𝐿𝑒𝑡 𝑚𝑒 𝑔𝑜

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"Take her to the car" I hear him say. the guy releases his hand off of my mouth and grabs my wrists tightly. "get away from me!" i yell trying to break free. I'm trying so hard but he's way too strong.
The guy walks in-front of me and commands "let her go."
he says giving me a challenging look.
i push the dude and try to run but he's strong. very strong. and a dickhead,
may i mention "let me go!" i yell
"i have nothing to do w my moms business!" i cry out.
he then grabs my arm tightly that i cant take the pain anymore. "your hurting me!" i say as i try to break free. my entire arm tingles from the pain i'm feeling, His cold rings wrapping around my wrist forcing them to scratch my wrist.
"will you be a good little girl and go to the fucking car?" his angry tone echoes in my head.
as i spit in his face. "Chienne."(bitch)
i say as i look at him up and down in disgust. i can see he's very angry now.
i think i fucked up. "well. if she wants it the hard way, then let it be" he says grabbing a gun out of his pocket and loading it. "go to the fucking car." he demands. "You think a gun scares me? i would rather die." i give him a challenging look. "do it." he demands the guy behind me. i raise an eyebrow confused what that means but before i could say anything a needle hits my arm and everything goes black..

 i raise an eyebrow confused what that means but before i could say anything a needle hits my arm and everything goes black

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i open my eyes barley seeing anything.. im in a big empty room.. my hands tied up to the fucking chair so i cant move. great. i notice a small camera up on the roof. "really?" i raise an eyebrow looking at the cam. "you already caught me, did you have to tie me up?" i smirk. im gonna make them regret the day they got me here. The door opens and the tall dude from earlier walks in. "your awake" he says running his hand through his hair. "no im not" i say sarcastically teasing him. "im Andrew. people call me aj" he says sitting down clearly waiting for me to say something. "and your ivy." he smirks. ew, that bastard. "get the chains off of me they aren't necessary. i say with a serious look on my face. "oh darling.. they will be" he says in a evil tone. i don't like that. i don't like feeling scared. "ill make it simple." he says grabbing tape and cutting it. "ill ask you questions, and you'll answer" he says calmly. but he isn't finished theres more to it. he tapes my legs together. "and if you don't answer" he looks me up and down "ill have to see more of you" more of me? what does that even mea- .. oh no please no.. "ill answer just please don't" i say looking down "don't" i repeat. oh god. "okay. number one, where is your father Gabrielle C. Lavigne?" he asks in a serious tone. "if i know where my father was, do you think id stay with my mom?" i say looking at him "thats not an answer" "i don't know" he leans over to lift my shirt up "wait!" i yell before he removes anything. "h-he left to this island near mau but no one ever found him" i say looking at him. "good" "why mau?" he says. "i don't know, he maybe likes their bananas?" .. "funny" he says removing my shirt. "w-" he cuts me off before i say anything "darling, don't make this hard on me." he throws the shirt on the ground and then asks me another question. over and over and over until.. "does frank rape you darling?" i look him in the eyes and say "no" he looks at me with rage. i don't know why tho. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUCKING FUNNY?" he yells slapping me across the face hard. i could barley feel my face. "do u think im stupid?" he says in a calm tone. which scares me, i don't know what to say. he grabs my neck firmly and tightly i feel like im going to die. i grab his arm trying to break free "i said. do u. think. im. dumb?" he says grabbing my neck tighter and tighter per question. "n-" i cant manage to spit it out. "what was that?" he says loosening my neck "no!" i manage to get out. he releases his arms and i take a deep breath. im terrified. im scared of him. i wrap my hand around my stomach. "your a fucking whore." he says as he un locks the chains and grabs my wrist very tightly grabbing me somewhere. i let out a soft moan because of how fucking painful his grip is. he throws me onto this big bed.

he puts my hands behind my head and chains them

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he puts my hands behind my head and chains them. he grabs each leg and chains them on each side of the bed. "let go of me!" i yell "in your fucking dreams" he says as he tightens the chains. i try to release myself from the chains but the chains opened my leg..oh fuck me. "im glad you tried that" he says with a smirk. that dick! im getting out of this shit. i try again and again but my dumbass doesn't realize my legs are spread very.. very widely. my skirt is revealing a-lot. "its a lovely view" he says removing my skirt. "please don't" i cry out. he doesn't listen. he climbs on top of me and kisses my neck while removing my bra. "Andrew.." i say looking at his emotionless eyes. his heartless. i close my eyes and imagine myself somewhere else. i can feel him going near my vagina. "Andrew i did everything you asked for" i say "you also lied" he says back. "i didn't lie!" "he stops and punches me hard in the stomach i can feel every single rib break. oh god it hurts. "look at me" he says. i don't do it. "LOOK AT ME!" he gets mad and kisses me. but he hold my breath. he puts his hand on my nose and kisses me. i try escaping the kiss. but before i could i felt faint..

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