𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦, 𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝐻𝑜𝑚𝑒

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Lea came, With Jacob and some people.
My makeup was melted,
My pants where ripped.
Elijah's blood was on me.
Elijah passed out.
They ran in and justin grabbed Elijah.
"What happened?!" Jacob yells.
Lea comes near me Looking at me everywhere.
"Oh my go-" She puts her hands in her mouth.
"Your head ivy!" She gasps as grabs a towel and puts it on my head. i pull her hand off of my head.
"Elijah's the one hurt!" i cry out
"He shot him! he hurt him! we need to take him to a hospital we need to get him serious care he can't just stay he-" Lea hugs me.
"Calm down." she says..
"Come on baby," She holds me up And tells the security to take me me to the car.
"Let's go home" She says..


I just woke up,
I see justin,
And.. Father.
"Oh my god Elijah your awake-" Kim says but i cut her off
"Where's ivy?" i look around.
"She's Getting stitches for her head" Father says without looking at me.
"Father." i say.
"Elijah son," He gets up and comes near me.
"I did not raise you to become a stupid risky teenager" He says Looking at me.
He looks.. Sad. Afraid. Tired?..
"I'm sorry i failed you father-" A voice cuts me off.
"I don't care about the mission son" father says with a little smile.
"Take care of him" Father says as he leaves.
"Oh my god Elijah" Kim says as she hugs me.
"I'm fine" I say.
"It's just a wound."
"It'll heal." I say Fixing my sitting position.
"Elijah.. they told us your heart stopped." Kim says with a voice crack.
"I'm okay now"
I let out a little laugh
"is justin asleep?"
"yeah he was here ever since they put you" kim giggles
"who drew the dick on his forehead?" i smirk
"ivy" kim laughs


"Try not to get hit by a bunch of stuff again" The doctor says as he bandages my forehead.
"noted" i giggle.
"Elijah, is he okay?"
i ask.
"Elijah's a strong young man, but he needs to be careful." Dr.juan says.
"Can i see him" i ask .
"right after im done removing the glass" Doc says.
I hear the door open as i see lea walk in.
"Hey" she says holding a bag of.. god knows what.
It's not a happy "Hey" nor a sad "Hey" it's just a.. "Hey"..
"Hey" i say back.
"I got you some uh.." She says looking through the bag.
"Snacks" she picks up a bag of sour patch and smiles.
"Thank You" i smile at her.
"How you feelin?" she says chewing on candy.
"I could be better" i smile at her.
"Hey, do you remember when that one guy at the bar gave you whiskey instead of cola?" She asks.
"Uh, yeah? why" I raise a brow.
"I hired him to" She looks down.
"I knew it. You bitch!" I laugh out.
"I hated you! I'm sorry!" She laughs out.
"God i knew it!" I laugh out.
Soon the laugh turns to a cough.
I keep coughing.
"hey, you good?" Lea asks as she puts down the candy and gets up towards me.
"Ivy?" she says worried.
I keep coughing.
It's like something twisting my throat.
"Doc!" lea yells.
"Doc!" lea yells again
"DOCTOR!" lea yells loudly.

"Yeah you used to break all the barbie's arms" Kim laughs out.
"No i didnt" I chuckle out
"Doc" I hear lea's voice out.
"Doc!" I hear her yell again.
"Is that lea?" I ask.
Kim looks worried.
"DOCTOR! SHES NOT MOVING!" I hear lea yell.
"Who's not moving?" I ask raising a brow.
"Oh my god, ivy." Kim says putting her hand over her mouth.
"what? i need to get up" I say removing the blood pressure off of my arm.
Kim pushes me back in bed.
She puts the blood pressure back.
"Don't fucking move! We could've lost you!" Kim cries out.
"Kim Ivy's Dying i need to go!" I yell back.
"Ivy's the reason your here! She should die!" Kim blurts out.
She covers her gasp with her hands.
Why would kim say that.
"i.." Kim says
"Get out" I say resting my head on the pillow.
"Elijah, i'm so sorr-" Kim says
"GET OUT KIM!" I groan in pain and hold my stomach.
"Okay." Kim says.
Justin never speaks. he's just.. there.
"You alr?" Justin says.
"Yeah." I manage to say.
"Please check on ivy" I say.
"Okay" Justin gets up and leaves the room.

"Ivy!" Lea Running back in with the doc.
The doc grabs a couple things and heads towards me.
He opens my eyes.
"She's awake" He says in relief.
"Why isn't she speaking?" Lea says wiping a tear.
"She's in pain." He says as he grabs a sedative.
"I'll give her something to cool her off." He wipes me hand and pats it looking for a vein.
He grabs the vein and tucks a needle in.

"Give her a couple minutes, she's on morphine so easy on her" He smiles at lea and leaves.
"Wait!" lea says to the doc.
He grabs the door and turns around.
"Yeah?" He says.
"Is Elijah okay?" She asks.
"Elijah Was shot right near his lung. But the shooter missed. He has a Pretty deep wound But he'll heal much faster because he's body is strong." Doc says with a smile.
"Do you want me to bring Elijah here?" He asks.
"Yes" I blurt out.
Lea's eyes widen.
"You spoke!" She smiles.
"Okay" The doc leaves the room.
"Are you okay?" Lea asks
"I'm purrrrrrrr-" I sing out.
"Purrrrrffffeeeeecccctttt~" I sing.
Lea giggle as she sits down.
"Can fish fly?" I ask..
Can they?
"No" Lea giggles.
"I miss Elijah" I say pouting
"Stop pouring lady! He's coming" She rolls her eyes.
I dramatically gasp.
"Elijah is coming? For ~Me~?" I say in a British low accent.
Lea's laughing, a lot.
Her laugh gets cut off when i hear the door open.
I grab a m&m from the table but before i can eat it Lea slaps my hand.
"No!" Lea says.
I give her a mad look.
"Doctor orders" She shrugs.
Elijah enters and looks at me.
He smiles.
"Hey" Elijah says not breaking eye contact.
"Hi" I say back.
"I'm gonna leave you 2 alone" Lea says putting her purse on the side and leaving.
She pat's Elijah's Shoulder and walks away.
Elijah sits on the bed and looks at me.
"You came" I say sounding WAY too mesmerized than i should be.
He laughs.
"I was 3 feet away so.." He smiles at me.
"I miss my mom" I say.
I can feel a tear forming.
"I want my mom" I cry out.
I can feel Elijah's arms wrap around me.
"I know" He whispers.

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