Chapter 49

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Toby's POV

In the morning, after Sophie had gone to school, Kate and Mr.Thomas came to the hospital. The nurses had offered us a room to sleep in so as soon as they came we were called to the lobby.

"What room?" Kate asked.

"347." a nurse said. They headed to the room with Jason, Olivia, and me trailing behind. Kate opened the door and the beeping of the machines filled my ears. I saw him laying there in a sleep. The doctor was standing at the end of the bed.

"What are we dealing with?" Mr.Thomas asked.

"He is in a coma. When the plane crashed he must have hit his head." Everyone was quiet.

"When will he wake up?" I asked. I was surprised how raspy my voice sounded.

"We don't know. He hit his head really hard." The doctor answered. More silence.

"Well, Toby, would you like some time before you have to go to school?" Kate asked. I guess she could see how anxious I was.

"Yes." I said not trying to beat around the bush. I walked over to his bed side and looked at him while everyone else filed out of the room. I looked at his face. He wasn't even breathing by himself, a tube that was down his throat was pushing air through his lungs. The monitors went on behind me with their monotone beeping.

"Ethan." I whispered. "Please wake up." I choked on tears. "I need you too. I love you." I took his hand in mine. I wanted his eyes to flutter open and I wanted him to give me his perfect smile and hear his voice.

"Please, Ethan." I saw a tear fall onto his hand. I leaned down and kissed him. I had the slightest hope that he would awaken like in Sleeping Beauty, but of course, he didn't. "I'll see you after school." I said as I gave his hand one more squeeze before turning and walking out of the room.

"Jason, uh, you need to drive me home." I said trying not to cry.

"Oh, yeah." Jason gave Olivia a kiss and then put his arm around me and walked out of the hospital. We got into his car and I sat silently, not knowing what to say. I stared out the window trying to hold back tears as I felt a lump in my throat.

"Toby," Jason said softly. I turned to look at him.

"Yeah?" I mumbled.

"Are you ok?" he asked. My eyes spilled over and the tears rolled down my cheeks.

"No." I whispered. Jason lunged across the seat and pulled me into a hug. "I know that he isn't dead, but he's still not here. I can't hear his voice or see his blue and gray marbled eyes." I sobbed choking on tears.

"Sh." he said as he patted my head. "Don't think like that. He could still wake up and when he does, I know for a fact that you will be the first person he will ask for." I took a deep breath.

"Can I just go home?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jason sighed as he pulled out of the parking spot. We were quiet the rest of the ride. I quietly sobbed to myself while Jason stole a few worried glances at me. We pulled up in front of my house and I got out without saying a word to Jason. He seemed to understand that I was thankful for him.

I walked up my steps, dreading what would happen when I walked in. I needed someone to actually be there, not be there and ignore me. I did not want to be ignored right now. I opened the door and dropped my hoodie onto the floor.

"Chelsea? You came fast." Donna said as she came into the foyer. "Oh." she said when she saw it was me. I looked up at her. I thought she was going to just go back into the kitchen, but she didn't. "Toby, what, where-" she couldn't make a complete question. She took a deep breath.

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