Chapter 12

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Ethan's POV

Why the fuck is she doing this? I don't understand. All I tried to do was be friendly and get to know her and she locks me out of the shop? And not only that shuts all the blinds. I should tell her boss! No, then there is no way she'll talk to me. I pulled up in front of my Dad's house.

"Ethan, dinner is on the table." Sophie says to me as I walk up the steps. Sophie is my little sister. She was born after my father had come back from England.

"Thanks." I said kissing her forehead. She swatted me away.

"Nasty cooties." She called after me as she wiped her forehead. I walked into the small house and went into the kitchen.

'Where is my plate?" I asked Kate, my stepmom.

"I didn't make it. I didn't know when you would be back." She said as she walked into Dad's office. She had resented me ever since I came here. She doesn't like the fact that I am a product of the affair my father had. I took a plate out of the drying rack and put a piece of pizza onto it. I took it up to my room and turned on my TV. Robot Chicken was on and so I watched that until Sophie came knocking on my door.

"What do you want brat?" I called through the door teasing her.

"Mom said to bring your plate down when you're done. And ew, your room smells." She said making a face. I threw a pillow at her and she shut the door. I rolled my eyes and took my plate down.

"Steve, I don't like him here." Kate complained to my father.

"He's my son, Katherine."

"Ok, and I'm your wife. I was here first."

"Don't be a child." He said as he came out of the office. I quickly dashed back up to the bathroom before he saw me. I started the shower and got in. As soon as I did I felt the water change pressure.

"Really? Now?" I said to myself. Kate was probably running the dishwasher or doing laundry just because I was taking a shower. I got out and went into Sophie's room.

"What?" she asked as he put down her Harry Styles doll.

"Checking for monsters." I said as I stepped into the room. I looked in her closet and then spun around and picked her up. She squealed with laughter. I plopped her down on the bed and threw the blanket on her.

"Again!" She called.

"Ethan, no rough housing before bed!" Kate called.

"Sorry, mom's rules." I said as I handed her George the Giraffe. I walked out of her room and back into mine. I figured trying to think about Toby was only going to make me restless so I plugged my headphones in and went to sleep.


"Hello?" I asked as I answered the phone. I had been asleep and so now I was wishing I still was.

"Hello?"Someone repeated.

"Who is this?" I said thinking it was a prank.

"Uh, Toby." They said back uncertain of their own name.

"Toby?"I asked springing up in my bed.

"Yeah, Toby Jasper. I was wondering, since you're not my sister, could you still come and get me?" she asked with a shaky voice.

"Toby, are you drunk?" I asked her while getting my pants on.

"Listen officer, I only had 2 no, 5 vodkas."she said moving around in the background.

"I'm coming to get you, where are you?" I said not even trying to put on a hoodie.

"Seth's house." she said as if I knew where that was. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, and where does Seth live?" I slipped on my Vans.

"Uh, 486 Falen Ave." she said clearly confused.

"Ok, no more drinks before I get you." I said grabbing my keys and getting into the car, I hadn't even thought about my parents.

"Sir, yes sir." she said like a soldier and then hung up. I hoped to God that she had the right address and was ok.

Toby's POV

I woke up to someone banging on the door. I had a massive headache.

"Ok, ok. Shut up already!" I swung open the door and saw Ethan standing there. "Ethan?" I asked.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine. Why are you here?" I asked confused as ever.

"You called me. Toby, you're drunk. C'mon."

"No, I'm not. You can asked Seth." I said pointing upstairs.

"Just come on." He said as he took my hand and lead me to his car.

"Ethan, my head hurts." I said clutching the railing.

"I know. I'm going to take you home." He put me into his car and seat belted me in.



"I don't know where I live." I said drawing a blank.

"Well, then I'll take you to my place." He put the car in drive and started to go. I fell back asleep.


"Toby." Someone whispered. "We're home, but you have to be really quiet."

"Ok." I whispered back. I couldn't see into the pitch black world. I didn't even know who I was talking to. I went to stand up and I fell onto the cold concrete.
"Here, I got you." a familiar voice said as the picked me back up. I racked my brain for the person that the voice went to. I leaned onto their shoulder as they took me into the house. "Toby, remember to be very quiet." They unlocked the door and lead me up the stairs.
"Where are we?" I asked as I put my hand on the wall.
"My house, careful there is a step there." they took my hand and helped me up the final steps.
"And who are you?" I asked as I looked at them, still not being able to see.
"I'm Ethan."
"Ethan?!" I said as I dropped his hand. I almost fell down the stairs, but he caught my back and straightened me out. I could not be with Ethan right now. I decided it was best not to talk.
"Shhh." he said as he took me into a room. "Here lay down." he sat me on the bed. I did what I was told and laid down. His bed was soft and I quickly fell asleep. I felt his hand on me a minute later and I moved closer to the wall.
"Don't touch me. I don't like to cuddle." I said in my sleep. He didn't say anything back.

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