Chapter 37

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Toby's POV

I got into my car and drove to school. Ethan was waiting for me at the door.

"Hey, babe." He said as he kissed my cheek. We walked into school laughing about how Donna found us sleeping in the basement Saturday. We turned the corner and I saw Mr.Grey. I couldn't run away, my locker was right there.

"Hello Toby." Mr.Grey smiled. "Ethan." He nodded.

"Hi." I said as I undid the lock.

"So, have you told your parents about you knowing me?"

"No, I didn't." I said as I closed the locker. "And if you don't mind, I rather not talk about it."

"Oh, sure." he said as he awkwardly smiled and walked away. I kissed Ethan goodbye as I walked into homeroom.


"I still can't believe you are with Ethan." Ashley said to me when I got into math.

"Well, we are." I said as I rolled my eyes and sat down. She followed.

"I don't like it."

"Oh and I didn't know that from you constantly telling me."

"Break up with him!"

"Uh, let me think about it." I fake thought. "No."

"You will break up with him."

"You have nothing on me anymore." I said getting fed up.

"Oh, no, I don't." she pouted. "Wait, yes I do! There is a party at Daniel Adams' on Saturday."

"A party? That's what you're going to use against me? I won't do any drugs or shit, you know that right?"

"Shut up. I meant was, Parker and Nick will be there and I know that Ethan just loathes them."

"What makes you think that we will even go?"

"Trust me he will want to." And she walked off. I didn't know what she meant by that and it scared me. After math I went to lunch and saw Jason and Ethan laughing hysterically in the back. I went over to them.

"What's so funny?" I asked as I sat down next to Ethan.

"E-e-Ethan told the teacher that he was g-going out with T-Toby and-" Jason said as he continued to laugh.

"The teacher asked if I was gay." Ethan said plainly as Jason went into a fit of laughter.

"That's not the best part, though." Jason said as he caught his breath. "The teacher then said 'that would explain a lot'."

"He didn't know that Toby was your nickname." Ethan said explaining as if to cause no offense to me.

"He doesn't think it's funny." Jason said as he jutted a thumb at Ethan.

"Jas, he thought I was gay!" Ethan said as he threw his hands up.

"I, for one, know you are not." I said kissing him.

"Thanks." he smiled.

"No thanks." Jason said crossing his arms.

"What's the matter with him?" I asked suddenly noticing his change in emotion.

"Man period."Ethan joked as Jason shot his a glance. "Olivia tried to push sex on Valentine's Day and Jason didn't appreciate it."

"She just- ugh." Jason growled. He got up and walked away. I looked at Ethan and he just shrugged. Just then Daniel Adams, the richest guy in school, came up to us.

"Uh," he looked at Ashley who glared at him. "You're invited to my party Saturday." and then he walked away.

"Ashley had something to do with that." I said hoping Ethan wouldn't want to go.

"Yeah, but Daniel's dad is a sponsor at the best college for basket ball." he pleaded

"And how will that help you?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"Maybe I could leave a letter there at his house for his dad to read." he said trying to convince me. "Babe, it's just a party, everything will be fine." his expression soothing.

"I guess, it is 3 days after your birthday." I said looking down.

"Aw, you remembered." he said pulling me into a side hug.

"Shut up." I said pushing his face away.


I got home and Donna and Michael were fighting. They never fought, it ruined the "perfect" aspect of our family.

"Maybe you could help around the house!" Donna yelled.

"I'm the one who pays for it!" he shot back.

"I have a job!"

"Yeah, and it doesn't pay more than a lemonade stand!"

"You take that back." she said appalled at his comment. 

"Donna, you are too old for this." Michael said as he stormed out of the kitchen and out the front door. I stood there dumbfounded. I heard Donna's muffled sobs in the dining room. I didn't know what to do so I went into the kitchen to pour her a glass of wine.

"Thanks." she said as she laid the glass on the table. "I don't understand were all of this tension and distance came from between him and I."

"Maybe it's Chelsea's baby?"

"No, this started before the baby."

"I don't know then." I said as I went to go upstairs.

 I knew exactly where it was coming from. Michael didn't love her anymore, but I was not about to tell her that. I went to my room and laid on my bed. Even though this was a big problem, I had a even bigger one. Ashley was pure evil, a devil spawn, and she would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. It's rumored she paid a girl to move away or she was going to pay to have her beat up. I'm not sure if it's true, but ever since Ethan moved here, I have gotten to know just how mean she could get.

And I knew that Ashley made Dan invite us to the party for her own insane reasons. She had a plan for that night and I knew it. And I couldn't just back out of the party, Ethan wants to go. I started to get anxiety over this whole thing. I could feel my throat closing and I started to shake. I gripped the bed bars and just focused on breathing. Once I lost my breath, I knew I was going to be in a full on panic attack. I slowly calmed down and got up. I took a deep breath. I walked to my bag and dug around until I found my mother's business card. I dialed the number and after 3 rings, she didn't pick up. I sighed and tossed the card back into my bag.

"Toby, Olivia is here!" Donna yelled from downstairs. I ran down and saw Liv standing there with a "help me I'm about to break" face.


Sorry to leave you guys at a cliff hanger, but I had to end it before it got to long. I have an old story that I'm thinking about posting, but I pre-wrote it so the chapters are short and I can't edit them with out having to fix the next chapter and then the chapter after that. Would you guys still like to read it though, or will the short chapters kill you? And Ashley needs to lay off, like just accept the fact that you aren't getting Ethan in this book. She has no chill. Well, that's it. Hope you enjoyed, bye. ILYSM!

-JMAC xoxo

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