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My head is ringing.
my lips are dry.
my eyes are swollen.
my body is irritated.
i cant move.
im in so much pain.
i get up from the cold wooden floor.
my hands are cuffed above my head to a pole.
my legs are also cuffed to eachother as they rest.
my clothes are gone.
im just in my panties and bra
who would do such thing?!
the door creaks open as i see a young male walking in.
"your awake." he says holding my face as he scans me.
i fight. i pull my face away
"don't touch me!" i yell as i try to get as further back as possible.
"you need to look more injured.." he says pulling me back near him.
he uncuffs my legs and right when he does i start kicking him nonstop.
"stop it" he yells as he throws a punch to my left cheek.
i dont stop.
he punched my eye.
i dont stop.
he punched the side of my stomach.
i dont stop.
he pulls my hair back forcing me to look up at him as he firmly grasps his hands around my throat.
i stop.
i kick the ground trying to get up so i can breath.
i can barley breath.
"i told you to stop" he whispers as his breath tingles my ear.
i'm scared. a tear falls rolls down my cheek.
he grabs his phone and takes a picture of me.
he goes back down and throws a key beside me and leaves.
i grab the key with my legs and throw it to my mouth.
i bite between it and try to unlock my cuffs.
why would he give me the key to unlock my cuffs?
i get up and try to open the door.
oh, that's why.
i look around the room.
there's a window around 7 feet freakin high.
i'm only 5 foot 5 i can barley reach.
i grab the blanket i was laying on and roll it into a big worm.
then i throw it out the window hoping it would grasp onto something.
first try, it dosent.
second try, it dosent.
i try over and over again until i finally grasp it onto a tree i think!
i climb up the window and open it fully.
i put my left leg on the crease as i try to get up moaning in pain.
i slip my leg and fall to the ground.
i'm trying to catch my breath as i feel blood flooding down my arm.
fuck me.
i can hear the door unlocking so i quickly grab the blanket and put it back as i sit back.
"well, Elijah knows, and he's "mad" " the dude sarcastically mocks.
"so don't worry, you'll be saved by ur charming prince" he mocks.
"what's that?" he says looking at my bloody arm.
"i didnt do that" he says looking back at me.
"did i?" he says concerned.
"you did" i lie hoping he'd just brush it off.
"do i look like an idiot?" he says looking at the crease filled w my blood.
yes you do.
"no im sorry" i look down hoping he'd brush it off.
"WILL!" a young man yells.
"night sweetie" i raise a brow before noticing him poking a needle through my thigh.
"what is that?!" i grab his shoulder with both my arms hoping he'd fall.
"what did u put on my thigh?.." i say closing my eyes slowly as i fall asleep..


"load it up. 15 amo's per gun. clear?"
i say on the phone while driving.
"yes sir" Argent says hanging up.
i'm gonna help u Ivy. I'm so sorry my darling. I speed up as fast as i can.
My teammates are already there launching their guns.
I arrive,
I open the door and run to the house door.
I kick it down as I see everyones already knocked dead.
I run up while yelling.
"IVY?" I yell as loud as I can hoping she'd hear me.
"let me go u douche!" a young female says. it's not ivy tho.
"sir shes with them, kill or run?"
i look her up and down. scanning her type.
"kill" i say coldly
"fuck u" she says laughing.
"your not gonna find her you know" she adds. that makes my attention on her.
"she's probably already dea-" I cut her off by shooting her leg.
"Ah!" she yells out.
"where's ivy?" I say reloading my gun.
"I don't know!" she says.
"sir shes here" Argent says from far.
I run as I push Argent away to see Ivy on the cold floor.
she's bruised.
And hurt.
Her arms bleeding.
She's naked.
And her hairs cut.
They messed with her.
Everyone who laid a finger on her is fucking dead already.
"take her to the fucking car." i command argent as i push open doors.
there's another girl.
she's young.
she's beaten.
"are u okay?" i say tucking her hair behind her ear.
"it's a trap go!" she yells at me.
she sounds and looks like a thirteen year old.
i try to uncuff her hands but i need a key. or a knife or something.
"listen, i'll be back for you." i say reassuring her.
she nods.
"your too scared to show you face huh?" i yell pushing and kicking doors.
i'm mad.
i'm furious.
i'm gonna kill him.
and cuff him.
and hit him.
"pussy" i huff.
"i'm not afraid." he says pointing a gun at me.
"i'm not either" i say pointing a gun at him.
"who's the girl." i ask.
"some girl we picked up" he says as if it's nothing.
"she's a kid you sick fuck" i say genuinely disgusted.
"so what? she still has very good-"
i shoot him.
i kick him to floor.
and i step on his stomach.
he groans in pain.
i love seeing him in pain.
"listen to me. because i'm not repeating myself." i say slowly as i step harder and harder.
"you ever lay a finger on any other fucking girl." i say slowly handling my anger.
"i'll chop off your arm" i say.
"not just a finger" i grab my pocket knife and slit his finger in half.
he yells in pain.
"puta" i huff under my breath as i grab his key chain.
i go back to the girl.
"you came" she says smiling
"i told you i'd come didnt i?"
i say looking for the key.
"your not gonna hurt me..are you?" she says looking down. she's shaking.
"hey, hey." i say grabbing her face.
"look at me" i say in a soft tone.
she looks up at me
"i'm not gonna hurt you darling, you just need to relax okay?"  i say giving her a little smile.
"ha!" i yell a little too loud.
i grab the key and unlock the cuffs then i hand her my jacket.
"can you walk?" i say scanning her leg.
"yeah they didn't hit me that hard. but they hit the other girl. i heard them" she says nervously
"i know" i say looking down
"let's go."

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