Chapter 50

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Ethan's POV

I don't know what's happening anymore. I can't see anything, but I can hear people talking. Am I blind?

"Any news?" A sweet voice asks. Who is that? Sophie? No, not pitchy enough.

"No, but he does seem to have some brain activity." A male voice replies.

"May I be alone with him?" Asks the other voice. Who is that?! The door shuts and I hear someone walking towards me. They take my hand and I immediately know who it is, Toby.

"Ethan." she sighed. My heart breaks hearing her voice so sad. "Parker's aunt was on the same plane you were. She died, though." I heard her snuffle a sob. "You won't die, you can't die." She squeezed my hand tighter. I didn't want to die.

"Remember when I said I could live without you?" She gave a little laugh. "I can't." she whispered. I wanted to wake up so badly. I wanted to wake up and wrap my arms around her and kiss her until I couldn't breathe.

"We have to take him into testing." Another voice said. She let go of my hand and kissed the top of my head. She left the room and then someone started to wheel my bed.

 Toby's POV

I left the room after seeing Ethan. I was going to see him everyday until I died if that's how long he was going to be in that coma. I was walking out of the hospital when my mom walked into me.

"Ah, Toby." she said as she pushed the hair out of her face.

"Hey." I said as I pulled out my car key.

"How is Ethan?"

"He's good. They found some brain activity so that's a start to him hopefully waking up."

"Good." she nodded.

"How about your boyfriend, Derek?"

"He's good, his leg should heal and then he will have to learn how to walk again."

"Did you hear about what happened to the plane?" I asked hitching my bag up my shoulder.

"No, they are still investigating." she replied.

"Well, I should probably go before I'm late for dinner." I said.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing you, Toby." We began to walk off when I stopped and turned back around.

"Mom, I met my dad." I said and she turned to me.

"You did?"

"Yeah, Mr.Grey."

"You call him Mr? The asshole left us!"

"No, he's my teacher. I don't call him Sean."

"Oh. Well, have you talked to him?"


"Ok." She nodded. "Can I talk to him." she asked and I shot a look at her. "Like where can I find him?"

"At my school. Mr.Grey."

"Ok, I'll have to check him out. Thank you."

"No problem." I said to her and walked to my car. I was a little nervous if I should have told her, but I couldn't take it back now. I got into my car and drove to Mike's house. He had been letting me come over a lot after he heard about Ethan. He lived less than 10 minutes from the hospital, too. 

I walked up to the door and Sylvia opened it.

"Hello Toby." She said with a smile. I nodded my head and stepped into the house. Mike was in the corner of the living room painting. Yeah, apparently he had wanted to be an artist before Donna persuaded him to go into real estate. 

"Toby!" He called. "Check this out." he said as he turned the easel to show me his newest painting. It was a painting of Das and me when I got him.

"Wow. It looks just like the picture." I said sitting down on the couch. 

"I hope so." he added a darker green to the grass. "How is he?" I knew he was talking about Ethan.

"He's doing good, I guess. They found some brain activity." I rung my hands.

"That's fantastic. That means he is still there, some what." Sylvia said giving me a glass of tea. It reminded me of Ethan and I felt a pang of pain hit me. "Maybe he can even hear you." 

"I hope. I've been begging him to wake up." I gave a small laugh.

"He will." Mike said smiling.

"I didn't feel like cooking tonight so I order pizza." Sylvia said as the doorbell went off. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I then realized I hadn't eaten anything since lunch when Ethan and I had went to eat before he got on the plane. I ate 3 slices before feeling full again. I was there until 10 and thanked them before heading home.


"Please." I begged. I was hoping Donna would talk to me at least for a little while to go get a prom dress.

"Mom, this is stupid. Just go get her a prom dress." Chelsea said as she flipped through a magazine. Donna huffed.

"Fine." she grabbed her purse. "Get in the car." I was so happy I couldn't hide my smile. Chelsea followed us with her large belly. She was due any day now. I made me happy to see her fat and then think of the baby weight she will have after Tristan is born. We climbed into the car and headed into town to the small boutique Donna like to get dresses at. We pulled in and Chelsea and I squealed as we saw all of the pretty dresses. 

We ran into the store and Chelsea began holding things up to me and handing me dresses. I really liked this sister moment. Donna handed me a dress that was really pretty. When my hands were full I went into the dressing room and tried on the one Donna gave me. Even though Ethan was still in his coma, I was hoping by prom he would wake up. I slipped the dress on and immediately loved it. It had lace on the top and came into a sweetheart neckline. There were gems and beads sewn through out it. It hugged my waist and then flared out a little. It was also a cream almost vintage color. I walked out and Chelsea's jaw dropped. Donna even started to tear.

"It looks beautiful on you." Chelsea said.

"Ethan will love it when he wakes up." Donna said with a smile. I started to tear at this happy moment in my life. There wasn't many and so I cherished all of them. 

"Do you wanna try on any more?" Chelsea asked.

"No." I said looking in the mirror. "I love this one." I went back into the changing room and came out with the dress in my hand. We went and paid for it and I couldn't wait for Friday to come for me to wear it. 


  Sorry it took me so long to post this chapter, but I was dealing with school and all of that stuff. I graduated guys! High School here I But I hope you like this chapter. Do you guys think Ethan will wake up?? Maybe, maybe not. And Donna finally talked to her and bought her the prom dress! So many surprises in this story. Oh and I entered this on in the Wattys 2015 so vote for it please! I remember starting this story and being so excited for it and now it is slowly coming to an end. Ah, memories. So PLEASE vote for Butterfly Wings. It would be so cool to win a Watty! Check out their page on here. Check out my other books, bye! ILYSM!

-JMAC xoxo

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