First of everything

775 17 2


Looking at the sky,
i think about how life would be if i wasn't.. kidnapped.
I'd be at home,
With my psycho parents,
my crazy ex,
studying and thinking about money.
But with Elijah it feels like i don't even need to worry,
He has everything i need.
If i asked him to buy me a mansion, I be you he would. 
"Can you buy me a mansion?" I ask out of thoughts.
I already know his answ-
"No" He says.
I get up from his chest and gasp at him.
"Why not!" I say as i pout.
"Darling you've already got my mansion" He says when he rolls his 'r' in darling.
I mean,
he is right.
it's huge, but what if i didn't want it?
"Your right" I say as i rest back.
It's 2:30 AM and me and Elijah are sitting above a mountain looking at the city lights.
And smoking.
I took like 4 shot of tequila a second ago.
Elijah was smoking a cigarette so i wanted to try it.
"I want one" I say as i reach my hand to grab the one in his mouth.
"no" He says as he closes his eyes.
"Why not?" I say.
"Because it's bad for you" He says.
He better be joking.
"It's bad for you too" I say as i get up and look at him.
"one, please" I say.
"Dios me vuelves loco" (you drive me crazy) He sighs
He takes the cigarette from his lips and slowly hold my chin up and puts it in between my lips.
keeping eye contact,
I inhale a rush of smoke and my mouth tingles.
I let out a gasp from the tingly feeling and slowly before i can exhale Elijah's lips crash on mine as he sucks the smoke from my mouth to his.
I cant hold my lips from smiling.
I smile and break the kiss as he takes the cigar from my hands and places it back into his mouth.
"One mo-" He cuts my off.
"No querida" (darling) He says
I grab the pack and grab a cigarette and get on top of him.
My legs in between his as i connect my cigar to his making it light up.
He's eyes widen for a second as if he's shocked i did that.
I inhale the smoke as i look at Elijah and get close to him.
I hold it in and try to copy Elijah where he never lets it out but fail and start coughing.
"Jesus!" I say as i cough again.
Elijah starts laughing as i cough.
"Ouch" I cough out.
I fall to the ground as i rest and look at the stars.
I take another puff,
and another,
I exhale slowly as i close my eyes and think about cats.
"I feel silly" I smile.
"Yeah because these aren't normal cigs" He says.
.. what.
"What" I say
"I told you not to" He says.
Tears fill up my eyes.
"Im on..drugs??" I say as i cry out.
I put my hand over my mouth as i drop myself toy he ground again.
"Ivy" Elijah laughs out as he holds my up.
"Come on let's go home it's 3am" He says.
"I'm on drugs" I whisper as i draw a penis on the sky.
"come to me my penis" I whisper.
"Your wha-" Elijah stops mid word and hold me up as i get up.
"I can walk! bloody hell" I say in a english accent.
"Ivy how is it affecting u this much" Elijah looks.
"What's affecting me" I say with my normal voice.
"Nevermind" He says.
"Elijah im gonna run!" I warn him before i start running.
"dam it ivy! we're in a mountain!" Ivy yells as he runs behind me.
I'm running as i close my eyes but a minute before i can say anything i feel a strong rush of air pull me down.
My head hits a soft but hard thing as i rest on it.
My head is screaming and crying but all i can think about it laughing.
"Ivy!" I hear Elijah's voice echo in my head.
I let out a loud laugh as i roll so my face faces him.
"Jesus" He says as he puts his palms on his knees.
He holds my waist as he holds me bridal style.
"My head hurts" I say in a sad tone.
Elijah puts me in the backseat as he brushes my bruise with his thumb.
"is this your first time doing drugs?" He asks.
"No" I say as i roll my eyes.
I'm so lying.
"Mhm okay" He says.
He closes the door as i jump in the front seat hitting my elbow.
"Ow" I say.
Elijah enters the car and mumbles something in Spanish.
The car starts as he drives.


"You don't love me" Ivy cries out as she puts her hands in the air as if i killed her mom.
I mean i did but that's not the point..
"I do love you" I say for the 45th time today.
It's 3:24 and i've just arrived home.
I hold Ivy as she fake sleeps on my shoulder.
I unlock the door with my free hand as my other one holds Ivy.
I unlock the door and walk in as i see ash licking himself in the couch.
"Hi cat" I say awkwardly as i walk up the stairs.
"Hi cat 2" I say as i open the door and place Ivy.
"mm" She mumbles.
"sh" I say as i hold her.
I walk her to the bathroom as i open the bathroom seat and she lets everything in her system out.
"There we go" I whisper.
I hold her hair up as i rub her back with my free hand.
"Mmm" Ivy mumbles in a sad tone.
"I know baby" I whisper as i grab the tissues of the counter.
"I'm gonna get you water" I say as she lays on the floor.
I walk to the bathroom and grab the cup of water,
I hold her up slowly as she puts her hands on the counter.
I give her a sip of water and hold her out. I dab the warm towel on her head because she hurt her head when she fell.
I put a bandaid on it and rub it.
I remove her shirt because it's got throw up on it and put her hair up.
I put her on the bed and slowly pull the blanket on top of her as i put her hair to the side.
I kiss her forehead and put her phone beside her bed.
I turn off the lights as i remove my shirt and wear my plaid pajamas.
I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth.
I scroll through my phone feeds and messages as i brush my teeth.
I spit it out and walk to the bed as i rest my body on the bed.
I close my phone and stare at the ceiling.
A cold soft thing touches my stomach as i look on the side.
I hold ivy's waist and pull her close to me.
Another fluffy tiny thing- things.
touch my feet.
Am i that attractive?

sorry for not posting a lot loves ik you love the story, so do i.
Anyways go follow my tiktok s1y.w or my booktok sateelooph💋.

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