Morning group surf

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This is such a fun, cute chapter ;)

time skip a week.... I was now back at home fully healed. I'd heard no more from Joe but all the boys knew about him and promised they were all there for me.
today was christmas day. I was woken up by a phone call.
"hello" i asked groggy as anything.
"merryyyyyy christmasss!!" i checked to see who it was... Chappo.
"Chappo why are you waking me up it's...." i check the time "5:30 in the morning!!!!" i yell
"oh don't be so grumpy you have work in like two three hours anyway!"
"it's too early, i'm tireddddd go awayyy."
i hear speaking on the phone.
"Caitlin don't be so boring, the boys are all going for a surf before work, your coming it's christmas." i heard whip down the phone.
"but what..."
"fineeee mr bossy"
"pick u up in ten... oh and jakes comingggggg."
"what does that- Whip?" he hung up... ughhhhh. i let out a frustrated sigh and stretch then roll out of bed. I get ready brush my teeth. and grab my board that the boys helped me buy last week. I'd been practising with Jake and Whip sometimes before or after work. i'm not that bad actually. i receive a text that Whips outside. so i leave my apartment and go to his car. After chucking my board on the top with the rest of theirs, i get in the car. Chappo, Whippet and Jake is in the car. like before i'm sat in the back with Jake.
"heyyy" Jake says hugging me.
i hug him back.
"ohhh so grumpy, is caitlin miss grumpy today." Chappo teased.
"like i said im tired.."
"someone's not a morning person." whip added.
"no shit. merry christmas lads."
"merry christmas caitlin." jake said looking me straight in the eyes.
"alright love birds, we better get going the boys will be there by now." and we drove towards the beach.
when we get there the boys are sitting on the beach waiting for us. There's Mouse, Maxi, Jesse, Gonz, Deano, Corey, Box, Reidy, Matt Dee and Bacon.
"finallyyyyyyyy" maxi called
"someone was a bit sleepy this morning." whippet shouted as he put his arms around my shoulders.
"awwww poor caitlin." mouse teased
"are we going to keep talking or we going to get in the surf?" everyone laughed.
i was the first out there.
but Jesse was the one who caught the first wave but i followed. i caught some good ones wel everyone did. Jake looked so good on the board his form was just perfect.
after a while, everyone gathered round in a circle on boards.
"who's ready for a christmas day at bondi?" Deano asked
"it's gonna be busy ay." Matt said
"typical christmas" reidy said
"everyone's got to be on form today." Corey added
"and make sure you all work as a team. right no bickering, no confusion. as a team." Box added
"caitlin you nervous?" jesse asked
"um haha a little but it'll be an experience."
"yh yh definitely just don't get yourself stressed out ok." Reidy said "we are all here together and we will all look out for each other."
"thanks reidy."
"boys and caitlin, let's smash this christmas without any casualties."
we all cheered and started splashing each other.
"boys i'm gonna head in, use the showers and change alright, i need to eat something before work. enjoy the surf." they all nodded and said bye til an hour before the chaos will begin.

Jakes pov
i watched caitlin turning away. i wish she didn't leave.
Whippet nudges me
"go with her."
chappo says the same. and the matt gets involved too.
"go get food with her.."
"no she probably doesn't want me to."
they all splash me.
"go now. catch up with her dumbass." Whippet shouts.
"fine fine." and i turn and paddle to shore catching up with her walking up the beach.

Caitlin's pov
"can i come get food with you i'm starving." Jake asked me, i laugh
"yeah of course, shower first, i'm getting straight in the lifeguard uniform meet me out here in 20 minutes ok?"
"ok cool." we both go our separate ways .
After showering and getting ready i met Jake and then we walked to the cafe by the Pavillion.we ordered food and were just chatting and drinking coffee.
"sooo jake i wanted to thank you for everything you've done for me."
"honestly it's fine. i'm just glad i could help."
"i really like you Jake."
"i like you to Caitlin." he held my hand on the table. i blushed.
then our food came, we ate up and then left for work. before heading into the tower, jake turned me around and kissed me.
"what was that for?"
"hm no reason."
"hmmm" i playfully pushed him. it's only early and so much has happened. we headed into the tower preparing for one of the most hectic days of the year. this should be fun.

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