Chapter 21

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Ethan's POV

I woke up early to a text from Toby telling me I could come over whenever. I had nothing to do so I decided why not go now? I got into the shower while the playlist that she made played on my phone. I laughed when I heard Kate call in the hallway that the music was stupid.

"Tell that to Toby!" I said back to her. I finished up and jumped into a pair of jeans with a red Aero t-shirt on. I shook my hair out in the towel and left it like it was. I headed downstairs just as Kate was taking Sophie to the library.

"Bye, Ethan." Sophie said as she went out the door. I walked into the kitchen and there sat my father reading the paper.

"Good morning." he said. I looked around to see if he was really talking to me.

"Uh, good morning?" I asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, hey, could you refill my cup?" He asked as he turned to face me. He held out his empty mug.

"Sure." I said pouring the black liquid into his cup.

"Thanks." He said as he folded his paper. "Where you off to this early?"

"Toby's." I replied leaning against the fridge.

"Ah. You really like her?"

"Yeah." I said not really wanting to get into detail about my love life with Toby.

"Don't make the mistake I made, son." He said with a suddenly tired look on his face. I was surprised he even called me son.

"And what is that, dad?" I asked with my head cocked. He smiled at me and then laughed as if he had just told some joke that I wasn't apart of.

"Cheat on the one you truly love and make a mistake you can't take back." He said. I thought about what he had just said. He was referring to my mother and Kate. He said something about a mistake that you can't take back. I was the mistake.

"It is you own fault! I have nothing to do with the fact you were a cheater and had sex with a random woman from a foreign country! It's not my fault and Kate can stop hating on me and hate you for doing it!" I threw down my cup. I couldn't believe he had just said that. I walked out of the kitchen only to turn back around and tell him off again. "Oh, and if you thought you could just run back to America and Mom couldn't say that I was yours, karma's a bitch isn't it?" I said as I grabbed Toby's keys and went out to her car. I pulled out and sped down the rode. God, I couldn't believe he had said that.


I knock on Toby's front door and stepped back.

"Coming!" she called. She opened the door in a pair of ripped jeans and a school t-shirt that was covered in stains. I laughed when I saw it wasn't our school, but Lake View's. "Hey." She said as she took a step back into the foyer. I stepped in and followed her into the basement.

"So how much have you gotten done?" I asked looking at the mess of paint, thread, and scraps of fabric.

"I have mine almost done, but I have to take measurements of you." she said as she took a tape measure and measured my height, waist and shoulders. "You have the same measurements as Seth." she laughed.

"Oh so now I'm a gay guy, thanks." I didn't sound to happy when I had said that.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" she asked as she wrote down the numbers and began cutting the black fabric.

"My dad calling me a mistake."

"Oh, yeah that sucks." She said as she patted my back to make me move off her work space.

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