking and watching it , Error liked the story and the voice was happy to share their like for this as well even thou it was not of their creation .

Error soon fell asleep on his bean back , he haven't slept in 100 years now so he will be asleep for a while ..

To be continued ...

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