Rise n shine

617 18 2

I flip the pancake as i place it on the plate.
I sit down and shove the fork in the pancake as i chew on it.
"Eating without me?" Eli's voice knocks me awake.
"I'm tired" I mumble as i chew.
Eli's hands close my jaw as i look at him and squint my eyes.
"comer antes de hablar dear" (eat before you take my dear) He says as he t's all over.
"Yeah yeah i understood that babe i'll do exactly what you said" I continue talking as i swallow the pancake.
I get up and fix my shorts as i rub my eyes.
"I'm so tired" I say slowly as i rest my head on my knees.
"What's wrong?" He says as he holds my head up.
His knees kneeling a little.
"I don't know i feel so down" I say as i pout.
Ugh i hate the feeling of sadness.
"shit!" I yell as i run to the bathroom.
"Babe?" Elijah yells.
"Period! i got my period! pads i need! tampons! a goddam towel!" I scream/cry out.
"nooo whyy it's barley February" He mumbles out.
He places a box of tampons and a towel and the door.
"Thank you" I say.

I'm sitting watching Netflix,
Elijah left because of some business or whatever.
He's supposed to be back 30 minutes ago!
I ring his phone..
why wont he answeeeerrrrrr.
I get up and out the bag of chips on the side.
The cats aren't here anymore because Elijah sent them away :(
Kim has them now but it's okay because they get annoying.
I grab a cup of ice and water and walk to his office.
I switch the lights on as i sit on his counter.
I've never actually entered this room.
I look around his stuff for a solid minute before i find a box.
I open it finding my old journal,
my socks,
my hair ties,
and a letter.
Tears swell my eyes and heart.
I look at the papers,
He read them,
Highlighted things,
He knows about my brother.
I open the letter and read it silently admiring Elijah's handwriting.
He wrote me a letter.
At the end it's signed off as
"A letter you'll never read"
I smile as i close the box and get up.
I knock over a small container dropping white powder all over the floor.
"shit" i whisper.
no no nooo
he cant know i was here
I kneel to the ground and grab a handful as i inhale a rush of air/powder on accident.
I drop it all and hold my nose as i start coughing.
What the hell is that?
I think it's the thing they put in guns..
gun powder.
I grab it and stuff it in the container.
There's still a lot on the floor.
I grab and-
it smells good.
I smell it, sniffing some.
I let out a giggle.
another giggle,
and i'm laughing,
My hand goes over my stomach as i giggle out the fact that i'm on the floor,
covered in gun powder,
In elijah's office.
I sigh as i get up.
I wobble to the door and close the lights.
I hear Elijah saying he's here so i make my way to him.
"Hi baby" Eli says as he grabs my face giving me a peck.
I giggle.
Elijah's confused.
I hold my mouth.
"Sorry" I say with a smile.
"I just thought of was in funn-"
"what?" He asks.
"I just-" I cut myself as i giggle.
I forgot how to speak.
"Ivy why are you acting wobbly" He asks weirded out.
"Okay basically" I say as i hold his hand walking to his office.
I trip and hit my head.
"Ivy!" Eli yells as he holds me up.

I grab her and turn on the light.
My eyes land on the mess on the floor.
My coc is all over the floor and the table.
I look at Ivy and back at the coc
"I dropped all your gun powder" she says as she trails around the room.
"Baby that's not gun powder" I let out a giggle.
"wha" She says.
I grab her bridal style and take her out the room explaining to her that she's high.
"I'm not high i'm right here!" She argues.
"oh my god okay, okay your right" I say giving up.
I place her on the counter as i grab a cup of water.
"How much did you take" I ask
"I don't know" She says.
She holds up her finger and starts sizing?
"329.392" She mumbles.
"Yeah no" I say.
I give her a cup of water as i brush her hair behind her ears.
"Why where you not answering my phone" She mumbles
"You can't call me when i'm at work baby my phones not with me" I say.
"I thought you where out with some girl" She mumbles.
"What?" I say as i stiffen up.
"Why would you think that love?" I say.
"Baby the only girl i laid my eyes on today was you" I reassure her.
"And the pizza lady but that was because she had good pizza" I say quickly.
she rolls her eyes at me..
or attempts to, idk what the hell that was but it was horrible.
"I love you" She says.
"most my love, i love you most" I say with a smile.
Her lips land on mine and slowly all the worry, sadness, madness, fades away.
All i feel right now is her.
And i'm not complaining.
She is my world,
She has been my world,
The things i do for this girl.
"Come on let's sleep" I say as i hold her to me and walk her up the stairs.
I close the lights and lay on the bed with her.
Slowly drifting.

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