6.) Found

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Error was cleaning again , some unfinished universes . It was easy and now he decided to travel , he haven't done that before not like a pass time atleast . He traveled into other universes , Candytale was first stop . He tried to watch the storys unfold in Different universes . He learned from the voices that he was a glich aka a God like bein' or Guardian so his presence in the alternitive universe won't make a nother Alternitive Universe or timeline . Which was nice he won't make more work for himself .

He traveled to a lot of Different universes , but he stopped in one .
Outertale , he never seen something so beautiful . The colors , the stars .. real stars unlike the once on his cloats .. he was in awe .

He decided to stick around , he layed down on a rock and watched . He smiled as he watched them . He really hoped he would never have to destroy this universe .

,,Sup pal" said a voice said next to him , Error almost fell off the rock .

,,AAAAAAAAÆÆĀ!" He shreeked

,,wow their buddy " Chuckled Outer sans

,,SorrY , you staŗtłed mÊ " Error said

,,Heh , your voice . Pretty uneaquel " said Outer , he was layed back and verry friendly . He knew of Sanses who didn't had AUs , he asumed this skeleton was the same .

,,Uh .. thanks , i am ErrØr btw" He put his hand out , Outer smiled .

"Call me Outer " he took the skeletons hand and that when Error began gliching out and then crashed . Outer paniced as he tried to shake him but after half an hour he gave up and just sat next to his friend who then had a sign above him .

Rebooting ...

Rebooting complite .. 5%

Rebooting complite .. 10%

Rebooting complite .. 15%

Rebooting complite .. 20%

Rebooting complite .. 28%

Rebooting complite .. 30%

Rebooting complite .. 40%

Rebooting complite .. 50%

Rebooting complite .. 80%

Rebooting complite .. 90%

Rebooting complite .. 99%

Rebooting complite

Outer stared , this was actually a really unequel sans . He liked him already ..

,, Ow that hurt .." said Error as he hold his head .

,,oh , so that whole thing i just saw hurt you ?" Asked Outer

,, it seems like it , i guess touching people is a no .. sorry " Error said to Outer .

,,Oh no , its ok ." Outer said to Error and chuckled ,, So , you don't have your own universe ? Normally thouse kind of senses go around"

,,There are more then Dream and Ink ?" Error asked sounding annoyed

,,Ah you met thouse two and yes "

,,ugh , makes my job harder " he sighted ..

,,What do you mean ..?" He asked with a side glance and a smile .

,,I am not just any Sans i am a glich as i was told , my role is to clean up unfinished universes or when the ballance is tipped i have to .. make it right again .. its to make sure the universe doesn't collaps and kills everyone . And Sanses going to Different universes when its not their job make new universes and timelines !" He explained and looked at Outer , he give him a understanding look .

,,Oh , how unfortunate role you have .. a lot of resposibility too . I gonna say i am impressed . Most Sanses wouldn't handle such presure but your handling it like a champ ." Outer said and smiled , Error stared then smiled a little .
,,Yeah , i guess i am "

3 month went by and Error and Outer met up everytime they could , they become best friends . Error told him everything , told him about the voices , about who he really is . He even promised him if he ever needed to destroy their universe or timeline he will take him into his antivoid along with his Papyrus and Toriel . Which honestly made Outer happy , he didn't just made a friend but a protector in a weird way .


Error then once told to destroy one specific Underswap Timeline which he was ready to do . He landed in the place the human supost to leave the ruins he knew they will kill Asgore and so he snached them the moment they set their foot out the ruins . The ruins where all dead , rest of the under ground was on him . And so he went and killed left and right untill everyone was dead beside Underswap Sans and Papyrus .

He met with them on the judgement hall when he was returning from killing the Queen .

,,Who are you ?" Asked Papyrus glaring ,, And why are you killing everyone ?!"

Underswap Sans glared , Error right away recognized him .

,,Hello th€rÊ BłŲ€ " He said , he didn't had chocolate and his voice started to glich out .

,,Blue ?" Papyrus was confuised ..

,,W-what do you want in our universe Destroyer ?" Asked Sans glaring , Papyrus was shocked .

,, Destroy it ? Its my whole thing , and only this timeline " he said and string up Blue and pulled him closer , Papyrus tried to attack the skeleton trying to catch his brother . Error noticed and decided to abort so he won't be in pain and he left with Blue into anti void .

He string him up so he won't move and then Sighted . He went to his stash and pulled out box of Chocolate .

,,AaAh my bAB¥s !" He said before he began eating , Blue watched he was confuised and scared . His mouth was covered so he wasn't allowed to talk and he wasn't allowed to move either , his soul in strings too .

Later when he was done eating chocolate he pick one up and trow the rest back he , loosen the strings on Blues body and Mouth , he let the strong that where on his soul thou .

,, i guess since i already kidnapped you you need something to eat so .. here you go " he hold out a bar of chocolate . He wasn't happy he was giving it away , not one bit . He even glared at Blue when he was handing over the chocolate .

Blue stared at the much taller skeleton and hesitently taking the chocolate bar , he smiled at glichy skeleton but he was sweating bullets . He never felt this scared before , one wrong move and he is dead .

To be continued ...

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