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"And then he fell" Kim laughs out.
I laugh as she describes Argent falling off of the boat.
"Hey" Elijah says as he walks in.
His messy hair covering his eyes,
His plumped lips and gorgeous dimples light up when he sees me.
I give him a peck as i remove the hair from his eyes.
"Hi baby" I whisper out.
"Hello love" I smile at the sleepy sound of his.
"Me and Kim are going to the store and i-" He cuts me off with no hesitation.
"Your not going. not after what happened earlier" He says as he drinks the orange juice.
"Elijah im okay" I groan out.
"I'm going to Walmart to grab a couple snacks for tonight" I say as i walk up the stairs.
"She's in great hands brother" Kim says walking behind me.
"Is she tho?" I hear Eli say as i let out a snort,
Earning a slap from Kim.
We walk in my room as i grab my green cargo pants with my sports bra/top.
I grab my (Elijahs) socks and my (Elijahs) perfume as Kim waits in the car.
I walk in the bathroom as i put some concealer on my arm,
My arm bruised because of yesterday.
Aj pushed me hard enough to bruise it all.
I dab the blender as it covers the purple scar.
I put some under my eyes and put my hair down as i grab my hair serum (Elijahs) And brush my hand along my hair with it.
I make my way downstairs as i sit on the floor wearing my shoes.
Elijah comes and when i get up he gives me a long, passionate kiss.
"mmm" I say as i lean back.
"Here" He says pulling out his wallet as he grabs 2 cards.
"No i uh" I sah as i fit my hand in these annoying pockets,
I pull out a 20 dollars bill.
"That's enough?" He asks.
I don't really answer
because im not sure myself.
"That's not gonna buy you gum" He says as he puts the card in my pocket.
"That, that can buy me a store rich man." I say in a sassy tone as i point a finger at him.
"mhm whatever" He says as he gives me a kiss.
I let go and tell him i love him before i make my way to the car.


"get me soda!" Kim yells from across the aisle.
A loud noise hits my ears.
"EVERYBODY DOWN ON THE GROUND! ONE SOUND AND I SWEAR ILL SHOOT HER DEAD!" A man yells as he points a gun at the old lady.
I notice his hand shaking out of panic,
Sweat on his forehead,
Upper lip,
Under eyes,
He's fidgeting his other hand.
"Get down!" She whispers.
A man pulls me down as i fall catching the soda with me.
He's a sweet 50's of age man with a baby girl.
I look at the worried man,
Then at the worried robber.
I get up slowly as i hear people telling me to get down,
I make my way to the robber as his eyes glue to me,
His gun glued to my appearance as his hand clearly shakes even harder.
"Calm down okay?" I say slowly as i stand still.
"It's okay" I say again.
"Get- Get down!" He stutters out.
"You want the money yeah?" I say as i repeat the question two times.
He nods,
I grab the cash register and punch it open as i pull out the stack of cash.
"I need it all!" He yells.
"O-okay!" I stutter out as i grab the rest of the cash.
I grab it out and show him it as i slowly bend to the floor sliding it across.
He grabs the cash and i gesture the old lady to come over.
she makes her way over as she hugs me.
"Go." I tell him as he grabs his shit and runs out in no time.
"Ivy!" Kim yells as she runs in to check on me.
"Jesus! dude!" She yells in frustration.
"I'm okay" I say as we walk out.
"I'm okay" I whisper to myself.

I walk up to the bathroom as i grab the concealer dabbing it on my wrists making sure the bruises are hidden.
i cannot worry Elijah more than he already is.
I walk downstairs to the kitchen.
"Your back early" Elijah says as he hold my waist pulling me close to him as his lips touch mine.
"what did you get?" He asks between kisses.
what did you get? oh almost dying that's what i got.
"Nothing was nice" I say as i let go of him.
I grab a glass of water and chug it down.
"Oh? Shitty store." He says.
"super" i say as i sit on the couch.
he sits beside me and holds my hand making me let out a groan
"Sorry" He says letting go quickly.
"i didn't mean to hold u that hard" he says in worry.
"it's not you" i say as i rub my wrist.
Elijah's attention all turns to me as his eyes fill with worry and confusion.
"What?" He says as he adjusts his seat so that he faces me.
"It's really not a big deal don't worry about i-" He cuts me off quicker than i could ever cum-
His eyes give me a strong look.
"Speak" He demands.
"I went to the store with kim and a creepy poor guy tried robbing the cashier and i tried to help her but the gun he held was scary, and i hurt my arm when i hit the register to grab the cash! everything is fine tho because nothing as bad happened-" I speak so fast as i fidget my hands.
He cuts me off
"A gun? robber? what? why wasn't i informed?" He says with anger as he gets up grabbing his phone off the counter.
"I knew it was a bad idea" I mumble.
"What was that?" He asks
"Elijah, i'm fine" I say as i get up and inhale a rush of air.
"Everything could've gone wrong!" He yells as he looks at me.
"But it didn't! okay? i'm not a kid for fucks sake stop acting like i am! this isn't even about me god dam it!" I yell loudly as i brush my fingers through my hair.
"Isnt about you?-" Elijah cuts his 'You' with a irritated chuckle
"Everything is about you Ivy. You!" He points at me.
"You could have died!" He yells.
"But i didnt!" I yell back.
"Im going to find out who he-" I cut him off by pulling his phone.
"No, you aren't." I say.
"Give me the phone" He says in a challenging tone.
"He was just a kid. He didn't know what he was doing. okay?" I say as i slowly put the phone on the table.
"so please. stop" I whisper.
He grabs a tissue and runs it through some water.
I raise my brow in confusion on what he's doing.
He walks towards me making me hit the wall behind me.
He holds my wrist and wipes it.
"What are you?-" He cuts me off by raising my bruised purple arm.
"A kid?" He yells.
"A kid wouldn't be able to cause this!" He wiggles my arm in the air.
I let out a groan as i pull it down.
His eyes narrow down to mine as he exhales slowly.
I push him away but he manages to tackle me in my place.
"Let me go" I say.
"I wanna leave" I say
"No, your not leaving until you tell me what he looks like" He says.
I hit his chest as he grabs my arm.
I try to fight him off but he's too strong.
"Let. me. fucking. go!" I hit his chest after every word.
"Fuck you Elijah!" I yell as i manage to push him making his eyes widen.
I grab my phone and slide it in my pocket as i brush my fingers through my hair.
"I cant lose you" He whispers with a voice crack.
My eyes turn around to see Elijah on his knees with his head facing the floor.
My gaze completely softens at the way he looks.
"I cant lose you" He cries out.
"I lost everything, i cant lose you too." He cries as he looks at me.
His nose is red and his face is wet from the tears.
I've never seen Elijah cry.
I'd never want to see it.
I run towards him as i kneel down.
"I'm right here baby" I whisper as i grab him hugging him tightly.
He lets out a few sobs.
I whisper words of comfort to his ears as i rub his back.
"I love you" I whisper.
I grab his arms as i pull him up.
I walk him upstairs as i gesture him to the bed.
I turn off the lights and rest down with him as i continue hugging him tightly.
"You have never lost me my love.
and you never will."

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