Chapter 38

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Toby's POV

Olivia was now in my room, crying her heart out into my pillow.

"Shh." I said as I rubbed her back.

"I was so stupid." she sobbed.

"No, you just didn't think." I said not really denying her. She sat up and looked at me with mascara running down her face.

"I shouldn't have pushed so hard. Now he won't talk to me." she was referring to her Valentine's Day with Jason.

"He just needs some time to cool down." I said trying to make her feel better.

"Toby, what if-if w-we never get-get back t-t-together?" she choked as more tears flooded her eyes,

"Trust me, he misses you." I said not entirely sure.

"Really?" she wiped her face smearing the black lines in crazy directions.

"Yes." I said as I took a makeup wipe to her face. "You know how he is with waiting until he feels like he's ready. I think he just doesn't want to admit he wants to wait until marriage, and you have to respect that. It's one of the fundamentals of a relationship."

"You and Ethan are just so well put together." she commented as she pushed the hair out of my eyes.

"No, we're not. We have fought before. You have been there."

"Yeah, but he always talked about you when he was with me and Jason. I bet Jason never talks about me."

"I can ask Ethan." I said as I tossed the stained cloth into the trash.

"No, he will know it's because of me." she sighed a shaky breath.

"You know what?" I asked and she looked up. "There is a party on Saturday. Me and Ethan are going and I will take you, too."

"What if Jason is there?"

"So what?"

"I will start bawling." she said as she fell back onto my pillow.

"Not if you look ridiculously hot." I said.

"And how are we going to do that?!" she said as if we weren't girls who go to the mall.

"I'm taking you to get an outfit. I need one anyway." I said dragging her off the bed.

"Ugh." she said as she hit the floor. "I don't want to. Not now when I want to lay in bed, eat ice cream, and watch old Disney movies."

"C'mon don't be that stereotypical girl. Be a badass." I said standing her up.

"Fine." she said as she swiped her purse from my chair.

"And why are you so light?" I asked as we clambered down the stairs.

"I'm a cheer leader."

"Oh, so you are that stereotypical blonde." I said and she whacked me with her purse.

"Next time, I'll push you down the stairs." she said as we got to the landing.

"You love me too much." I said as I smiled at her. "Donna we're going to the mall!" I said into the living room. She peeked over the sofa and raised her glass of wine.

"Have fuuuunnnn!" she said clearly drunk. I went over to the table and picked up the empty bottle of wine. I shook my head and put it back down.

"Call Chelsea when you are throwing up.'' I walked out of the house and to my car. Olivia got in and buckled up and I took off down the street.


"Seth didn't tell you?" I asked laughing as I sipped from my smoothie.

"No." Olivia laughed.

"Ok, well it happened when I was drunk that one night at his house." I started.

"That one night?"

"Ok, the last time I was drunk at his house." I rolled my eyes. "He told me that he told his now ex-boyfriend that if he wasn't going to give him a blow job he might as well be straight." I laughed into my cup.

"He has no chill." Liv said standing up.

"I know." I said as I followed her into a store.

"It's actually supposed to be really warm this week." she said as she shifted through some racks.

"Yeah," I said as I checked out this pair of ombre purple shorts. That's the thing about where I live, it get's cold late and hot fast.

"How about this?" she asked as she pulled out a red dress. It was a 3 quarter sleeve and was tight around her chest and when it hit her waist it flared out to her knees. The top half had black lace over it.

"That would look perfect on you!"I said as I felt the dress. "Jason will love it." I said without thinking and she immediately made a sad face. "Oh, honey, I'm sorry. Try it on." I said trying to cover it up.

"Ok." she sighed and walked into the dressing room. She was taking a little to long so I knocked on the door. I heard her sob a little and then she opened the door standing in the dress.

"Liv, what is the matter?" I asked as I shut the door.

"I look horrible in this. I'm too fat." she said as she stared into the mirror.

"Liv, you are not. I just told you that you were so light when I picked you up."

"Maybe this is why he didn't want to have sex with me. Because I'm too fat." and she went into another fit of sobs.

"Olivia, look at me." I said as I grabbed her shoulders. "You are not fat. And that is not the reason he didn't. He felt too rushed is all. He loves you, I know it." I said to her and I brought her into a hug. "And no one will be as fat as I was in the 7th grade." I heard her laugh.

"Toby, I'm glad you failed at suicide." she looked my in the eye. "I'm glad you're still here."

"How did you know about that?" I asked not knowing she knew.

"Seth." she shrugged.

"Man, I tell him one thing." I said as I pushed her into the mirror. "You look absolutely stunning." I said and she smiled.

"Really?" she said looking at me and then the mirror.

"Yes, a million times yes." I said as I stepped out of the dressing room. I walked over to a rack of tank tops. I saw a black one that had a breast pocket with zippers across the pocket. I grabbed the shorts I had and went to pay with Liv.

"Got your outfit?" she asked.

"Yup," I said as I handed my credit card over. "And Ethan will love it."



Sorry this chapter is so late, but here it is. The story is getting close to the climax. You guys will kill be, I'm telling you. Just to warn you, in June my school is having a bunch of events and my best friends birthday is coming so I have that; moral is I won't be able to post as much next month. Or at least until all of the events are over. I hope you liked this chapter. Bye, ILYSM!

-JMAC xoxo

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