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"Elijah!" i yell out.
"hm?" Elijah says
"Did you pick axel up from school?" i ask as i stur the pot.
"oh fuck" Elijah says.
"you didn't forget our kid again.. did you?" I say
Elijah grabs his keys and runs out.
i giggle as i throw the soup in the bowl.

"mama!" Axels soft voice echoes in my ears.
oh how i would never let go.
"hi baby!" i give axel a hug.
"mama look" axel holds up a paper.
"oh my god! good job" i give him excitement as elijah holds him up.
"so axel, what do you think of "beach?" i say with a smile.
axel starts jumping in eli's hands as i giggle.
"let's go" i say.

I hop out of the car as i fix my shorts,
"did u have to wear that bra?" elijah says.
"babe, we're in the beach, it's a bikini not a bra" i say
i hold axel and we tip toe our way to the beautiful blue ocean.
"mama crap!" Axel squeals.
i giggle at his incorrect pronunciation.
"look at the crab babe!" i call out eli from behind.
Axel holds the crab with his hand as he gasps at its movement.
"oh mama! let it go now" axel says.
i hold the crab off him and slowly to the ground.
i grab axel and before i can step on the water elijah's strong arms wrap around me.
throwing me and elijah in the water.
i giggle as he twirls us around.
axels little feet splash the water as elijah splashes back.
"if dada was animal, he would be a stark!" axel says as he pretends to be a shark.
"i think dada would be a turtle, no?"
elijah grabs me closer and says
"i think i can do better than a turtle, no?" he says as he throws me over his shoulder.
i yell as he twirls me around while axel giggles.

"dada, mama" axel says as he points at ivy, sleeping in her seat.
it has been a long ride home since the beach is in another city.
"she's tired she's okay tho" i say as i take a turn.
axels little arms wrap around my bicep holding me to a hug.
"i love" he says.
"always axel" i say as i rest my head on his.
after a couple minutes i can tell he slept so i grab his leg and put him on my chest as he sleeps.

i put them both to bed as i put an extra blanket so they don't get cold.
i walk down as i grab a cup of water and enter my office.
i open up my computer and work on the paper i never finished.
i look around the room and spot axels picture.
2 years ago i would've never thought i'd have a kid.
now i do, and he is the best thing i have ever asked for.
and so is ivy. she's gorgeous and she is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
i'm happy, my dads gone and my shit business is over. all i have is my family. and i am NOT complaining.

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