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i wake up by the annoying fucking sound of the alarm.
i groan as i rub my eyes.
my hand holds the alarm and accidentally knocks it over.
"you really don't like mornings huh" Elijah's beautiful, breath taking voice expands in my ear.
I turn around to see him wearing his reading glasses and his laptop laying on his lap.
i groan as i push my head in a pillow trying to avoid morning.
i feel Elijah's hand go through my back, rubbing it gently.
i turn my head to find him staring at me.
i lean closer and kiss his cheek.
he bends to kiss me but i put my finger between.
"morning breath" I mumble as i roll over.
i get up and wear my slippers.
"come on it's fine" eli groans.
i roll my r as i say "nur"
it's no, but in a much funnier way.
i walk in the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror.
i'm wearing banana shorts with a banana top.
i grab a tissue and wipe the mascara left over.
i grab my tooth brush,
i brush my teeth and gargle with some mint wash.
i grab my phone, sliding it in my pocket and going back.
his laptop is on his chest.
so i move from the side and kiss his neck slowly, hearing a soft groan.
i make my way to his jaw,
his lips.
his soft lips touch mine as his tongue finds its way.
i move my knee up accidentally knocking the laptop closed.
I remove my lips and look at it but before i can apologize he throws it on the floor and grabs my knee making me stand on top.
i grab his hair and kiss him slowly.
finding my way to his shirt,
slowly removing it from him as his hot bod pops.
i lean down as my lips find the center of his abs.
he groans as i kiss it over making my way down.
i pull down his pants slowly as he looks at me.
watching my every, little, move.
i gasp as he pulls me up as he gets on top of me.
i hear him whisper "my turn".
he slowly removes my top as he kisses over my shoulders,
down my stomach line.
i just realized im not wearing a matching set.
his fingers narrow to my shorts as he removes them.
slowly removing my.. everything but my bra.
he goes up and kisses me slowly.
his fingers find my weak spot as he massages me making me gasp.
he removes his boxers as he finds his way to a condom.
applying it on, he slowly teases me with his tip.
making me moan.
he's still kissing me as he gets in me.
going up and down.
i moan between kisses.
unable to kiss anymore my lips open as i moan in his mouth.
his lips form a smirk as he groans out.
i scratch his back as i moan out his name.
he mumbles something as he sits beside me.
i move up to him as i get on top,
teasing him as i massage myself on him.
slowly he groans.
rolling his eyes back.
My hand traces up his-
"seriously?" eli says as he groans.
the phone rings.
i roll over and grab the phone.
"hello?" i say as i speaker the phone and put on my shirt.
"hello this is ivy knight correct?" a sweet voice goes over.
"yes" i say
"i'm just here to inform you that the food you ordered arrived" i thank her and hang up.
"you order food a lot" elijah says as he puts on his pants.
"i know"
"let's go eat im starvingggg!!!" I say as i walk down.

"i love you" i say with a smile.
"i love you too but without the pizza sauce all over you" he laughs out.
"it's good pizza! i gotta enjoy it" i mumble as i chew on the pizza.
"okay truth or dare" i say as i face towards him.
"okay seriously no-"
"was that a dare?" I say
Eli groans and says "fine, truth"
"okay hmm" i say thinking.
"when i died, did you think of getting yourself a new sugarrr" i giggle
"don't say that" his face turns.
"and never" he says as he throws a pillow on me.
"hey!" i laugh out

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