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I turn the car off as i pull up to my business partner A.J's mansion. i knock the door and get welcomed by a naked girl. Andrew always has his way around here. "Hey Elijah" i hear Andrew's voice "hi Andrew" i say as i sit down. "so whats the deal?" i say looking around. his house is always filled with whores. "we captured Marcus demarco. but he managed to call for backup but we also had backup, we took the iron missiles from his gang but we couldnt manage to take the grenades." he says. "is he dead?" .. "no, you want him alive? 300 grand" he says "300 for marcus? in your fucking dreams" i say getting up from the seat "200k! he yells" i look back at him and take my check out. "send him over tommorow." "if you dont, ill kill you" i say "okay" i grab my check and sign it. i look out the window seeing a girl.. shes wearing a skirt with a black top.. she looks familiar. "whos that?" i ask Andrew "oh, thats samantha coll's daughter" he smirks "hot isnt she?" he says waiting for a response "whys she here?" "her mother didnt pay my deal so she offered me her daughter. what? how could such a mother offer her own daughter? "you didn't have sex with her did u?" i ask , what i mean by sex is rape. Andrew is known for that. "nah, i tried she resisted." "bitch" i hear him mumbles. "i wanna take her"
he laughs. "you cant shes mine" oh is she now? since when. "ill pay you 500 grand" i demand. "500 ain't worth that sweetie Elijah trust me. shes not entertaining" he laughs as he takes my check. "Bella!!" he yells at the naked girl "mmm, yes master?" she says. i don't find how he finds joy in these women. "call that slut and tell her shes leaving with someone else." he commands "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? MOVE IT" he yells at her. she runs out. shes got the most detailed freckles ever.. "don't forget demarco."

                                 IVYS POV

i look behind me and their he is. His blue eyes are shocking. His black hair is styled to perfection which only contrasts to the stubble across his sharp jaw. His perfectly tailored suit shows off both his muscles and his
money. Tattoos dance across his hands and neck and I have to assume he's covered. And god damn does he look good.

you've gotta be kidding me. is that the girl from the beach? "you've gotta be kidding me" she mumbles. "what was that?" i say acting dumb. "nothing" she says putting a bag in the trunk and sitting in the front. i turn the car on and drive. "im Elijah" i say looking at her "are you gonna.." hurt her? no. thats fucked. but i like messing with innocent girls. "maybe" i say w a smirk. she raises her eyebrows looking at my mansion as we arrive.

i grab my phone and close the car as she walks in-front of me

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i grab my phone and close the car as she walks in-front of me. shes looking around for an escape. dumb girl. i open the door and of-course, Jeremiah is screaming at lea.

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they're a couple but they have problems

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they're a couple but they have problems. they argue about five times a day. but they always make up.
"take ur shit upstairs" i tell her. she nods and goes up without putting up a fight. i go to the kitchen and grab a cup of water. "your back" i turn around to see justin.

 "your back" i turn around to see justin

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"im back" i say in a sarcastic tone. "who's the girl?" he says raising an eyebrow while looking at me. "i bought her" his eyes widen as he looks at me "YOU WHAT?" he yells. "whys it such a big deal?!" i yell back. god he gets on my nerves "why the fuck would you buy her?" he says. why did i buy her?.. i don't know. "its my money. my roof. got a problem? leave" i say as i leave the kitchen. walking up the stairs i see my little sister Kimberly "Elijah! hey!" she comes in for a hug

 walking up the stairs i see my little sister Kimberly "Elijah! hey!" she comes in for a hug

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"hey!" i say hugging her back "how was your honeymoon?" i ask smiling at her "ugh. i had to shoot the guy." "oh- uhm. why is that?" i say looking at her "he works for Raphael" she rolls her eyes "the sex was good" i pretend to puke. i make my way up the stairs and go to unlock the door. i unlock the door and find ivy on the bed. shes.. writing? is she fucking joking?? "what the fuck are u doing?" i say. "oh um, sorry." she puts the book and gets up. "EVERYONE GO TO THE LIVING ROOM RIGHT NOW I DONT CARE WHAT OR WHY YOUR DOING WHAT YOUR DOING GET YOUR ASS TO THE LIVING ROOM." i yell loudly so that the hallway echoes my voice. i grab her wrist and walk her down the stairs with me. we meet everyone in the living room. "sit" i demand. she sits. "this is ivy" i introduce. "she'll be living with us." i say. .. its very silent. Kimberly breaks the silence "its so nice to meet you! im Kim! short for Kimberly, duh! this is Justin, thats Jeremiah , Conrad , and lea!" she says. "oh and well. Elijah" she points at me. "h-hi im ivy its nice to meet you guys" she says smiling. this is my crew. we are 10 in total. but 3 are on a mission. David, lucy, vax. they all are like my best-friends. "okay well just a warning, ivy. if you try to leave ill slit your throat into two" i say with a threatening tone. "Its getting late. go upstairs to the room and sleep." i demand her.

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