Christmas day

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i just got into the tower and the beach is already starting to fill.
"action stations guys be prepared." Cory said. Again it's me, corey, jake, whippet, chappo, Mouse, Maxi, Jesse, Gonz, Deano, Box, Reidy, Matt Dee and Bacon. But Maxi, Jesse and Bacon don't start til 1
So me and Whippet were down south end until change over.
Deano and Gonz were between the flags, Reidy and and Matt were in between south end and flags at backpackers rip. Chappo and Jake were at north end by the kiddy pool. Then Mouse and Box were in the tower with Corey.
After everyone came piling in, it reached 10am we'd done a couple rescues. but the beach was swarming now. The boys all down the beach were in and out of the surf all morning.
"hey so you and jake huh?" Whip asked. both still keeping our eyes on the water.
"oh shut up." i giggle "hey whip can u see that head out the back?"
"yh i think so"
"i can't tell if he's struggling or not" then his head goes under. i take of my shirt getting out the buggy
*central to buggy that guy out the back seems to be struggling*
*yh copy caitlin's going in*
i ran down to the surface and paddled as fast as i could. flying over the waves.
"hang on, i'm coming" he was seriously struggling to keep his head up. once i reach him he's under. i have to jump of my board to pull him up. This is not good. i cannot pull him up. he's not completely uncontious but he's not responding to me. this might be a resus.

Whippets pov:
once i saw her get of her board i knew it wasn't good. she was struggling to get him on.
*hey whip you might have to back up she seems to be looking around for help* then she gives the signal. the three pumps. i throw my shirt off and run in with a board.

Corey pov
she gave the three pump signal. i nearly fell out my seat as i ran for the defib. there were no buggies left so i took the quad. racing down to them.
*boys between flags back up at south corner please, possible resus.* i radioed
*copy already on way*

Caitlin pov:
Whip helped me get him on my board. once we got to shore, corey, deano and gonz were waiting. me, whip and corey carried him up the beach.
"ok check for pulse." Corey said as me, whip and Gonz checked different pulse areas.
"very faint pulse." i said
"same here." both Whip and Gonz replied. Deano put the Oxy mask on him.
*guys do u need an ambo* Box asked
*copy box he's unresponsive, but got a faint pulse, maybe mid 40's male* i said
"hello can you hear me i need you to wake up. if u can hear me squeeze your hands" deano said then looked at me and Whippet. we shook our heads, no squeeze.His eyes started to open.
"that's it open your eyes."
and then as soon as his eyes opened they rolled back to his head.
"boys ive got no pulse." i said
"same here."
"get the defib out, Whip start CPR." Corey said. A crowd had developed around and Gonz and the lifesavers tried to keep them at bay.
Deano was holding the oxy mask.
"where are the ambo's?" i asked. i felt helpless. Corey placed the patches on his chest.
"stop cpr checking" the machine called out. "shock needed" and then his body tensed up as it shocked him. "start cpr"
"whip do you want to swap" i asked
he nodded and i started compressions. i don't think anyone realises how draining it is until you've done it. after about ten minutes i could see the ambos coming down the beach. "i've got a pulse caitlin stop." i just slumped down. Deano debriefed the paramedics on what had happened. told them how i pulled him out etc. we helped the paramedics bring them up to the road. Once he was in the ambulance a huge weight was lifted.
It was time to swap positions and me and whippet were in the tower now. Corey came over and had a chat with me before leaving to go to his new position.
"you did great down there." he said
"thank you, so did you we all did."
"we got him back."
"yh we did, i'm so drained after tho is that normal?"
"yh it's normal just rest up here."
"thanks Corey." he hugged me and left.

"what a start to christmas ay?" whip said.
"yh great start."
maxi and jesse came in with bacon.
"hey guys." maxi said.
"what's wrong?" jesse asked.
"nothing just tired." i said
"just did a resus on a patient she pulled out." whip informed them.
"oh shit"
"it's fine he was alive when paramedics took him, just drained that's all, how are you boys?" i asked
"i'm ok."
"i'm all good"
"i'm good excited for the fun of christmas day." Maxi belted out.
we all laughed at him. The next few hours carried on. Jake and Matt was now up at the tower with us. and Maxi jesse and bacon were now in their positions. Corey and Mouse had gone home now. Then we saw people coming up the stairs to the tower me and Matt went up to them. they had a screaming child with them.
"what's wrong??" i asked.
"i think she was stung by something?" the lady responded.
i turned and looked at matt "blue bottle caitlin, there's nothing you can do take her for a shower, we can give her some ice and magic spray but that's all." matt said. i went and got some ice and they went on their way. Then within the next twenty minutes a hundred different people came up complaining of them. the tower was swarmed like blueys were swarming the surf. people had them all over their face, backs and places nobody would ever want to be stung it was brutal. whilst i was outside trying to treat these people. i noticed these heads directly opposite the tower. But the boys patrolling were already in the surf.
"Matt i'm gonna have to go help these people directly opposite can you see them!?"
"yh i see them. go the boys already look busyyyy" he said.
"jake can you back me up!" i said running down the stairs. i grabbed a spare board and paddled straight out. saw jake directly behind me. once i reached these girls they were so grateful. and they were apologising. Jake picked one up and we headed in together. in sync, then we got them to shore. they thanked us and headed on their way. It was Maxi and Deano who were stationed here.
"madness hey." Deano said
"good spot caitlin thanks for backing up." Maxi said
"no worries."
we headed up to the tower. and dried of.
"pleasure doing rescue with you caitlin." jake said as i laughed.
"why thank you Jake." he took my hand and kissed it. we were both laughing at how corny we were being. and then we hugged and kissed then went back to sitting at the tower. thankfully the blue bottles had been pushed out to sea again. after hours of rescues and chaos. The boys were starting to pack away the flags and boards etc.
"what a day." i said
"pretty mental hey." Jake said.
"just a tad." Matt jumped in.
"do you wanna get a beer before you go home tonight?" i asked Jake.
"yeah sure."
"man u two." matt said
"too cute" he joked. i pushed his arm. then he stood up laughing. he shoved his hat on my head.
"heyyyy" i yelled as he walked to get a drink.
after pack up we said bye to all the boys. after debriefing on the day. me and Jake headed over to icebergs and had a drink.
"so Caitlin i have to ask. don't hate me but are we like together because i never know."
"um why would i hate you. I told you i liked you but i mean we never really made it exclusive. but yh if you want to Id like to be your girlfriend?" i said turning my head a little.
He gave me the biggest smile.
"i'd love you to be my girlfriend!!" i smiled. after a couple of drinks he walked me home. and i mean he walked me all the way to the apartment door.
"hey listen i would let you in but i'm super tired and just want to go to bed now." he kissed me and said
"it's fineee i tired myself."
i blushed. "what time are you working tomorrow" i asked
"crack of dawn"
"noooo that sucks. i start at lunch."
"booooo are you ready for the lifeguard challenge tomorrow evening." he asked
"mehhh kinda i'm going to do some training for it tomorrow. it's the run, i hate running." i said
"yh sameee"
"anyway i better go in, thank you for tonight." i pulled him in for a kiss and a hug. Then he walked away.

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