Tragedy at Bondi

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SLIGHT TW: drowning/ dead body

Jakes now turned up i didn't do any rescues with Terry. but now the beach is  a bit more busier now. we are in north corner it's a lot more relaxed with a bunch of families.
"how's ur first day going so far any rescues?" jake asked breaking the silence.
"no not yet hopefully soon i sort of want the first one to get over with."
"yeh i get that. it'll come don't worry."
i smile at him. he smiles back. eye contact is crazy man so intense.
"do you wanna go out?" he blurts out.
"what? oh sure?" that came out of no where. he blushes
"no i mean like a couple of us are going out to the bar tonight. me, whippet, Maxi, Gonz and Jesse."
"ohhh um ok sure yeh sounds cool."
"wicked, going straight after we pack up." i nod and say i'll come.
"oh hey look someone's struggling." Jake calls in to the radio to inform them and they say we should go in.
"can i go please jakeeeee" i beg
"hmmm sure all yours."
I take my shirt of grab the board and head out. once i get through the surf i reach a young girl.
"grab on, it's ok i got you." she grabs on and takes a huge deep breath. i get her onto the board and paddle in. textbook rescue. jake steps out the buggy with a huge smile. the girls mum comes up to me thanking me. "listen to me if she feels sick or short of breath you takes her straight to the doctors." they agree and i go back to the buggy and pick up a towel. "hey jake can i have a hug?" i giggle and he runs away. i chase him "no no get away." i catch him and latch onto him. "noooooo i'll get you back for this!!" we are both laughing so hard. i pull away and realise how close we are. we make eye contact and just stare at each other. "that was a great rescue caitlin"
"thank you jake" i pull away blushing.
After some time i'm in the tower with Chappo.  i'm looking through the binos
"soooooo how are you chappo?"
"ughhh tireddddd but i'm ok how are you. great first rescue."
"thanks and yeah i'm ok. oh hey look south corner"
*hey tower to south corner there's a guy out the back he's put his hand up. maybe just paddle out*
*yh copy tower thanks* i hear Deano respond. he runs out and i'm watching the guy seemed to be panicking but he was ok once Deano got him back to the land. after a couple hours chips gets a call.
"bondi lifeguards chris chapman speaking."
"what??" this turns my attention away. "ok thank you we'll get the ski out." i jump up and get a wetsuit top on and life jacket.
*hey boys can one of you help get the ski out with caitlin we have a person of ben buckler about 100 metres out*
*yh copy i'll come out now can u grab my wetsuit and jacket please*
"i got it chap."
and head down to the tunnel.
Corey comes up and so does Deano. Deano drives the buggy and gets the ski in the water Corey gets it started. I jump on the mat. we head out to ben buckler. and we arrive it's not what i expected to see on my first day.
"oh shit." we pull up next to him.
"caitlin you can't take hold of the ski as ur a trainee your gonna have to jump of and check his pulse ok?"
ok ok ok don't panic this a part of the job this is what you signed up for. deal with it.
"caitlin!" Corey shouted snapping me out of my thoughts
"yes sorry." i jump of the mat and roll this guy hes practically blue i hold his throat to find a pulse. i shake my head at Corey..
"ok, can you get him on the mat." i nod and try and drag him up to the mat. he's heavy but i manage to do it and have to basically hold him up. there's a dead body underneath me.
*jet ski to tower. the guy is deceased. can you call the police please.*
*yh copy* i hear chappos voice
a minute later
*tower to ski police boat on way stay out they don't want the body on the beach* Terry responds
"first day ey? your doing a great job caitlin you ok"
"yh i'm fine" i'm trying to just shut the emotions of for a minute.
"the police boat shouldn't be too long just hang on ok?" i nod. this is so uncomfortable.

Jakes pov

Caitlin and Corey are out on that ski. And there patient is dead. i know this isn't good. first day first body that's heavy she's only done one rescue. Some of boys can go years before they get a resuss. i wonder how she's feeling. silly question.
"the police boats on its way right?" i ask reidy as we are down north with Maxi.
"yh that's what chips said on the radio."
"i hope she's ok."
"i'm sure she'll be ok probably just a bit shaken."
"can we not take the 2nd ski out?"
"we can't leave our position mate. sorry." he pats my shoulder.

Caitlin's pov
It's been half an hour now where is this damn police boat.
"do you wanna swap mate? you can come sit up here."
"yes please." and he takes the body and we swap. i face the other way holding onto the handles. i put my head down on my hands and take a second. "hey it's ok, there's nothing you could've done."
" i know. where is this damn police boat." i shout.
another half an hour passes.
"Cor we can swap again if u want a break. i don't mind." and yet again we swap now being out here for about an hour. Another ski comes over from Tama and it's Box.
"hi guys, how you doing?"
"yh good, we found him like this he was blue. the police boat is taking forever tho" he sighs.
after talking to box the boat finally arrives to take away the patient i have to help lift them of the mat. he was so heavy. and so lifeless. we head back in. As we beach the ski, a couple of the boys take over and out it away. me and Corey head up the tower and he says a couple of reassuring words to me and then puts his hands on my head then shoulder. Once we are in the tower Chappo looks at me with sympathy. and Hops there's "guy anyone involved will be at the debrief and we can talk about anything you feel uncomfortable about."
he leaves.
"boys i'm going to go for a break ok i'll be back in ten."
"no problem caitlin" i leave the tower and head along the beach. and sit in front of the water. this was man was dead in my arms and there was nothing i could do. it's my first day and this happens. i don't think i realised how heavy this job is going to be. i start to cry a little bit. ugh emotions they are so annoying sometimes.
someone sits next to me.
"it's ok. i know how your feeling and it will get better i promise." it was jake. i just looked at him and he pulled me into a hug i just leaned on him. and shed a few more tears. after a moment i sorted myself out. and then...
"right i've got to get back up to the tower. time to move on. and get over it."
"it's ok to feel things yanno especially once the incidents over."
i nod and hug him.
"thank you Jake." and then i walk back up to the tower and get on with the day. every lifeguard i worked with all held sympathy for me and made sure i was ok.
at pack up i went and saw Corey who was packing up the flags.
"hey kid how you doing."
"eh, how do you deal with that feeling."
"you don't, you never get over that feeling. you just got to feel it when your not on the job. because if that happens you lose it. but i'm proud of you today, you didn't freak out you just got on with what you needed to do."
"yeah i guess."
"listen i'm sure Hoppo will give you a few days off to cope with it. i'm here for you ok."
"thank you Corey, how are you tho it wasn't just me out there."
"Caitlin i'm ok, i'm shaken it's so tough you never get over it whenever things like this happen but you learn to cope." I nod and we head over to the debrief, where, deano, chappo, Reidy, Jake and a few others came. Hoppo began but i just sort of zoned out to be honest i just wanted to go home. and that i did. hoppo gave me 2 days off but if i needed more he said to call.
first day at bondi done. was it hell? no well not until the afternoon. but i'll be fine. 

finally a long ish chapter.

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