9.) Past friends

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Error turned arround quickly to be met face to face with a skeleton  .

'Oh my ! Thats Reaper !'

'Oooh , this will be interesting '

Error took a step back and looked at Reaper , he looked at him back .
,,You shouldn't be here "

'I think he came here cause he felt your mass killing thats how he get here '

'He can go anywhere where he sences death cause it litterly his job to collect the souls , but when you kill you leave no souls . You errase them !'

'basicly your doing the same he does but better and stronger '

,,So , your the Destroyer ?" Reaper asked

,,You can call me that " Error said

'I think God of Order sounds better , because you clean up everyones mess . Heh'


,,Not funny " he looked to the side ..

Reaper tittled his head then said .
,,Oh , you hear voices ?" Asked Reaper

,,How did you know ?" Error asked

"You are talking to someone i can't see , and thats weird considering i can see ghosts souls of dead monsters " said Reaper and smirked ,, So your a little creazy ?"

,,I would say the opposite , i sometimes feel like the most sane Sans out there , considering how many glitches get created by people who shouldn't be messing with stuff they aren't supost to do" Error was offended he assumed he was insane , he wasn't .

,,What do you mean.." Reaper was scared that Perhabs maybe he actually found his once crush killer ..

,,i destroy universe timelines or universes that are not needed and the biggest mercy i can give to lone sanses is to put them out their misury " Error said ..

,,You .." Reaper was getting mad and charged at the glitched skeleton it wasn't always he got mad . No he was normally verry chill sans out of all of them but this .. this speach pissed him off .

He summoned his weapon and flew at him swiming it at Error who dodged easily but one hit him
Right on his chest and Error gliched from the hit , his souls came out to reveal a full human souls , black with yellow numbers , stringed with blue strings as if it was stiched , a single yellow shard of soul same to Genos but flipped was inside the artificial soul . As the whole thing had red tint to it , signaling Determination .

Reapers eyes winded as he jumped back and stared at the soul, a "no effect" sign upeared infront of Error as the red line disapered where Reaper made the wound

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Reapers eyes winded as he jumped back and stared at the soul, a "no effect" sign upeared infront of Error as the red line disapered where Reaper made the wound . Error string him up in one place , he then went a head and pulled out the button Errase and the whole thing disapered . Error glared at Reaper , who was still shocked . He seemed like he was going to cry .

'welp he saw it'

'we should tell Error why he has this reacion '

'Ok , Error we can explain '

,,You fucking better explain why this guys looks like he is about to cry !" Error said , Reapers winded and wiped away his tears , they both stood in this white void now .

'That little fragment of the soul is from a soul we decided to save , It was Genos soul . You where given his imortality and our power made it stronger , so you become a god to some extant . The soul fragment is what allows you to be able to exist so .. think of Geno as a brother who you never met or Dad ?'

'Reaper and Geno where good friends , so .. try go easy on him . He thought you killed him'

Error sighted ,, Hey , Reaper is your name right ?"

,,I- .. i am so sorry for hurting you Gen-"

,,No no , i know you miss him .. but i am not Geno and i also didn't hurt him or anything the voices saved him from someone . They give him new life as me .. i guess " Error shrugged ,, Listen i don't know who he was or who are you but i don't mind getting to know you ."

Reaper listen to everything he said , he now saw that Geno was gone but was recarnaited as the new Destroyer . He was willing to try getting to know the new Geno .

,,Ok .. then if Geno is not your name .. whats your name" Reaper wanned to know how to call him , he can't call him Geno .. not anymore ..

,,Error , just call me Error " Error smiled , Reaper stood up and smiled back . He was now free from the strings ..

,,Say Error why do you do what you do .. "

,,i am doing what Voices tell me needs to be done .. and i do it because its better for the multiverse ."

,, .. not sure i follow "

,,i am god of Order , if there is too much negativity i destroy some negative AUs or timelines , if there is too much positivity i detroy a universe with more positivity and if there is way too many timelines in one AU i destroy one . Aka i keep everything in order and clean up other alternitive Sans traveling thought demansions not thinking about conciquences ." Error said he was glaring , his eyes where hallow red and error signs upeared hin his eyes sokets .

Reaper understood he was like him , he was seen as a bad thing but he was just a natural order of things .
He was doing his job and he heared the creators , atleast that would make sence but then .. why was Ink against him .

,,Error why is Ink after you ?"

,,he is a fake god .. he is only imortal with great power , his powers came from creators having pitty on him but after he started to cause chaos they created me "

,,Thats .. That lier ! Now i see what Geno ment when he said he can feel liers ! You where right !"

,,I guess my past self wasn't stupid .." Said Error

,,Gen- I mean Error , you where a scientist to some extant . I remanber you talking about all the stuff you made .. it was interesting and it was clear you enjoyed that" Reaper said smilling softly ..

,,Well , wanna move from here considering were in an antivoid ?"

,,Oh , i .. can't seem to be able to leave" Reaper paniced a little ..

Error took Reapers hand and jumped trought the portal with him.
Reaper again felt it , a person who he can touch . He smiled as he looked arround they where in Outertale .

To be continued ...

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