Chapter 4

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Toby's POV

When Spanish was over I went to my English class with Mr.Collins. As soon as I walked into the class I saw him. "You have got to be kidding me." I thought to myself as I took my seat. I took out my notebook and began answering the writing prompt.

"So, you have Collins, too?" He said over me. I looked up at him. The overhead light reflected off of his lip ring, almost blinding me.

"No, I'm here because I like to write about Edgar Allan Poe." I sarcastically responded turning to face him.

"What's your favorite?" He asked in a flowing voice.

"The Tell-Tale Heart." I said turning back to my writing.

 "Mine's the Raven." He said before another awkward pause. "So, you have a nose piercing?" He asked gazing at the side of my nose where a little stud poked out.

"What does it look like? I swear you ask the most obvious questions."

"That is true."

"Ethan, your seat is here." Mr.Collins said gesturing to the empty chair.

"Ethan? That's his name! Great, just fanFUCKINGtastic." I thought as Ethan took his seat in the back.

"Now, class, why did Poe-" Mr.Collins began. I zoned out for the entire class. I just kept seeing Ethan mocking Mr.Collins. I had to keep from laughing, because they were really funny. I turned to look at the board so I didn't laugh as Ethan pretended to rip off a toupee. When I turned back to look at Ethan he had made a heart with his hands. I quickly turned back around, as if I didn't see it. 


Finally a song played through the class and I could go to gym. As I grabbed my stuff, Ethan came up behind me and took my pencil. 

"Hey!" I said as I chased him into the hall. 

"If you want it, you have to get it." Ethan said as he ran through the groups of high schoolers. I followed him as he ran through the glass hallway. Normally I wouldn't have cared, but that was my only pencil for the rest of the day and for homework.

"Get back here!" I said as I struggled to breathe. Man, I have to work out more. I kept running after him. I didn't even notice that I had run into dozens of kids. 

"Hey!" One yelled.

"Blame Ethan! He has my pencil!" I shouted. I saw him dash into a door and followed him in, not realizing it was the boys' locker room. I ran in and saw him go into the showers. No one used them much so I ran in. 

"You really came in here." He said as he stood on the other side of the shower room.

"What you think I'm scared of a bunch of naked boys?"

"Nah, just scared of me." He said as he caught his breath. "Man, you can run."

" First of all, I am not scared of you. Second, no, I can't. I'm just as whipped as you are." Then I heard all of the boys shuffle into the showers. They started hooting and calling. 

"Well, you gonna take a shower?" One called. I knew the voice. 

"Shut up, Parker!" I said as I spun around. "You would love to see this body take a shower." 

"Ooohhhhh." All the boys called. 

"Well, then come on." Parker said as he walked through the others. 

"Hey, she's a lady, not a toy." Ethan said as he walked up next to me and laid my pencil on the binder I held. 

"Oh so, British boy here is going to stop me?" Parker said as he walked up to me and Ethan. 

"I don't believe in violence." Ethan said.

"Ah, man. Too bad I do." Parker said as he backed up and swung.  Ethan caught it and punched Parker in the gut. 

"But, that doesn't mean I won't participate." Ethan said as he stepped over Parker and went to change for gym. I walked out of the locker room before I got caught and went to the girls locker room. 



Thought there was going to be a fight? Nope, not yet anyway. So that is it for this weekend. I will have more next weekend. So far do you like the characters? I'm not sure what else to tell you guys since I updated 3 other times. So, yeah. 

-JMAC xoxo

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