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"i'm not a baby Eli, i can handle it" I say as i flip the eggs.
"Ivy, no" He says
"Final answer." He says as he grabs the plate of egg and munches on it.
"I wasn't asking" I say as i grab my boots.
"Ivy your going to die stop it." Elijah says.
"It's just a cat, chillaxxxx" I say as i pick up the cute tiny kitten chilling in our back yard.
who knew that the fearful mafia boss fears cats?
"Ivy! it has fangs!" He yells as he back up.
I let out a giggle as i put it down and put a bowl of milk beside it.
"its a kitten, it won't kill you" I laugh out.
I walk back in and sit on the couch.
I turn on the TV and cuddle with Elijah as we watch the new Scream movie.

2 hours later..

Elijah left with Argent because of a "emergency".
I walk in the bathroom and remove the shirt and shorts as i turn on the tub.
I lay on the bathtub as i enjoy the warm water reminiscing through my cleavage.

I get out of the shower and grab Elijah's Jersey and some shorts.
I throw them on as i notice my phone going off.
I pick up the phone.
"Hellooo?" I say as i lay on the bed.
"Thank darling" Is all i hear before the phone turns off.
It's a sound of a male.
I dont think much of it as i put my phone back on the charger and walk down.
I walk out the front door and sit on the soft grass.
admiring the gorgeous sky as i let out a soft smile for the birds coming across me.
I stare at the ring on my finger for a hot minute.
Elijah protects me and helps me.
I'm in-love with this man so hard.
He doesn't realize that he took my heart.


I pull up the drive way as i make my way inside the house.
I find Ivy and..
"What the fuck" I say as i look at Ivy.
"Look he came to the door! He's badly injured i didnt know what to do!" She yells as she holds a towel on his what i assume wound.
"Do you let this high-of-himself-piece-of-shit in?!" I yell as i pull him by his collar and throw him on the ground making him let out a groan.
"Stop it!" She shrieks out.
"Get the fuck out Aj" I warn.
"They shot me i need help-" I cut Aj off by kicking him.
"Get the fuck out!" I yell again.
"Elijah stop it!" Ivy yells loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
"He fucking assaulted you Ivy!" I yell out.
"He raped Kimberly!" I yell again.
"Why the fuck is he here?"
"He's a human! he does mistakes!" She yells as she holds him up.
"Your fucking defending him?" I laugh out.
i dont know why i'm laughing.
"No i.." She exhales as she brushes her hand through her hair.
"No i just think we can help him, then kick him" She says.
"You wanna help him Ivy? Be my fucking guest-" I get cut off by Aj shooting me,
But missing.
"Fuck!" I yell.
I knew it was a trap.
He screams a code as 3 Agents come out and shoot the place.
My guards run and start throwing them down.
I grab Ivy's Wrist and pull her up.
"Elijah your hurting me!" She yells as she tries to let go.
"You think i'm hurting YOU?" I yell the word "you" .
I push her to our room and look at her.
"Fuck Ivy!" I yell in frustration as i grab the gun from my cabinet.
"I'm sorry-" I cut her off by yelling at her.
"Sorry? Look what you fucking did! fucking hell Ivy! How stupid and naive can you goddam get?!" I yell in frustration as i throw the glass on the wall.
"I just tried being a good person!" She yells as she gets up from the bed.
"Good person? Aj isn't someone for you to be a good person to! He's fucking dangerous!" I yell as i get close to her corning her to the wall.
"I fucking hate you Ivy" I whisper to her as i walk away to deal with the fucking mess she did.

IVY'S POV (3:30 AM)

"I fucking hate you Ivy"
is the last thing he said before he walked away.
Tears form in my eyes as i realize what i did.
"Fuck" I whisper as i sit on the bed.
I cry out the most i can.
Elijah went to get some fresh air.
Kim and Justin are sleeping in the other room,
So is Argent.
Everyone's asleep.
I walk down to the kitchen as i grab the pack of weed Elijah keeps for him.
I sniff out one.
one turns to two..
two turns to three..
three turns to the whole pack.
I'm not satisfied.
I can still fucking feel.
I open the fridge and grab the bottle of Vodka Kim got for her and Justin's anniversary.
I dont know how much Vodka is supposed to get a person drunk but i poured a glass.
I shut the glass down as it burns through my throat.
Why do i do this to myself.
I take whatever's left of the vodka and chug it down.
I walk to the living room as i twirl around.
Twirling around,
Remembering the moments.
Every single moment.
I walk to the cabinet grabbing Kimberly's Midol.
I count them in my hand.
Before i realize it,
I'm chugging down 24 pills.
I lay on the floor crying .
What the fuck?
I dont want to die.
No. no. no.
"no, no, no" I whisper out.
I cant breath.
My throat feels like someone gripping on it.
I cant get up.
I dig two fingers in my throat but my body is rejecting to throw up.
I crawl my way to the closest room.
"Kim!" I say.
She probably can't hear me because i'm not sure i'm even speaking it.
I hit the door with my hand.
The door swings open as Kim's eyes widen as she kneels on the floor.
"Ivy? what the hell?" She says as i crawl myself to the corner.
"Pills" I whisper out.
I cant speak.
"What? Are you tired?" She says.
Elijah walks in as he looks at me.
His eyes are filled with concern.
"Ivy whats wrong?" He says as he looks at me.
"Pills" I whisper again.
Elijah shoves two fingers down my throat.
I throw up on the tiles.
"How many?" Elijah asks.
"How many Ivy?" Elijah says slowly.
"Twenty-four" I say as i vomit more.
"eleven, twelve.. thirteen.." Elijah counts.
"twenty" He says.
"Four Ivy." Elijah says as he digs his fingers again.
"I'm calling the Hospital!" Kim yells as she runs to the kitchen.
I throw up.
"one, two, three.." Elijah counts
"Four, twenty four!" He says as he grabs me and rests me on the couch.
I can barley see.
"She's fine! hang the phone!" He yells.
"Are you okay?" Elijah says as he softly brushed his thumb on my cheek.
"Yeah i'm fine" I say as i get up.
failing and laying down again.
"You took the whole pack?" Kim says from behind.
"Took whole what?" Elijah asks.
She holds up the pack of meth.
Elijah's eyes are filled with worry.
"What's all the noise?" Justin comes out rubbing his eyes.
"Ivy tried to ki-" Elijah cuts Kim off and says
"Go" He demands them all.
He holds me bridal style as he walks me up the stairs,
Laying me down on the bed.
"do you still hate me?" i whisper as he sits on the bed.
"I never hated you." He says.
I see a tear forming in his eye but he blinks it away.
He rests beside me as he burns me in his chest.
He plays with my hair as he says sorry.
Over and over.
He gives me a kiss on the forehead as he apologizes again.
I assure him that it's okay and moments after that i fall asleep.

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