13.) devided thoughs

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Blue had talked with Red and decided that this little meeting with only few sanses and Reds papyrus will be in their home along with the Destroyer .

Red as well as his Papyrus wanned to know how strong he was actually , considering their cocky nature it wasn't something Ink didn't expect .

Reaper was at the moment colecting souls and was thinking , he was thinking about Geno but his mind sometimes would slip to thinking about Error .. which isn't a huge Different but its still Different . And he relised that when he excidently made himself a daydream fantazy of Error hugging him . Which made Reaper Blush and groaned ..

,,Ugh ...why .. " Reaper rubbed his eyes

Dream was helping with the meeting room and setting it up since Dream was the only one who was allowed in there beside Blue because They didn't want to invite death into their home and Ink scared them atleast untill the day of the meeting .

Dream was at the moment writting the agreement they wanned Error to sign . They were hopping they would get him to stop killing people and their universes . He was wondering why he did it thou , unlike Ink who was sure he was a bad guy . Dream didn't see it that way , he reminded him of his own brother in lot of ways .. beside the fact both where black skeletons .

He didn't feel positivity from his soul and neither did he shun negativity . He was Different from everyone else he met before . Maybe he can talk with him after the meeting and maybe they can become friends ?

Dream was honestly thinking about the first time they met . He wasn't bein' mean or anything he did trow them out the AU only to destroy it . One would think they be in his way but Dream saw that Error wanned to protect them from his power of destroying the world so they won't get hurt .

Dream was sure Error wasn't evil , he could just tell . He hoped he wasn't foolish ..

Ink was painting and was thinking about the Destroyer Error , he was sure it was like a conterpart just like how Dream has one and Reaper has one ..

He was thinking if his relationship with his counterpart should be like Dreams with Nightmare or should he be like Reapers with Life ..

He didn't want to fight the gliched skeleton , the skeleton just peaked his interest the moment he showed Up . Even if he didn't show it , Ink would of followed Error but he wanned this game to last longer .

Nightmare was thinking about the Destroyer who visited them but left after some time . The 3 sanses like him while cross bonded with the glichy skeleton over some hot chocolate . Since both of them ended up in a white void at some point in their life .

Nightmare also found himself relating to the strange skeleton , having a life before he has no memory of and only to be born out of the rage and deseperate ettepts of his previouse self to protect a tree he .. Nightmare was born , same body but changed soul .

He knew he wasn't like his previouse self but he was able to use some powers his previouse self was able to . Which he actually used quiet a lot ..

He looked at the group that was right now playing a card game , he just watched ..

Error was sitting next to Outer as he was knitting while Outer told about his day . Error then shared his .

,,Well i met the "bad sanses" trying to get them to stop their stuff that just gives me more work but after learning what they doing is keeping alive the keeper of negativity i couldn't really do that now could i ?" Error looked at Outer with his glasses , when he wears then his eyes are able to relax and both his white pupills looked at Outer .

,,And with no keeper there is no negativity " Outer said thinking about it. 

,,And with out Negativity there is no ballance " Error continued

,,with out ballence there is no multiverse .. i gotto say , this complicates stuff a lot aaaand gives you more work " said Outer to his friend ..

,,I knooooow !" Said Error and trow himself back as his back his the ground , he looked at Outer .
,,Can you take my job for a day ?"

,,As much as i like helping my friends , in your case i can't help sorry" Outer chuckled and smiled at Error , Error huffed back .

,,How are the voices ?" He asked , he wasn't sure what to call them ?

,,They are somewhere , not here and i am glad ." Said Error ,, Sure they are nice help but when i want alone time ? I want alone time , thats all i will say "

,,I guess you have a point , bein' bothered by some voices all the time can be tiring " Outer thought about it ,, So they just leave you alone when you ask or when ever ?"

,,eh , its more like sometimes they know i want to be alone or need it so they do , sometimes they just leave cause they wanna look at stuff aaand sometimes i ask them and it up to them if they listen . I have to be "nice" thou , they still are my creators as much as everyone elses ." Error explain and sighted ,,But that doesn't hold me back to sas at them , thouse little savages caused so much pain to soo many Different AUs that its just pure Sadistic instinct at this point "

,,Hehe , you sound as if you where their sibling or son more then their creation " Outer give him a side eye with a smirk ..

,, .. don't even think about it " Glared Error , Outer chuckled .

,,Just saying , i should go now , i will have jackpack flying lessons with the human . " said Outer

,,Alright , good luck " said Error and waved

,,To you as well my glichy friend " He waved back

,,Back at you my cosmic friend " He said and smiled as Outer teleported away . He sighted and stood up ..

'Error , we have a problem '

To be continued ...

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