Chapter 53

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Toby's POV

I woke up because of loud beeping and people running in and out of the room. This nurse came over and helped me out of the bed rather roughly. I looked around at the frantic people as they began to administer these tests on Ethan. 

And before I knew what was happening they pulled the sheet over his face and the doctor was calling the time of death. 

"01:34 a.m." he said as he walked out of the room. They began to wheel him out of the room and that's when I realized what was going on. I flung myself in front of the bed and went to Ethan's side.

"Ethan! Ethan!" I pounded on his chest with my fist. 

"Miss." a nurse said pushing me back. "I'm very sorry for you loss."

"Wh-what happened?" I asked.

"There was an unseen slash in his heart. Very slowly the slash grew until he bled out." she said as she began to wheel him back out. I let out a deep breath. I walked out slowly, everything around me was in slow motion. Kate, Mr.Thomas, and Sophie were talking to the doctor. Kate was crying while Mr.Thomas held her and Sophie. I walked out of the hospital with many stares. I was still wearing my prom dress, but I had frazzled hair and smeared makeup. 

I got into the parking lot before realizing Seth had drove me here. I got to the bus and was soon on my way home. I stared out the window with a blank stare. I got off and walked the two blocks to my house and climbed the stares to my room. 

I got into my room and my knees grew weak. I fell to the floor everything hitting my in the gut. I started to cry and gasp for air. I wanted to get the dress off. I couldn't find the zipper so I just clawed at it until it tore and I threw it into a heap of tulle and silk. 

I went into the bathroom and started the shower. I got in and sunk to the floor letting the cold water pelt on me. I started screaming and crying. I was gasping for breath and pounding on the tile. I don't understand how this could happen. He was just alive a month ago and now he is just another victim to the plane crash. My Ethan, my beautiful Ethan was dead. Gone and he will never come back. 

I felt my heart aching and I was hoping that this was just a dream. I began to pinch myself and when it hurt I still didn't want to believe it. So I began to claw and that hurt so this wasn't a dream. 

"Oh god, this isn't a dream." I cried. I was numb from the cold water, but I couldn't find the strength to want to get out. All those times Ethan told me to expect the unexpected, I would have never expected this. I wasn't made for this type of pain. 

So I was sitting in the tub, screaming and crying, my lungs burning. Donna came into my room and ran into the bathroom.

"Toby?" She said as she turned off the water and wrapped a towel on me. "What's the matter? What happened?" 

"Ethan is dead." I gasped. "He's dead." I looked at her. Tears hazardly fell from my eyes. Donna's face paled and she quickly pulled me into a hug. "Donna he's dead. Dead! Dead! Dead! Dead!"

"I know, baby." she rocked me. "Everything will sort itself out." She said as I felt her tears fall onto my cheeks. "Let me get you some medicine to calm you down." she said as she went to her bathroom to get my old depression medicine. She came back with that pill and another pill to help me sleep. 

We walked into my room and still wrapped in the towel, I climb into bed. I took the pills and was soon calm and sleeping. 


=====================================================================================Guys! I'm so sorry that I killed Ethan. I was crying just writing this. Please don't kill me! You have to understand, this story is not about Ethan. It's about Toby and her finally being able to be happy. Ethan was her starting line into being happy. Please understand that. And no, this isn't a dream or anything, Ethan is really dead. So just sit back and read the new chapters to find out all of the surprises Toby goes through. Hope you liked (or not). Check out my other books! ILYSM!

-JMAC xoxo 

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