Chapter 3

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Toby's POV

I hurried out of my 4th period class and made my way to lunch. I walked to the doors that lead to the patio area. The patio over looked the lake and I loved that. I was going to sit out here for as long as I could before it got too cold and I would have to eat lunch inside. As I went for the door, a body blocked the door.

"Excuse me." I said as I looked up at the face. He had to be a foot or two taller than me. His shirt hugged his muscles and his hair was tossed around as if he had just sat in front of a fan on high speed. I kind of liked it, too. He had grayish-blueish eyes and perfectly full lips. I noticed a few piercings in his ears and a small lip ring. He was gorgeous.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He said in a clear British accent and my widened.

"If you're so sorry, are you going to move?" I asked shaking out of my daydream. 

"Of course." He said stepping to the side and I noticed a small smirk. I pushed passed him and sat down under a willow tree. I pulled out a bottle of cherry Pepsi and took out my book. I was busy reading when a shadow cast over me. I looked up and saw the boy who had blocked me in the doorway. 

"Can I help you?" I asked putting my book down. 

"I was going to ask if you wanted any company." He said as he took a seat next to me on the soft grass. 

"Well," I started "and you're already here." I said realizing it wasn't really a question.

"So, what do you have there?" He asked as he opened a bag of Goldfish. 

"A book." 

"I can see that." he said as he rolled his eyes. "What is it about?"

"It doesn't really matter what my book is about." I said taking a sip from my bottle.

"Sure it does. Knowing what kind of books you like help me get to know you." He said as he munched on.

"What makes you think I want you to know me?" I asked bitterly.

"Because you haven't told me to leave." He said with a wink before turning back to his food. I didn't reply and I picked my book back up. I noticed he was staring and I threw my book back down. 

"Yes"? I said as I looked at him. I swore those eyes were going to turn me to stone, I could already feel my bones hardening. 

"I was just admiring from a far." He said taking a sip of water. 

"Admiring from a close, you mean. And it's creepy." I said as I stood up and walked back inside. I didn't want to talk to him, he'd soon realize what a loser I was so why try and have a conversation? He must be the new guy everyone was talking about this morning. I walked the long way to my locker so I could walk down the glass hallway. I pulled my lock open and took out my afternoon books. I had Spanish, English, and Gym left. I like the end half of my day better than my morning half. Mostly because I really didn't like my History teacher, Mrs.Staffer. She was that old lady that hated everything and smelled of cats. 

"Toby, have you thought of coming to choir?" Mr.Grey asked as he approached my locker. 

"Yeah, I will. I'll have to leave early, though. I have a job interview." I said closing my locker.  

"Ah. Where at?" He asked as he walked with me down the hallway. 

"A coffee shop, Little Treasures." I said pulling my hair off of my shoulders. As I turned my head I saw the new guy on the corner and I quickly turned into Mr.Grey's classroom haphazardly.  

"Careful," He said as he grabbed my arm before I fell into a music stand. 

"Sorry." I said blushing.

"It's ok. So, Little Treasure's? I like that place. It's the one that has an antique shop and a library?"


"Well, if you get the job, I will stop by often." Mr.Grey said with a smile. 

"I should get to my next class." I said as I saw someone move against the wall. 

"Oh, yes." Mr.Grey stepped aside and let me through the door. I turned and just as I did, someone grabbed my arm. Their hand was strong, too. I looked up the arm and followed all the way up until I saw the face.

"What do you want?" I asked as I shook my arm free. 

"Your name." He said in his accent. 

"Well too bad." I said as I walked ahead. 

"That is too bad." He said as he caught up to me. He swung his arm around me and I glared at him. Almost as soon as he put it there, he moved his arm off. 

"I'm all about that bass, no treble". Flowed through the school as people filled the hallways.

"Bye!" I said with a fake smile and walked off to Senorita Ortiz's Spanish class. I blended into the crowd as I heard Ashley's bitchy voice ring through. 



Ok so I think this is coming along well. Normally I delete it all and then start over, but I haven't had to do that with this. If you guys want to add anything to the characters just let me know. I actually think every time I write Mr.Grey a line it seems like he's a creep. Do you think that as well? And I know Toby seems like a bitch, but her reasoning for all of this will become clear soon. Toby is a girl, btw. I'm not sure how many people realized that. I guess that wraps it up for now. I will probably post another chapter night, so 4 in one night. But hey, you want to read one and then wait until next Friday to read them? I also don't make a cast because I want you to picture them as how they look to you. 

-JMAC xoxo

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