Chapter 14

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Toby's POV

Ethan was waiting for me when school was over. He was leaning up against the brick wall.

"Ready for work?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said as we walked to his car. I pulled out a bottle of narcotics.

"Whoa, what do you think you're doing. Those are for like woman in labor." He said as he took the bottle.

"They are from when I was depressed. I had a friend that could get them off market."

"Had a friend?" He asked still not giving me the bottle back.

"Don't talk to him anymore, he got arrested." I said lunging for the bottle.

"So why do you need them now?" He said pulling the bottle closer to him.

"Um, I'm hung over right now?" I said reaching out for them.

"Fine, but only one." He said opening the bottle and handing me one. I rolled my eyes, but took it. He started the car and drove down the rode to Little Treasure. I slipped my dark green work shirt over my other shirt and got out of the car. Ethan followed me in.

"So, what do you have to do today?" Ethan said leaning on the counter.

"Pretty much what I do everyday. Clean the counter tops, sweep-"

"No no, I mean after work." Ethan cut me off.

"Nothing, much why?

"Well, you blew me off the other day."

"True, but what makes you think I even want to go out?"

"Because you can't seem to stay away." He said smiling. I looked at him with an "are you serious'' face.

"I think you are mistaken." I said as I took the rag and wiped down the counter. "You can't seem to stay away."

"Nope. He said taking a seat on one of the red faded stools.

"Well, then what do you have planned?"I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"I was going to take you to this bakery down the rode." He said with glinting eyes.

"A bakery?" I asked dubious.

"Yup, down the rode, but you don't want to go." He said teasingly.

"Would it make you happy?" I said with a mock pout face.

"Indeed it would." He said serious. I swatted him with the rag. "Ow!" He said as he covered his upper arm with his hand.

"Oh, please that didn't hurt." I said laughing. "But, I will go if it will 'indeed make you happy'. It will be payment for last night." I said throwing the rag in the sink.

"I will have to pick up Sophie from school and take her with us though." He said trying very hard to hide the smile.

"That's fine. Sophie is so cute." I grabbed the broom.

"Yeah, ok. She is only like that when she wants something out of you."

"Well, she was nice to me and I didn't have to give her anything."

"That's because I have to do her chores for a week." He said as if a 7 year-old's chores were hard.


After work we drove to the elementary school that Sophie went to.

"I remember when I went here." I said looking at the old rickety swing sets.

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