So i did the swim, which i completed in 11 minutes and 33 seconds. Hoppo and Whippet were there. I was so happy but it was tough. Next is the lifeguard challenge. i'm so scared. it can get pretty rough in the ocean. everyone was warming up doing jogs on the spot.
there was so many lifeguards that i hadn't properly met. like Bisho, Yatesy, Beardy, Jesse, H, Max, etc you get what i mean. But i was speaking to H and he said it had been ages since they had a girl on the team. and he was so happy he seemed so funny and nice.
"right boys and caitlin.." he said glancing at me. "this years lifeguard challenge has come around. your going to run to Tamarama, then swim to Bronte, then board paddle back to bondi and run up the beach. goodluck and go careful the surf is pretty strong today" I stood next to Jake and Reidy.
"good luck Caitlin." jake says I smile at him. "yanno i'm going to beat you."
"yeah right" i shove him.
"stop flirting you guys. yanno i'm going to beat both of you." reidy boasts.
"absolutely not" the both of us said at the same time whilst laughing.
"3...2....1 go!!" Terry shouts.
I don't tire myself out on the run, Jake tends to stay with me for this we are side by side whether that's on purpose or not but we are quite close to the front. Chappo is just behind me and Harries is obviously a little a head. once we get to Tama i chuck my trainers of as quick as possible and head into the surf. The waves are so strong today but i power through. It's really difficult but i don't see anyone around me at the moment, a little worrying. I start to get pushed towards the cliffs and i hear "caitlin look out get away from the cliffs!" i don't know who's voice it was but readjusted my position. once i get to tama i grab my board and see a few directly behind me. am i in front? surely not? there's people cheering on the beach. i jump on the board and i head out past the wave break. My arms are burning but i can see Bondi, it's so close. i can't see anyone at the beach yet. When Jake and Chappo are suddenly at my side so i paddle harder. i catch a wave and suddenly a lot more lifeguards are coming closer. Including Reidy and Harries. We are on the sand and i run for my life. with other people cheering including lifeguards who didn't take part. Like H he's waiting at the finish line with Hoppo and Terry. Some how Chappo and Reidy are right on my tail with Jake, Azza and Harries behind them. I sprint but Chappo over takes me just before the finish line. I came second though considering i'd never done it before. I fall flat on my and just lay on my back. Breathing really quickly.
"well ... done ... Caitlin." Chappo says as he plonks himself down next to me.
i put a thumbs up to him and he laughs at me. some of the lifeguards come over to me and congratulate me. Jake comes over and practically falls on me haha, no he just hugs me.
"caitlin you did so wellllll."
"thank you Jake your kinda crushing me. i can't breatheeee." he apologises and gets of.
"hey at least we beat Reidy thought he said he was going to smash us." i add. Jake laughs. We then gather round by the tower and Hoppo hands Chappo the trophy thingy and congratulates him.
"also i would like to introduce officially our new trainee Caitlin, who came second in the race. Well done Caitlin and welcome to the team collect your uniform from my office first thing tomorrow. please." I thank him and all the lifeguards cheer. Maxi and Whippet lift me up putting one leg on each of their shoulders. They all cheer and laugh.
"guys i didn't even win Chappo did you should be doing this to him." i laugh
"yh but ur our new trainee!" Whippet says as they head towards the water.
"oh no no no no" i squirm so Whippet puts me down. "jake if u would" he picks me up super quick bridal style and runs down to the water. He dunks me. I just sit there. spit out water. and glare but then i laugh.
"welcome to the team you just christened yourself to Bondi beach."
i laugh. we all head to icebreakers for a couple of drinks then i head home.the next morning....
I met Hoppo in the office at 6am. he handed me my uniform.
"so you ready for your first day?"
"yh, nervous but yh so ready."
"good, the boys will show you how to run things and get around etc. goodluck have a good first day it's going to be a scorcher so should be busy."
"thanks Hoppo." i walked out the room but then stuck my head back round.
"and thank you for the opportunity and believing in me." i smiled.
"it's good to have you on the team."I headed to the changing rooms but on the famous blue lifeguard shirt and headed to the tower. ok caitlin you got this deep breaths.
"hey boys how's it going?"
Chappo, Deano and Terry were all in the tower.
"hey caitlin." they said in unison.
"ready for your first day?" Deano asked. I said what i said to hoppo and he nodded.
"so where am i going to be today?"
"your going to be between the flags in the buggy with me til Jake turns up, then i'm going to come back here. then at lunch you'll switch with Maxi who starts at twelve and then you'll be in the tower for a bit with Chappo." Terry filled me in. i nodded
"ok cool shall we head down?" he added. i said yeah and we headed down in the buggy. This is going to be a good first day i think. little did i know how wrong i could be.

Bondi Rescue (idk the title yet)
Actiongirl moves to Bondi girl gets in trouble what happens next. discontinued- new writing in the works.