Chapter 23

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Ethan's POV

I ran downstairs calling "I got it!". I opened up the door and there stood Toby holding all of the supplies for the Halloween costumes.

"Hey." She said breathlessly.

"Hi, come in. I'll take that." I said grabbing a bag.

"Toby!" Sophie called as she ran into the living room. "Look, I'm Jasmine." She spun around showing off her gypsy entire. Kate had even tied her long, jet-black hair like Jasmine's.

"You look wonderful." she replied smiling. Toby laid all of the stuff on the couch.

"Toby, I left you to do the makeup. God knows I can barely put on lip gloss." Kate laughed. I don't understand why she is so nice to everyone but me. I would assume she was going to be hostile towards Toby being my girlfriend and all, but here she was laughing with her. I felt a little bit of hatred towards Toby, but I knew it wasn't her fault.

"Great, I'll do her's when I'm done with Jack Skellington." Toby said kissing my cheek. "Here, put your costume on." she said handing me the black suit.

"Ok. Oh, and here play my playlist that says 'Halloween'." I said handing her my phone. She already knew my passcode so I didn't need to tell her.

"Ok?" she said as she pressed play and the beginning parts of "This is Halloween" flowed through the speaker on my phone. She laughed when she realized what I did.

"Ethan turn that off before you scare Sophie!" Kate scolded. I took back the phone and turned it off. I stomped up the stairs pissed at Kate, yet again. I pulled off my t-shirt and slipped out of my pants. I pulled the costume on. Toby had gotten the measurements perfect. I looked in the mirror and without the makeup, I looked like some type of serial killer.

"I look like a killer." I complained as I walked down the stairs.

"No, you look like my boyfriend trying to be Jack Skellington." Toby said as she sat me down on the step. She began painting my face white and drawing out my skeleton face. I opened my eyes when she was done and saw that she already had her wig and makeup on.

"Ok, now I'm going to get dressed. " Toby said as she put the paint down and picked up her dress. She went up as Toby and came back down as Sally.

"Ethan, look at her." Sophie beamed. I laughed.

"Yeah, that's my girl." I said taking her hand and walking her down the last few steps. Kate snapped a picture of us.

"You guys don't have to take Sophie. You can go to your dance now. I don't you to miss any of it." Kate smiled. I actually took this small kindness from her.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Toby said as she grabbed her bag. I followed her out to my car.


I pulled up in front of the school and took "Sally" into the dance. The cafeteria was already filled with kids. I took her over to a table with Jason and his date.

"Hey, you guys look cool." Jason said moving over one.

"Thanks, Toby's idea."

"Well, I love it." his date piped up. "Hi, I'm Olivia. I go to Lake View."

"Oh, I know you. Seth?" Toby said to Olivia.

"Toby?" Olivia said with sudden recognition of Toby.

"Yeah." Toby said walking over and starting a conversation with her.

"Oh, so leave me that's cool." I said shrugging my shoulders.

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