Oct 31st

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"Elijah come on!!" I groan as i shake Elijah awake.
"For fucks sake ivy it's 8 in the morning." He mumbles out as he scoots to the edge of the bed.
"Its halloweennnn!!!! let's decorate pleaseee" I get closer and hug him from behind.
I slowly give him a warm kiss on the neck.
"Come on" I say as i look at him.
"Okay i'll be right there" He says as he gives me a kiss.
"finally!" I say as i walk out the room,
I go downstairs,
I grab some cookies and some stuff we got yesterday.
I open the drawer and grab egg yolks, tissues, and vodka.
I throw the tissues around the house and some fake blood everywhere.
"We don't need fake blood" I hear Elijah say as he walks down.
Oh my.
He is gorgeous.
His messy hair falling around his face,
His abs popping out,
Just gorgeous.
I throw the tissue roll at him and walk back to the kitchen.
"No morning kiss?" He says as he wraps around me from behind.
"No your an ass" I say as i remove his hands from my waist.
"Okay, seriously? it's 8am and i need sleep" He says as he twirls me around.
"Fine" I say rolling my eyes at him.
"Don't roll your eyes at me before i give you a reason to" He warns as his warm lips touch mine.
The door unlocks making him turn around.
"dont mind me" Argent says as he hold 50 different bags.
"You got them?" I say as i push Elijah aside and walk up to argent.
"Yes ma'am" He says.
"Ugh, thank you!" I say as i hug him.
"Got what?" Elijah asks in confusion.
"Costumes!" I say as i grab the bags and put them on the couch.
"Getting too comfortable huh?" Elijah says.
"I tend to do that" I say as i grab two costumes,
"We have cat girl, cute?"
I say as i press it on to my body.
"I need to see it on" He says.
"Okay one moment" I say as i run to the bathroom.
After 20 costumes..
"What about this?" I say as i twirl in my sexy cop outfit.
"You look.." He says as he gets up.
Grabbing my ass.
"stunning" He whispers in my ear as he squeezes my ass.
"i do?" I whisper back as i grab his hair pulling it back so i can make him face me.
Kissing him aggressively.
"Damn officer, ease down" He jokes as he walks me to the couch.
"Do i get a real gun?" I ask as i pull him.
"No" He says.
I let out a groan.
"Why?" I say as i look at him.
"Because everything can go wrong" He says as he grabs the remote.
"I'm going to a costume party in an hour, come with me" I say as i look at him.
"I have to finish a couple stuff at the moment, but go have fun" He says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer.
"okay" i say as i watch TV with him.
I love him,
"To death and forever?" I look at him,
"I don't know what that means but.. To death and forever." He says as he kisses my forehead..


"Elijah where's my cookie batter that i made?" I ask as i look around.
"I don't know, Im heading out okay?" He says as he tries to fix his tie.
I walk up to him.
"Here" I say as i grab the tie,
Wrapping it around the neck of his blouse,
"Keep your phone on, okay?" He says as i pat his chest.
"Okay, i love you" i give him a peck.
"Most" He says as he leaves.
I grab my Black king heels and the 2 Vodka bottles,
And i make my way out.
I see lea and jacob's car.
"Hi!!!" She squeals.
"Hey!" I say as i get in.
I hand her the vodka and dab up Jacob.
I open my phone to text Elijah.

• • • • • • • • • •
ME: hey, omw to the party!

ELI: Hey, Take care.
ELI: Still in the meeting.

ME: What's the meeting for?

ELI: The Russians wanna trade, don't know if i should do it.

ME: oh, hm. think about it.

ELI: I have to go, Text me every couple minutes so i can make sure your safe?

ME: okkkaayyy, i love you

ELI: Most.

I turn my phone off and look outside,
It's a big beach house with a big yard.
I open the car door and walk,
"Come on!" Lea says as she walks in.
"One second!" I say as i fix my heel.
I walk in and flashing lights are everywhere,
Even condoms are on the floor..
I walk to the kitchen and grab a drink.
"Hey, do i know you?" A young man in his 20's says as he approaches me.
His green light eyes popping at me.
"Hi" Is all i can get out.
Really ivy?
I clear my throat and put the cup down.
"I don't think so" I say as i rest my back on the counter.
"You look familiar" He says as he examines me.
"must be a bummer to lose hope on someone you thought you knew, sorry wrong person" I say smiling as i grab my cup and walk past him.
I sit on the couch and open my phone since i have nothing better to do.



"I don't know stop stressing me out" I say as i brush my fingers through my hair.
"What about this one?" Argent grabs a costume made tool, which i imagine making for her is a gold ring laced with small flowers all around it,
In the middle it has a small magnetic imprint that says 'forevermore'.
"How much?" I ask
"530,000" The guy says.
"No, i want something big and-"
Argent cuts me off
"Meaningful, dude. She doesn't care about the price" He groans as he puts the ring back on the counter.
"Okay" I say as i pay.
"You better be right" I tell argent before leaving the store..

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