This is just a filler chapter, it's short but kinda funny. Sorry for being so shitty at posting.
Sooo it's the day of the lifeguard challenge. It's 6am and i have woken up stupidly early. Time to get some training in. I woke up and chucked my uniform in a bag. Grabbed some fruit and left my flat. I grabbed a quick coffee on the walk over to the beach.
"caitlin?" i heard a voice from behind me . turning around i noticed it was Whippet.
"oh heyyyy Whip how are you?"
"i'm good thank u why on the gods earth are up this early?"
"haha i'm getting some training in before my shift."
"ahhh trying to pump yourself up for tonight."
"yeah exactly."
"well don't wear yourself out. training and a shift before hand, it might kill you." he laughed. joking of course.
"ha ha very funny. i'll be fine. it's all sweet. are you working at 7?"
"yeah thought i'd grab a quick coffee before heading over." he said. as both our coffees were ready.
we both walked out the shop. and saw Reidy outside.
"heyyyy your not working today why u up?" he looked at me raising an eyebrow.
"why is everyone so shocked that i'm up early"
"excuse me do u not remember how moody u were yesterday." Whippet said
"yh yh i know i'm just-"
"training before the challenge?" reidy interupted.
"i um yea haha that easy to guess?"
"your nervous... don't be you'll smash it." reidy said.
"wel we better head over."
"can i come guys i wanna leave my bag in the tower."
"yeah of course." and then we headed over to the tower.
In the tower was Jake and Harries. I haven't properly met Harries to be honest. So it was nice to see him again.
"hey caitlin." jake said as he stood up and hugged me.
"ooohhhh" is all that came from the boys
"oh shut up haven't you ever seen someone hug." jake shouted. I could feel my cheeks go pink. as i turned around i saw reidy and whippet hugging, mocking us. it was quite funny and everyone was laughing.
"sooo do you guys think it'll be busy today." i asked changing the subject.
"um well possibly it's supposed to be quite hot today." Harries said. "caitlin, why you here so early?!"
"i'm doing some traininggggg" i said with a huff.
"calm down darling i'm only asking." he said with a large smile.
"sorry" i laughed "everyone's asked me that today" they all laughed.
"oh for tonight. may the best man win." he added.
"yh i better beat chappo." reidy added
"got another bet?" Whip asked
"another box of corona." he said
"and limes?" Jake added. Seeing the confused look on my face Reidy explained that last year Chappo beat him and reidy had to give him a box of corona.
"well hopefully i'll beat Jake that way you can give me a box of corona."
"with limes?" Jake said again.
"your on just know i'm wicked fast board rider." I pushed him a little and he acted super hurt. "oh god i'm so hurt" he said sarcastically. every body shook their heads and laughed.
"love birds." Reidy said whilst rolling his eyes.
"hey i think it's cute." Harries said
"thanks harries." i tapped his shoulders.
"listen i'd love to stay and talk but i've got to get training."
"oooh what you doing first?" Reidy asked.
"i think i'm gonna swim, then run then board. oh is it ok to borrow one of the boards?" i looked at harries on the last part.
"yh it's fine, just bring it back in once piece." he said firmly then because of my face he just laughed. "i'm joking sweetheart." i smiled.
"see you in a bit boys."

Bondi Rescue (idk the title yet)
Actiongirl moves to Bondi girl gets in trouble what happens next. discontinued- new writing in the works.