17.) like good old days

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Reaper blushed and floated away from his touch with a huff . Error chuckled as he watched his friend , Reaper started to feel like in the good old days but the imige was reversed . Now he was the shy small skeleton compared to the not as shy taller and darker skeleton .

The more he spend time with the dark skeleton the more he felt nervouse a little arround him . The darker and much more dangerouse skeleton seemed to understand his struggles on a deeper lever .

He wanned to tell Error more about how he felt about Geno but he felt like that would ruin his chances with his new identity ..

,,Once i get to know you better i might allow you to come to my home , but only when i am there " said Error

,,Oh don't worry i wouldn't steal from you " said Reaper chuckling ..

,,I am more concerned that my home will try you pull you apart to fill the space of its emtiness but thanks for the heads up " said Error

Reaper chuckled a little ,, Nice joke , pull you apart ? Where did you made that up from ?"

Error just stared that him .. ರ⁠_⁠ರ

,,Oh you .. y-you where not joking ?" Reaper asked a bit worried , Error shook his head no .

'WELP , Error i think you traumatized Death ..'

'well thats not a sentence i wanned to wake up to what Happend ?'

'Error traumatized Death and now he won't hang out with us !'

'But what did he say ?'

'He told him about the antivoid !'

' damn ok , just asure him that if your there that won't happen or when strings are wrapped arround his soul '

,,Thats why i said untill i am there when i am there my world won't hurt you ." He said and winked ,, Nice thing to have against robbers "

Reaper snorted ,, And where did you get that one , please don't say from me "

,,I mean i wanned to creadit the inspiration but if you really think you don't wish to be credited then i won't say it " said Error and shrugged ..

Reaper roled his eyes and shoved Error lightly .
,,Your an asshole "

,,Heh " Error chuckled and looked at Reaper ,, What ever you say Reaper , Anyways .."

Reaper looked over confuised was his friend leaving ?

,,I have to do some work , you do yours alright ? We can meet against and somepoint just call me , bye " Smiled Error at Reaper blushed at the smile and nodded as he stood up .

,,See you later Error " Said Reaper and waved as his gliching dark skeleton left to a portal , thats when he facepaled with heavy blush . What the hell gotten into him ? He could feel his soul feeling light while his bones rattled he was never holding back this much dissteess before . He would of loved to just sit next to the dark skeleton already but he knew better to not be too pushy ..

He didn't know how much he missed these kind of moments with Geno untill he experienced them again with Error he felt the hard hit .. even the hidden feeling he had for the skeleton was reapering again . The need to hug and just touch the skeleton he grow close to .. where reapering he wanned that with Errror , hug or cuddle anything .. didn't needed to be a couple thing even if he would of preffered it like that .

He then herd he was bein' called , he sighted as he tried to make his blush go away so he can go see who in the world called him .

He upeared in a huge meeting room where there was all the original Sanses from Different AUs .

Why was he called was beyond him , as he floated over to Dream who looked worried as he looked at Ink . Ink was writting and writting trying to come up with the best way to invite the Destroyer here .

,,What did i miss ?" Death turned to Dream , Dream sighted ..

,,Well .. i was telling ink we should talk with the Destroyer and he on the other hand claims we have to make him sight the papers .." Dream said not happy to say this ..

,,What do you mean make ?" Death glared ..

,,Well , make .. capture him and force him to sign it"

That was enough for Death he glared at Ink ..

,,Ink .."

,,Hello Death , take your seat we are still waiting for all the sans to show up " said Ink ..

,,Ink , i am not here to the meeting . I came here to talk with you " He said ..

,,Huh ? Why ?" He asked continued and question marks Upeared in his eyes , the nerve to ask .

,,You want US to force a God to sign papers thats what i want you to relise how much danger you can put fellow sanses into ! Specificaly cause all of them are the original versions of their respective AU ! You know what that would create ?! If any of then gets hurt or worse scenario die what you think would happen to their AUs and Timelines ?!" He knew Error was harmless and wouldn't do that but if he was truelly a killing maniac Ink was not thinking straight . Putting others into unknowed danger not knowing how much power his enemy has ? Thats just carelless ..

,,Yeah , i with Death on this one " Said Red ,, We are litterly bein' send to die if we do force him . Trick him sure .. but force  him ? How ?"

,,Yeah , i agree " Said Original Sans ,, We don't know the extant of their power ..but its atleast universal level , i mean Nightmares gang where able to achive that"

,,We have to make him sign it , ot more aus will get hurt !" Said Ink

,,Yeah .." mumbled a few sanses .

,,Or do we ? Last i chacked only timelines that where curropted by Nightmare got destroyed , timelines that where suffering ! And if the Destroyer didn't do what he did , Dream would be weaker and weaker !" He pointed at Dream , Dream thoughts about this and he was right .

,,If your so sure we don't have to What do you propose " asked Ink as he rised his eyebrow ..

To be continued ...

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