Chapter 48

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Toby's POV

After worrying all day about Ethan, I finally was able to fall asleep. I was actually in a pretty deep sleep, but then my phone started to buzz under my pillow. I looked at the time, it was 1 am.

 "Who the hell is calling me at 1 in the morning?" I thought sleepily. I answered the phone without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked the person on the other end.

"Toby?" the responded.

"Jason?" I asked sitting up.

"Yeah. " There was some commotion in the background. "Something's happened to Ethan, I'm coming to get you." the phone went dead. A sudden surge of energy shot through my veins and I jumped out of bed. I through on my Vans and grabbed a hoodie. I didn't even know when Jason was going to get here, but I went and sat on my front steps.

The air was cold as I hugged my knees. After a few minutes I saw headlights coming down the street. I jumped up and ran to the car. Olivia swung the door open for me and I got in the back.

"Hey." she said calmly.

"What happened?" I asked getting to the point.

"We don't know." Jason said with a paralyzed face as he sped down the rode to the hospital. We got stuck behind some traffic. "Damn it. I forgot about the concert letting out." He hit the steering wheel. I sat in the back wringing my hands. I couldn't imagine what happened to Ethan. My perfect Ethan. The boy I loved with all my heart.

"Finally!" Olivia said as we made it passed the concert crowd.

"Sorry about that." Jason said looking back at me.

"I don't care, just drive faster." I said as I stared out the window, the street lights flashing in the car. I felt my pulse beating faster.

We pulled up in front of the hospital and I didn't even wait for him to stop the car before jumping out. I ran into the place like a mad lady, looking frantically around the room. I saw people rushing about, kids crying, a man with a broken leg being wheeled around, a pregnant lady, but now of them was Ethan. I started to hyperventilate when I saw him lying in a bed with tubes in his mouth and needles in his arm. He just laid there, still not moving at all. I wasn't even sure he was breathing. I jogged over to the door when two large men blocked my entrance.

"Please, that's my boyfriend." I begged.

"Family only." The stated.

"Please." I said as I tried to shove my way through them.

"Family only." one said as he grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back.

"Oh, God. Please!" I felt the tears running down my cheeks. I felt myself going into a panic attack. I grabbed my waist and doubled over. I started screaming and crying, drawing the attention of everyone. Then I felt a hand on my back and I half hoped it was Ethan. But when I turned around it was Jason. He took me into his arms and hugged me while I sobbed into his shoulder. He pulled me back to look me in the eye.

"He's not dead." he said with assurance.

"But, he's-" I started.

"He's not dead." Jason cut me off.

"He's not dead." I repeated. Olivia came over and hugged me from behind. So there we were, a group of teenagers hugging each other, crying and chanting "he's not dead."


I was sitting in a waiting room seat, the tears stained on my cheeks. Jason and Olivia sat on the other side of the room. She had her head on his shoulder, sleeping. They were both sleeping while I sat there in agonizing pain. I should be sitting like that with Ethan. I couldn't take it anymore and I got up to get some fresh air.

I walked out and stood in the parking lot, looking up at the moon and the stars. I hugged myself, fighting the cold.

"Why? Why would this happen to me? Did God hate me? Did he hate me so much that he takes everyone from me? Was my life one big joke?" I thought as I fought tears.

"You too?" someone asked from behind me. I turned and saw an older woman.


"You got sick of staying in there waiting for answers?"

"Oh, yeah." I said turning back to the stars.

"I heard it was a plane crash. Some malfunction of some sort." she continued.

"Oh." I mumbled getting annoyed.

"What's wrong with yours?"

"My boyfriend?" I asked looking at her.

"Yeah." she replied.

"I don't know. His parents aren't here yet to get the information." I shrugged.

"You would think that because their kid was in a plane crash they would be here." she said as she approached my side. I turned to her and gave her a nasty look.

"They have an 8 year little girl who adores her older brother, she does not need to see him like this." I said not holding back on ounce of anger.

"Jeez, calm down." she said guarding herself with her hands. I took a deep breath.

"Sorry," I shook my head. "It's that I want answers. I need to know what's wrong with him." I looked at her. That's when I realized who she was. "Abby?"

"Hey, Toby." she squeezed my shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" I asked stunned to see my mother here.

"Same as you." she looked up at the stars. "My boyfriend was on that plane."

"Wow." I said shocked.

"Yeah." she looked back at me. "How are you holding up?" I looked at her, letting all of my emotions seep through.

"Not good at all." I started to tremble.

"Aw, come here sweet girl." she pulled me into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed. I hadn't realized how much I missed her hugs. Her soft scent and creamy, silk touch was reassuring, just as a mother should be.

"I need him to be ok, mommy." I said not realizing I had turned into my 6 year old self.

"He will be ok, baby." she said looking into my eyes. "Remember what I told you when those people came." she said. I swear everything around us morphed into our tiny apartment and she was wearing that smock covered in paint and I had my baby doll in my hand. "Things may not go your way, but you will always have your mommy." I took a deep breath.

"I missed you." I finally said.

"I did, too." she pulled me back into a hug. "I love you so much, Tabitha."

"I love you, too mom." I squeezed the last tears out.

"Abigail, he's ready to see you now." a nurse said interrupting our moment. She let go of me and squeezed my hand. Then she walked off with the nurse.

I looked up at the stars again. And I guess I was nervous or something because I ran over to the nearby trash can and threw up.


===================================================================Oh no! What happened to Ethan?! Guys I'm sorry for not posting the chapter for a while, but I went to a concert yesterday and I was just too tired to post it, but I have some free time right now so why not? Did you guys like the mother and daughter moment? I don't know what I am going to do with Abby, she's just so wishy washy as a character. But that is Toby's mother, so... Oh well. BIG NEWS! We are at 1.99K reads! Just a little bit more to go before 2K! I know that isn't a lot compared to some stories, but it's a start and I want to thank you guys so much for reading. I honestly didn't think anyone was going to read this and now I have readers in POLAND, ITALY, and UNITED KINGDOM! Shout out to my foreign readers. You all rock! Check out my new books! Hope you enjoyed, ILYSM!

-JMAC xoxo  

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