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I just woke up from a long nap and im already feeling like going back to sleep. I can hear my mom fucking her boyfriend in the other room. Yuck. I grab my phone from my nightstand and text Charlotte.

ME: good-morning!! Are u awake??
CHAR:hey!! Yeah! Hows your head doing?
ME: ugh. Barely surviving.
CHAR: Take some Panadol.
CHAR: gotta head to work! ttyl!

I turn my phone off and walk to the bathroom,
take my clothes off and head in the shower.
The waters cold,
im used to it.
I pour some shampoo over my head and massage my scalp slowly. I run it with some water for the last time then turn off the water. I grab a towel and wrap it around my chest making my way out of the bathroom.
I grab a pair of sweat pants with a black tanktop and tie my hair up in a bun.


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"IVY BLAIRE LAVIGNE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE" my mother yells. I sometimes wanna jump off the roof off my house, you know?. or smash my head across a wall. Everyone thinks that.. right?.
I make my way down the stairs as i see my mother wearing a rope barley covering herself,  i cant see right through her. she disgusts me.
her huge boyfriend near her. The usual.
"Yes?" i say trying to avoid contact with "frank",
my mothers 'boyfriend'. Ever since i was 16 he's been living with us, taking our money, eating our food, everything you could think off , he did.
He tried to rape me a couple times, and i've tried telling my mother, she never listens.
"GO MAKE SOME FOOD!" she yells loudly, my head already hurts enough.
I walk to the kitchen grab a pan and some eggs.
I feel someones hands wrap around me and squeeze me.
his breath over my ear as he says "your one good little girl ivy"
as he bites my earlobe.
I try to escape his hug but he isn't budging. I can smell the alcohol. "Why are you resisting?" he says turning me around for me to face him.
"I-im not" i try to put in. Im scared shitless of frank so i don't talk back. "Well darlin, then.." he squeezes my thigh and leans in to kiss me, i turn my head leading him to kiss my cheek instead. "YOU BASTARD!" "I TOLD YOU CLEARLY NOT TO RESIST!" HE yells at me. "I-im sorry" i say as he kisses me. I close my eyes wanting to forget where i am. I hate it here, its always filled with people and franks always up in my business. It smells like beer all the time. "Good girl" he says pulling the kiss and squeezing my breat. A tear falls down my cheek and i wipe it right away.
I turn the eggs and throw them on the plate.
i put the food on the table. "Im leaving for work" i say wearing my shoes.
"Don't forget the check darlin" i hear Frank say as i walk out the door. i just wish for once i cant have my own shit you know?.
i grab my skateboard and skate my way to the beach i work at.
I walk into the beach and as soon as my feet hit the sand i see char and Ava. "Hey!" i hear charlotte yelling running to hug me. "Hiii!!!" i say hugging her tightly as i side hug ava. Ava slowly backs up and has a frown on her face. "Whats wrong?" i say with a questioned face. "Did frank do this to you?" Ava says almost tearing up. "ava hey..hey, dont cry its okay" i say comforting her. "can we please get to work already?" Charlotte says as she clearly tries to lighten up the mood. "Yeah okay" i say grabbing my life guard whistle and wrapping it around my neck. I sit at the front and put some sunscreen on.

a guy around his 20's seems to wanna sit right in-front blocking the view, great

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a guy around his 20's seems to wanna sit right in-front blocking the view, great. just awesome. i get down and tap the guys shoulder as he turns around to face me. "yeah?" in a deep husky voice. "y-your blocking t-the view" i stutter? i stutter now? just fucking great.
"and you think im gonna move?" he says in a annoyed tone as he starts rolling his eyes.
"im sorry sir your gonna have to move since im clearly not able to see who's gonna drown anytime soon." i say with anger in my voice, he pissed me off.
"alright then" he says, getting up i see he has a gun in the back of his shorts. i raise my eyebrows and stare at Ava from miles away to make sure shes seeing what im seeing. Ava looks at me and laughs and turns around.
i look back to say something to the dude but he already left.
i sit back up and continue to check my board of people.

its getting late, and i finished my shift today. i grab my skateboard and skate my way home.
i open the garage and threw my skateboard and unlocked the door. my eyes widen as i see blood on the floor. "m-mom?" i try to say as i walk around the house. i hear someone shushing my mom in the bedroom. i run to the door to leave the house and someone grabs my mouth to stop me from screaming. "scream or your moms pretty little head gets blown off" A strange muscular man with a bunch of tattoos. "am i clear?" he says in a calm tone. i nod as a tear falls down my cheek. "boss, shes got a daughter, and the daughters very hot." he says. i can see his smirk. i feel scared. and disgusted. i hate my mum. but i don't want her to die. shes still my mother after all. A tall guy, dark eyes. they have no emotions. "me and your mother had a misunderstanding, im afraid todays her last d-" he gets cut off by my mother as she yells "you can have her!" what? is she talking about me? "oh?" he says in a questionable tone. "you can have her! you can have ivy! until i get all the money, you can take her with you! she does everything i promise!" my mother says as i look into her with disgust. "fine, we'll take the girl" the husky man says. my eyes fill up with tears as i look at my mother. i cant believe her, i should've let them kill her.

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