Chapter 28

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Ethan's POV

I sat there on my bed. It was well past 9...maybe 1:30ish. The events from earlier replaying in my head over and over.

"Ethan, I'm so sorry. " Toby said with glassy eyes.

"Sorry? You're sorry? I laughed sardonically. "Sorry my ass."

I had been so mean to her. I didn't even let her explain, and now she probably hates me. She'll never come back. God, what the fuck did I do?

"Toby, you are not in the 7th grade anymore. You are not alone. You don't have to prove a point anymore." I said without even thinking that my words had sounded so vile in my head.

"That has nothing to do with this!" she screamed at me.

She was right, that did have nothing to do with this. She only did it because I had been a jerk to her.

"Ethan," she said so sweetly I had forgotten why we were even fighting. "I love you." I didn't even want to hear her.

"No." I said still angry. "No, you don't."

"I do." she said louder and clearer. I knew my words had hurt her. I wished I could have taken them back. I was an awful boyfriend. I will never get her back. I sat on my bed, the memories flashing through my head like a movie, a very bad, tortuous movie.


Toby's POV

I laid in my bed, staring up at my ceiling. My tears leaked into my ears and my hair was sprawled across my pillow. I can't believe the things Ethan said to me. He could have slapped my across the face, that's how bad the words hurt. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 2:43, I had to fall asleep or else I would never stop thinking. I rolled over and stuffed my face into my pillow. I dozed off into a nightmare.


"Toby, can you set the table? People will be here any minute and I have to take the turkey out of the oven." Donna said as she pointed to the stack of plates. I took them over to the table and put a plate at each place. I skipped one. Donna still thought Ethan was coming and had his spot placed. I wasn't going to tell her, I would only end up in tears.

"Mom?" Chelsea called into the house.

"In here." Donna said as she tested the temperature of the turkey.

"Marc will be coming later." Chelsea said strutting into the kitchen. "Hello, Toby." she said as I came back into room.

"Hi."I mumbled.

"Are those bags under your eyes?" she asked taking my face in her hand. I shook off of her hand and went back into the dining room with forks and knives. I laid them neatly on the napkins and then put cups to the left of the plates.

"Donna!" called a cheery voice that can only belong to Aunt Phoenix.

"Aunt Phoenix!" Chelsea said as she went over to hug her. "Chase, Logan." Chelsea said as she hugged our cousins.

"Where's Tabitha?" Phoenix asked.

"In here!" I called. Chase and Logan came running in to give me a hug. They are 8 year-old twins. Phoenix is a lot younger than Donna and had kids later in life. "Hey guys." I said kissing their foreheads.

"Hi, Tabitha." Chase said.

"Call me Toby." I said.

"Ok." Chase shrugged.

 Toby do you have a boyfriend yet?" Logan asked.

"Logan!" Phoenix scolded.

"What?! She's pretty now." Logan said bashfully. Phoenix shot him a glare and he walked into the kitchen to help Donna.

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