Don't blame me

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I woke up a little too early, so i decided to go get groceries,
since Elijah's asleep and we don't have anything.
I leave a note on the fridge that says,
(i'm going to get groceries, ring me when u wake up
- your love )
I leave and grab the car keys as i start the engine,
I'm wearing my sweatpants with my hair in a ponytail and a tank top,
Not too long after i arrive at our local market,
I walk down and as i walk in see the
new drinks collection.
Ugh, lovely.
I grab my phone and scroll through the list i wrote,
pancake mix,
i grab the eggs and place them in a cart,
and walk over the to the bakery,
i grab 2 croissants and milk,
as also i take butter.
I grab some Cheetos and some vinegar chips.
I place 2 gadorate's for Eli and grab myself a coke.
I out one vodka and make my way tot he cashier.
"Hello, find everything good today?" The cashier smacks her gum.
"Mhm" I say as i scroll through my phone.
She scans it all and pauses at the vodka,
Looks me up and down and says,
"Yeah i'm gonna need an ID" She says as her gum smacks loudly.
I pull out my ID and slide it to her with a smile.
"Mmm okay" She says as if i'm lying.
She scans the vodka and says
"that's gonna be 54 and 99 cents"
I grab Eli's wallet and pull out a 100
"Leaving a tip?" She says.
"No" I say as i slide in my phone.
"That's rude" Her Aussie accent is clearer now.
"I just need the money for.." I make a thinking face.
"more important people" I say.
She looks like she's about to slap me.
but i'm just giving her the same attitude.
She hands me the money and the bag as i make my way to the car.
I put on music and make my way home.

"Ivy be careful please" I say as i hang up.
I grab the water and sit on the couch but before i put my legs the door rings.
How'd she get here so early?
I open the door and-
"Where is she" Liam says.
My eyebrows raise as i look at the man infront of me.
before i ask,
A shutter comes from behind.
My eyes land on Ivy,
Bitch her hands over her mouth and tears swelling.
"Ivy" Liam says.
"Wha-" She breathes out.
She shakes her hands as she walks around.
"What, i dont-" She breathes out again and holds herself.
"Ivy it's me" Liam says.
I walk towards her and hold her arms.
"Please, please let me explain" My voice shatters as i look at her.
"But how i-" She exhales.
"Your dead" She points at liam.
"And you-" She looks at me.
"How do you" I cut her off.
"ivy i didnt know he was gonna-" she cuts me off.
"He's my broth-" Something stops her from speaking and a tear falls.
She looks at Liam.
"You knew?" She says as a giggle leaves her mouth.
"Ivy i" Before i can say anything a slap lands on my face.
"You knew?!" She yells.
"You knew and you didn't tell me?!" She yells again.
Her hands land on my chest as she hits me.
"You! you fucking dick!" She cries out.
"Ivy" Liam says
"And you" She points at liam.
"You made me think you died, you made me go through HELL with mom and-" She cuts herself.
"Frank" She says but in a lower tone, not less angry tho.
"Ivy i know but-" She cuts him
"No! no! no buts! my entire life all i ever fucking here is but!" She screams.
"I put up with their shit so you didn't have to,
I got raped so you didn't have to,
I worked 2 JOBS so YOU didn't fucking have to!" She screams.
"I got kidnapped,
i got shot, i was bought and i faked my death but i" She points to her chest.
"I came back" She says.
"Not after 5 years, but after 2 months" She says.
"And i didn't make you think you killed me" Her eyes narrow between me and him as she slowly backs away.
"No" she whispers.
I walk and hold her hand and her waist to pull her to me.
Her hands wrap around me as she cries in my chest.
"I want him away" She muffles
I look at Liam,
Maybe he has a good explanation?
Idk i'm really craving pizza right now.
"Please Elijah" She cries out
I hold her head as i look at Liam.
"Get out" i say.
"Iverina please" Iverina?
"Don't call me that" Ivy says as she walks up to him.
"I worked like a dog, DAY AND NIGHT!" she pushes him.
"I starved, i danced, i cleaned, i cooked, i wrote, i served" She says.
"I cared" She pauses.
"My name is Ivy" She says.
"Ivy knight" She repeats.
"And your dead to me" She says as she bitch-slaps the fuck out of him.
"Okay ivy-" She cuts me off.
"See this?" She pulls her hand revealing white scars.
His eyes soften and his jaw tightens.
"Frank" She says.
She raises her leg.
"See this?" She points at bruises.
"Mom" She says.
She raises her shirt revealing the big scar that walks over her belly button and continues down.
"Dad" She whispers.
"You left!" She yells.
"I had to!" He yells loud enough to snap me out of my thoughts.
"I had to. they threatened!" He yells.
"You, if i where there i would've had to go through all this! would you have wanted that for me?" He says.
"Are you kidding?" I interrupt.
"Get the hell out of my house and get the fuck away from my fiancé unless your tryna get beaten." I say calmly.
"Stay out of thi-" Before i realize,
my hand goes on his face and he falls to the ground.
Ivy's hands go to her mouth as she tells me to stop.
I grab his collar and walk him up as i punch him again.
"There's the door" I say.
He looks terrified.
His blue eyes light up and his freckles become darker.
"today liam" I say bothered.
He walks out as Ivy hugs me tightly.
"Thank you" She says.
"Ofcourse darling" I say as i kiss her head.
"Now let's go inside and make some pancakes?" I say as i look at the bag.
She grabs the bag and walks inside as her hand swings.
We sit on the couch as she speaks and i change the subject, i try to make her laugh.
When her tears fade and her swells go, i get up.
"Your okay?" I ask to make sure
"I'm fine! a little scratch over my ass wont make a difference!" She yells as she makes her way to the kitchen, with the worst southern accent ever.
"Lord have mercy" She says in her southern accent.
god help me.

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