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IVY'S POV.                   4:50 AM

I wake up as i see Elijah throwing up on the floor.
I get up quickly and walk towards him.
"baby?" I whisper as i hold his face.
He's eyes are barley opening.
He's nose is red.
"oh god" I whisper as i run to the bathroom.
I grab a trash bag as i lean down.
I grab a towel and some water.
I put the towel on the floor and slide the trash bag as a load of throw up goes out.
"It's okay" I reassure him as i brush his hair.
Elijah groans out from pain as he puts his hands on his stomach.
"I'm gonna make you some soup" I whisper as i kiss his forehead.
I walk down and open the kitchen lights.
I grab a soup pan and some salt and pepper.
I open the fridge and cut out some lemon.
I stir the soup powder in as i let it sit in.
I lower the fire and pour the soup in the plate.
I rush to grab a spoon and run upstairs.
I open the door and walk in as i see Elijah resting.
"Eli?" I whisper as i turn on the soft light and walk in.
He looks so tired it breaks my heart.
I put the soup on the table and rub his shoulder.
"Baby you have to eat it" I whisper.
"no" He mumbles out as he grabs my hand.
I grab a spoon and tuck it in as i grab his mouth opening a spoonful of soup into his mouth.
He drinks it.
"Okay now a few more okay?" I whisper as i grab a couple more spoonfuls and help him.

Elijah's been like this for a couple hours.
I dont know if i should call the doctor or not.
I grab the phone and ring the hospital.
"Hello welcome to Agency helpers 901 are you ringing for a outside emergency or an inside?"
"Hi uhm, inside" I say as i tap my feet.
"Press 1 if it's a local doctor.
Press 2 if it's a Emergency"
I click the button on the phone as it rings.
"Hello i'm nurse Ellie how can i help you?"  the girl on the phone says.
"Hello, uhm, my husbands been in bed all day and he's been throwing up, high fever and a strong bruise on both his eyes." I say as i bite my nails.
"Name?" She asks.
"Elijah Luke mikaelson knight" I say.
"Your name dear" She corrects me
"Oh, uhm. Ivy.." I say
"Ivy Knight? okay, do you want an appointment?" She asks.
"No i want a doctor to come over" I say.
"Okay address?" She says.
I look at Elijah but he's dead asleep.
"Uh, one second" I say as i walk down the stairs.
I open the door but one of the guards hold my stomach pushing me back in making me gasp.
"Jesus!" I yell.
"Sorry ma'am your not allowed outside without the supervision of a indi-" I cut him off.
"Okay calm your tits." I say
"I need a location" I say
"Yeah no" He says.
I walk out as he tries to stop me but i walk past him.
I look at the tag number of the house.
"I have a tag number?" I say
"Mhm that works!" She says on the phone.
"" I say slowly a couple times.
"Okay got it. i'll send a doctor in a couple, thank you for calling!" She hangs up as i feel someone's arms wrap around my waist and hold me off the ground.
"Dude!" I yell at the huge guard holding me.
"Sorry ma'am i need to follow orders" He states.
"Come on Mattie let me go" I say as i read the tag.
"He throws me slowly on the door and walks over me so i could step in.
He gives a sarcastic smile and closes the door.
ugh. men.
I walk up the stairs as i see Elijah's eyes open.
"Hi baby" I say with a smile.
I like to keep my voice low around sick people.
I kneel and hold his hand as he closes his eyes.
"I called a doctor" I say as i brush his hair with my hands.
"Elijah your sweating." I say worried
"Normal people sweat" He whispers out.
"Right" I say.
"Just rest until that stupid doctor comes okay?" I say rapping the floor.
He nods.
Where the fuck is the doctor?.

"He should be fine, give him these and the-" The doctor gets cut off by Elijah throwing up.
"Elijah!" I say as i grab his head toward the trash bag.
"That's weird" The doc says.
He removes the blanket and taps on Elijah's chest.
"Elijah have you been in any recent.. physical fights?" The doctor asks.
"Yeah" I say.
"Has he been hurt?"
"Not that i'm aware of" I say.
The doctor taps on Elijah's Chest making his way to his stomach.
Elijah let's put a groan when the doctor reaches his left side of his waist.
He slowly removes Elijahs shirt revealing a gross purple wound.
My hand hits my mouth as my eyes widen.
I dont know if i'm scared or disgusted.
"Jesus Elijah!" I say as i look at it.
"How long has it been there?" The doctor asks.
"Fou-" I cut him.
"Four days?!" I yell.
"weeks" He whispers out.
Holy mother of god.
"Okay, i'm gonna give him a shot to rest his lower body, I'm gonna write him a couple medications you need to get him from any pharmacy. now for the wound, i need a warm towel please" The doctor commands.
I nod as i grab a towel from the drawer and run it in some water in the bathroom.
I hand him it as he suggests i hold Elijah's hand.
I hold his hand as the Doctor presses the towel on his waist.
Elijah yells as he tightens his arm around my wrist making me groan.
Elijah's arm tightens so much i dont think i feel my hand anymore.
"Okay, its infected." The doc says as he dabs a cotton on it and slowly wraps it.
"A couple weeks you'll be fine" Elijah's hand rests as i rub my wrist.
"Thank you" I mouth the doctor.
"Sure. walk me out?" The doctor says.
I nod as i get up.
I walk outside as i open the door thanking the doctor again.
"The payment.." The doc says.
"Oh yeah" I say as i stuff my hand in my pocket picking out a bunch of dollar pills.
"This isn't Elijah and i's first meet" He says.
"His bills above 40 thousand dollars" The doctor says.
I stare at him for a good minute.
"Oh" I say.

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