Chapter 22

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Toby's POV

I got up the next morning earlier than I had to be. I knew that I wouldn't be able to fall back to sleep so I got up and went downstairs. I put cinnamon buns into the oven and went to watch Robot Chicken while I waited. When they were done I took four of the small cinnamon buns into the other room with me.

"Ugh, I can't take that smell right now." Chelsea said as she rubbed her head. Her blonde waves were a mess as they fell around her face and she had her makeup smeared on her face. All she had on was a black tank top and a silk flower robe that fell right before her knees.

"What happened to you?" I asked as I looked at the mess she was.

"Marc happened." She said as she took a seat next to me on the couch. "He wanted to go out to this club and so we went, but I got drunk and he drove me home. He's upstairs." She said taking the remote and putting on the news.

"And in entertainment news, model Chelsea Jasper was seen last night at the famous club, De la Cruz. She was with an unknown hottie. Sources say that she got so intoxicated she didn't drive herself home. It is also reported that she was pole dancing and skinny dipping into the clubs hot tub." The news reporter announced before going onto sports. I looked at Chelsea who had a look of pure shame.

"So, uh-" I started with a smile on my face. She turned to scowl at me.

"Shut the fuck up." She moved her hair out of her face. "You have nothing on me. You may have changed from the loser you were, but you are still pathetic. At least I have fun with my life instead of getting attention by trying to end it." She got up and left, leaving me with my mouth open. I couldn't believe she would say that to me. Those words stung and they left a nasty burn. I got up, no longer having an appetite. I threw the food into the trash and went into my room. I got dressed and took my hair out of it's braid so it was in nice loose curls. I threw my hoodie on and was out the door. I didn't even tell anyone where I was going.


I pulled up in front of the hair salon. I walked in and the smell of hair dyer and shampoo hit me.

"Hello, do you have an appointment?" asked the lady behind the counter.

"No, but could I get my hair touched up?" I asked walking up and putting my bag onto the counter top.

"Uh, let's see. Cassie is free, would you like her?"

"Sure, as long as I can get it done in the next hour."

"Yeah. Cassie!" she called. A woman with gorgeous tan skin came to the front.

"Yes, Marilyn?"

"This girl here, would like her hair touched up." she replied gesturing to me.

"Ok, right this way." Cassie said as she took me into a chair. "Just a touch up?"

"Actually, I think I wanna change it." I said looking at my hair. I have had it died this way for about a year and I got kind of bored with it.

"Any suggestions?" Cassie asked as she separated my hair.

"Yeah, I need the roots bleached" I said as I showed her the brown coming through the blonde. "But I think the purple should be a more ombre, you know starting with the blonde and then a darker purple fading into a lilac?"


"And there you go." She said as she brushed out the last piece. I looked at the new hair I had. She had blown it dry so I could clearly see it.

"Wow." I breathed when I saw it. It was exactly how I had asked for it, she did however spice the purple up a bit, adding a little more blue. "I love it."

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