Chapter 24

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Toby's POV

At first it didn't hit me. I didn't even think about it. I walked into the hallway. There I saw Ashley and Ethan, nothing unusual. Then I saw her hand in his hair. His hands on her hips. The reality of it all hitting me in the gut. I now knew why he never actually kissed me; it was because he really did want to be with her. Tears rapidly fell down my cheeks and I heard Thing One and Thing Two sneer behind me. My breathing became labored and the room began spinning.

"Thanks a lot!" I sputtered. Ethan spun around just as I was storming to the doors. "Get her to take you home!" I said over my shoulder.

"Toby, it's not what it looks like." He said as he ran up to me. He touched my shoulder and I snapped. How dare he touch me.

"Really? Because it looks like you're just another Parker." I said with venom in my words. I wish I wasn't crying so that it would have sounded more hurtful, but it just sounded like I was a dying cat. I looked the other way so I didn't have to look at his perfect face and stone eyes.

"I swear, Toby." He said grabbing my hand. I yanked it away. Why was I here? I didn't have to stand here and have him pleaded with me and watch me cry. I spun around and reached for the door. I was about to put my foot out the door when arms reached around my waist. I kicked to be put down, and I was, but I was only spun around and picked back up. Then a warm pair of lips met my own. I was going to open my eyes, but I knew who it was, a lip ring was pressed against my lip. I was going to pull away, but instead I wrapped my legs around him, suspended in the air and in time. My hands reached for his face and I rested them on his jaw line. I heard gasps from the people in the room, but I could care less. All of my anger disappearing, and so where his lips. My eyes fluttered open to see a Jack Skellington smile on Ethan's face. He wiped my tears away. "I will always kiss you when you cry." he whispered.

"I thought you wanted Ashley." I said quietly.

"Never. I'd choose you in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you." he said pushing the wig out of my face. I didn't know what to say.

"Can we go home?" I asked suddenly tired.

"Yes, we can go home." He said carrying me out. I put my head on his shoulder and he put me into the passenger seat.


I woke up as the car door opened and a cold wind hit my legs. Ethan put his arm under my legs and I threw my arms around his neck. He already had my keys out and unlocked the door. The house was quiet with everyone sleeping. He carried me into the living room and laid me one the couch. I wondered why he hadn't taken me to my room, but I remembered he didn't know where it was. I felt his weight on the other side of the couch and I crawled over to rest my head on his chest.

"I thought you didn't like cuddling?" he said being a pain in the ass.

"Just shut up and enjoy it." I said searching for his hand. I felt his chest rise and fall until his breathing went into a soft rhythm.


"And what do we have here?" Donna asked the next morning. My eyes snapped open. I saw the morning light streaming into the living room and I hit Ethan's chest. He sat up just as startled as I was.

"Sorry, Donna. We just came home late and I was so tired I couldn't drive. Nothing happened, I swear." I said looking at her while she stood with her hands on her hips.

"Mhm." She replied.

"At least I'm not Chelsea." I muttered. Donna pretended not to hear me and walked into the kitchen. I looked at Ethan who's hair was in a mess not that it normal wasn't.

"Good morning?" he asked more than stated.

"Yes, it is." I said kissing him. I felt him smile.

"I should go or else Kate will be worried sick and then I get the wrath of it." He said getting up and stretching.

"Just call her. I will go make breakfast." I said getting up. I realized we were still in our costumes. "Actually, I'm going to get changed first." I said running up the stairs. I washed off the makeup and pulled my wig off. I pulled out a t-shirt and some sweatpants. I threw my hair into a ponytail and then sneaked into Michael and Donna's room. I went into his drawer and pulled out a a Polo t-shirt and and cargo shorts. I hoped they would fit Ethan and Michael was pretty small. I went back down and saw Ethan talking to Donna. I was very surprised to see this. I handed him the clothes and told him that the downstairs bathroom is where he could get changed. I also told him that Chelsea should have makeup remover in there as well. I went over to the fridge to get the eggs and bacon out.

"He is a very nice young man." Donna commented over her coffee.

"Thanks?" I replied.

"Much better than any man Chelsea has brought home." I couldn't believe she had just gave a positive remark about anything that had to do with me. "And when did you do that awfulness to your hair?" she said pointing to the new color. "And there it is." I thought.

"How would you like your eggs?" I asked her changing the subject.

"Over easy." she replied turning back to the newspaper.

"How about you, Ethan?" I asked as he came back into the room.

"Scrambled." He said as he walked over next to me and put the bacon into the pan. I smiled at him while I got the eggs ready. I also figured it would be nice to make pancakes so I made the EZ-batter and put strawberries, blueberries, and chocolate chips into it.

"Aah." Ethan yelped as he jumped back. I saw the grease in the pan shoot up and land onto the stove. I laughed at him while he poked the bacon with a fork. When it was all done Ethan helped me serve it all and we finally sat down to enjoy it.

"Very good." Donna said through a mouthful of egg.

"Yeah, I like the pancakes." Ethan elbowed me.

"I can barely cook." I said to them.

"If it was up to her she would make Ramen every night." Donna said to Ethan.

"I would be very pleased with that dinner." Ethan replied smiling at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, we should be going now if we're going to make it to school." I said as I picked up my plate and took it to the sick.

"Yeah." Ethan agreed following my lead. I grabbed my bag and went to my car. Ethan climbed in and I drove to school.


"OTP!" Jason yelled as he saw us coming though the hallway. I blushed.

"You two are too cute." someone I didn't know said as she walked by.

"So I see cutest couple in our future." Ethan said as we got to my locker.

"If we don't break up before the end of the year." I said getting books out of my locker.

"Yeah, ok." Ethan said as he leaned down to kiss me. Each time it sent butterflies in my stomach. "See you at lunch." he said as he walked away to his homeroom.


So sorry it took so long. I was going to try and get it up last night, but after formal I was so tired. And I was busy today, but Mother's day is tomorrow so I wanted it up tonight. So here it is. I loved writing this chapter. And be sure to read my new story Too Far From Perfect. Hope you enjoyed, bye. ILYSM!

-JMAC xoxo

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