The way

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I throw the last pair of leaves in the bin and clean my hands.
I walk inside and close the back door.
Im wearing shorts and a hoodie because i feel hot and cold.. idk how to explain it.
I grab the lemon water that i made earlier and my phone but before i sit the door rings.
"Elijah the door!" I yell.
the door rings again.
"Elijah! the freakin door!" I groan.
"Ivy open the goddam door im working!" Elijah yells.
I huff as i walk to the door.
I open the door to find a man wearing black.
He pulls a gun and points it at me before he whispers.
"don't. make. a. sound." He says slowly.
I look up at him and giggle.
"you seriously think i'm afraid of your gun? your not gonna shoot me" I huff.
he grabs my arm making me gasp as he tightens his grip on it.
he pulls me to him and whispers in my ear.
"actually, mr.knight specifically asked me to kill you" he whispers.
I gulp as my eyes widen.
Elijah's dad.
"is he here?" He asks.
He grabs my jaw tightening his arm as i groan in pain.
"help!" I yell.
The man pushes me to the ground
as he mumbles curse words.
He hits the gun handle in my cheek.
I feel strong heat.
"You bitch" He says as he gets on top of me.
I pull out my thigh gun and load it but before i can shoot him he slides my gun across the room.
He pulls me up and pushes me to the wall as he grabs my throat.
"Let go" I get out.
he shushes me.
"What's the code for the office?" he asks slowly.
"I don't know" He lets go of my throat and puts the gun on my chest.
"Don't play with me" He says.
"I said i dont know" I look at him.
"Wrong answer" He loads the gun.
I kick his waist and pull his arm twisting it across my shoulder.
I kick his gun off and push him.
"Elijah help!" I yell.
I hear footsteps as Elijah comes down.
His eyes deepen as he sees the guy.
I let go of the guys arm and drop him as he groans.
Elijah holds my face as he wipes off the blood on my cheek.
"I'm okay" I say
"who do you work for" Elijah's voice deepens.
"he wanted your code he works for your-" I cut myself off as i realize what i'm saying.
"Your dad" I whisper.
"You lied to me elijah" I look at him.
"I'll explain later" Elijah says.
He shoots the guy gone and calls the guard to clean it off.
i walk to the kitchen and grab a wet towel as i dab my face.
"Ivy you okay?" Elijah comes in.
He grabs my face but i smack him off.
"Whys your dad alive?" I say as a tear falls down my cheek.
"the night i was supposed to kill him i couldnt ivy" He says in a low tone.
"And you didn't tell me? about the warehouse? the money? Your dad?" I say as i back off.
"ivy" Elijah says.
"I'm your wife! i'm supposed to know this elijah! some guy just came and tried to Kill me." I yell.. kinda?.
"I know i'm sorry" He says.
"what's in ur office thats so important?" I ask.
Elijah looks at me, he opens his mouth but nothing comes out.
"right" I whisper as i push him to walk out.
"i'm going to get bandaids" i say as i put on my shoes.
"Ivy" Elijah says.
I grab the key.
"Ivy!" Elijah yells.
I stiffen at his tone.
I look at him and to my surprise he hugs me.
He hugs me deeply and i can feel him soften.
"I'm sorry i didn't tell you, i should have and your right, you are my wife, your my love your my beauty your my world and i should have told you. my office has my dad's permission papers, if he takes them he gets full custody of everything except this house and i cant have him take my things. not until i get a lawyer, i'm sorry ivy"
"It's okay" I say.
He apologizes.
Elijah might do some wrong things but his apology is genuine.
"I'm sorry for everything" He mumbles.
"It's okay" I assure him.
"I still need bandaids" I whisper.
"Im coming" He says.
"Okay" i say as i kiss him.
Slowly my lips touch his and my heart beats faster.
his soft lips go across mine and his tongue plays with mine passionately.
"Come on" I say as i grab the keys.
I get in the drivers seat but before my butt even touches the seat i get pulled down.
"What do you think your doing?" Elijah's voice whispers in my ear.
"Driving, duh" I roll my eyes.
Before i can let go oh his hand his arm tightens on my waist as he pulls me closer grabbing my jaw gently.
"Don't roll your eyes at me" He slowly leans in.
"Before i give you a reason to" He whispers as he pushes me back.
I walk to the passenger seat speechless.
Dang. he always gets me.
I get in as my phone rings.
I grab it out of my pocket and the sound of my annoying cousin echoes my ears.
"hey vee!" Her bubbly voice screams.
I put my phone on speaker because i can tell eli's curious.
"hey!" i say as i buckle my seat.
"basically, i'm coming to visit but your moms not answering" Her texas accent kicking in.
I stutter around 7 times before i answer.
"She's uhm" I look at Eli as he focuses on the road.
"I heard a bad rumor spread about her beating ya, tell her not to be embarrassed i would never believe such words!" She says.
My hand tightens around elijah's hand.
I breath in.
I look at his other hand and it stiffens around the steering wheel.
i don't like it when he's mad.
"yeah no she's just on a vacation she'll be back soon" I say.
"Okay! Make room for me cuz!" She hangs up.
I look at Eli.
"elijah" I whisper
His eyes focus on the road and don't lay on me as his shoulders stiffen.
"elijah" I repeat.
"why didn't you tell her?" He says.
"She's not welcome here" He says.
"don't be like that" I say.
"Be like what ivy? did you hear her correctly?" He raises his voice.
I let out a sigh as i let go of his arm and move my body to the window.
"I'll deal with her" I say.
we grab the stuff and head home

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